"Full Moons".

Extreme Cosmetics
Take it off where you do
not want it put it on where
it counts
Relaxin in Pregnancy
• Relaxin is a naturally occurring hormone found in
both men and women. In females, it is secreted in
the ovaries, uterus and breast tissue, and in males,
it is secreted in the seminal tubule.
• Relaxin is a hormone that is secreted by the corpus
luteum of pregnancy -- the placenta and the lining
of the pregnant uterus. The corpus luteum
continues to secrete this hormone in significant
amounts throughout pregnancy, unlike
progesterone secretion, which declines
appreciably. Circulating relaxin shows a marked
increase in the late luteal phase of early
pregnancy, where the peak value is detected. It can
be found in the amniotic fluid and in maternal
• Relaxin’s diverse actions in rats. Those
seven targets where effects of circulating
relaxin have been demonstrated during
pregnancy are indicated with solid lines.
There is also evidence of action of relaxin
in the skin, ovary, liver, heart, and lung.
• Relaxin’s actions in the non-reproductive
targets occur in both male and female rats,
and their physiological significance is not
completely understood.
• The hormone is critical to the
functioning of many parts of the
human body. For example, it has
been shown to effect the relaxation
of smooth muscles, and it improves
the integrity and quality of collagen
within nerve tissue. Receptor sites
for relaxin in the body include
smooth muscles, cardiac muscles,
the autonomic and central nervous
systems, and connective tissue.
• Relaxin: A hormone produced during
pregnancy that facilitates the birth
process by causing a softening and
lengthening of the cervix and the
expansion or spreading of the pubic
symphysis (the place where the pubic
bones come together). Relaxin also inhibits
contractions of the uterus and may play a
role in timing of delivery. “Relaxin works
by simultaneously cutting collagen
production and increasing collagen
breakdown”. MedicinNet.com
Relaxin in Puberty
• Reaxin in Puberty
• The onset of puberty is a biophysiological and developmental
phenomenal that overtakes each and
every individual rather male or
female. While the time it begins may
vary in the lives of males or females
its certainty is not questioned.
• Relaxin, what is it and how does it
applies to physical and emotional
development of the male or female
• Relaxin is a naturally occurring
hormone found in both men and
women. In females, it is secreted in
the ovaries, uterus and breast
tissue, and in males, it is secreted in
the seminal tubule.
• Due to the nature of relaxin and the role it plays in tissue
modification the hormone relaxin becomes a major player
in the development of the maiden breast.
Relaxin relaxes and softens connective tissues allowing
for expansion of tissue.
Without the activity of relaxin hormone during the
developmental years of the young female the breasts
may become sore and painful as they are attempting to
grow and expand. The fibrous tissues and suspensory
ligaments support the glandular structures (alveolar
lobules) and must grow and expand as the breasts
develop. Without relaxin to relax connective tissues and
connective tissues collectively the breasts may become
drawn and painful.
Basic Breast Anatomy
Sweet Potatoes, Full
Moons or Two Eggs in a
• When I was a young lad (pre
teen) I heard the older boys
talking about "Full Moons",
"Sweet Potatoes", and "Two
Eggs in a Pan". Edging closer I
figured out they were talking
about women's breasts.
“Full Moons”
• Young women in their
developmental years would
normally grow round, full and
firm breasts, "Full Moons".
These fortunate young women
hardly need a bra for support
except perhaps to maintain a
sense of decency.
“Full Moons”
“Sweet Potatoes”
• After having practiced a number of years it became
quite obvious that those older boys new what they
were talking about.
As one woman put it, after I explained to her about
a brave new project I was starting she said," I've
been thinking of doing something for these tired
sagging boobs of mine".
Another said "if you can do something for these
"boob's" I'd appreciate it".
What had dawned on me one day in practice was
that most women after having one or two kids
would find that after they had nursed or when their
milk had "dried up" their breasts would like do a
meltdown, shrink away to a pair of sad looking, half
empty sacks,
“Sweet Potatoes”
Two Eggs in a Pan
• You’ve noted how after cracking an egg
and plopping it into a pan this small little
mound is sitting there. These unfortunate
women are the late, slow or never
bloomers. They try padded bras, tissue
paper, "falsies" or what ever to look more
the part of a real woman. Eventually they
may give up and accept what nature has
given them and make the most of it as they
are. To some it is never say never and go
for implants or reconstruction
Two Eggs in a Pan
Hormones, Hormones
and more Hormones
• As a natural or alternative health
practitioner I found that most
women's aches and pains or
symptoms seemed to evolve around
their menstrual cycle, as in
premenstrual stress or tension
(PMS/PMT) and in doing reflex
testing these women most often
suffered from hormonal balance
Androgen Hormones
• In correcting certain hormonal imbalances, which I
will explain later, interesting things begin to
happen, not only did PMS/PMT symptoms such as
abdominal, back and leg cramps, emotional upsets,
irregular cycles and such improve or disappear but
breast pain and rehabilitation of size, fullness and
texture improved. Three (3) of the 20-30 women
that opted into my test series gained 3"(inches) to
their bust measurement. All of the other women
whom remained in my little experiment for at least
3 months gained no less than 2"(inches) to their
bust measurement. All said they felt somewhat
firmer and fuller.
Androgen Hormones
The Androgen Hormones Are:
Progesterone and
Most people have a fair understanding of
the role of estrogen, testosterone and
progesterone however few begin to
appreciate the role RELAXIN plays in ones
over all development and maturity.
Window of Opportunity
25 years is the approximate
years of full maturity. *
At age 29 it’s over.
Take good care of what
you have
* From 14 to 18 or 19 years of age she is growing
and developing into the young women that she will
be. She is nearing her peak of maturity physically.
The opportunity of reaching her full development is
drawing near.
* By age 14 young women are normally well on their way in development.
* Puberty starts approximate 11 to 12 years of age for young females.
Growth, Development,
Repair, and Function.
Identify the problem
Correct the cause
Stop the damaging processes
Stabilize the condition
Rehabilitate for maximum
function and esthetic