Asthma 101 Presentation for Clinics

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of today’s presentation,
participants will be able to identify:
prevalence of asthma
common asthma symptoms
potential asthma triggers
asthma medications
how to manage an asthma episode
how to respond to an asthma emergency
components of an asthma action plan
Common Asthma Symptoms
Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath
Tight chest/chest pain
Retractions (neck area and/or muscles in
ribs move inward with breathing), more noticeably
in children
Common cold is #1 asthma trigger
What can you do?
 Wash hands
 Keep hands away from face
 Have separate towels
 Get a flu shot
Instruction page on MDI with Spacer/Holding
Chamber and Mask from flip chart
Instruction page on MDI with Spacer/Holding
Chamber from flip chart
--Hand-held device
--Measures how much air you can breathe out
from your lungs in one second.
--Used by patients with moderate to severe
persistent asthma
Asthma Action Plan
Zones of Asthma
 There are three zones of asthma:
– Green
– Yellow
– Red
Green Zone page of flipchart
No Asthma Symptoms
Yellow Zone page of flipchart
Yellow Zone
Early Warning Signs and
Asthma Symptoms Begin
Red Zone page of flip chart
RED Zone
Call medical services or 911
If the person with asthma fails to improve:
 If any of the symptoms listed on a person’s asthma action plan as
emergency indicators are present
 If no improvement or relief from medications is noted after 15 to 20
minutes (or time period indicated by health care provider on asthma
action plan)
 If any of the following conditions are present:
 The person is hunched over with shoulders lifted, straining to breathe.
 The person has difficulty completing a sentence without pausing for
 The person’s lips or fingernails turn blue.
 The person’s peak flow reading is below 60% below personal best.