If you're male and over 30
you likely suffer from
“Low Testosterone”
The Problem: Low Testosterone is
sneaky—it happens gradually and gets
worse the older you get unless you take
preventive action. When it strikes, you all of
sudden start feeling older and not like
Common symptoms of Low
Testosterone include: Bigger belly, less
energy, depression, loss of strength and
muscle, lower sex drive, lack of ambition,
unexplained fat gains.
Nine benefits you should expect from taking our Low-T Vitamin Formula daily.
More Energy. Imagine yourself cruising through the day feeling great with energy to spare.
Increased Focus. Imagine yourself having laser-like focus and a mental drive that propels you to achieving your goals
and maximizing your potential into your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond.
Better Strength. Imagine yourself feeling stronger and powerful. You don't have to lose strength as you age.
More Confidence. Imagine your confidence and self-esteem soar. Harvard researchers found the best way to eliminate
depression is by raising testosterone levels.
Stronger Sex Drive. Imagine yourself wanting sex more often performing better and enjoying it even more.
Less Belly Fat. Imagine losing at least 2 inches off your waist and appearing visibly thinner and more tone to your
friends, family and associates.
Better Progress in the Gym. Imagine making more progress from your workouts in the gym. While other people in the
gym work harder and look the same or worse, your body starts to change and you feel great.
Prostate Protection. Imagine yourself sleeping peacefully through the night and not having to wake up 3 or more times
to urinate because you have a swollen prostate. Our Low-T Vitamin Formula allows you to maximize your testosterone
naturally while not hurting your prostate.
Living Longer. Imagine yourself enjoying 5 to 10 years more of life and at a higher quality because you optimized your
testosterone, and estrogen naturally.
Understanding the Science behind our Low-T Vitamin Formula.
Our Low-T Vitamin Formula contains a proprietary blend five key ingredients.
These five key ingredients works together to naturally support higher testosterone
levels and lower estrogen levels. Our formula is available without a prescription.
Bulbine Natalensis
This South African power herb doesn't just boost testosterone, it lowers estrogen. Rodents who were
given 25mgs/kg of bodyweight of this ingredient demonstrated an average testosterone level at 260%
of the control group (with a 20% estrogen reduction to boot) at the lowest tested dosage. Rodents
taking 50mgs/kg showed a tremendous 347% testosterone level compared to control. (Roberts,
Nettle Root
Nettle root contains the aromatase inhibitor (10E, 12Z)-9-hydroxy-10, 12-octadecadienoic acid.
Aromatase is the nasty enzyme present in belly fat that makes testosterone inactive (so Nettle
provides crucial support for men suffering from Low T). Nettle is also high in Zinc and offers
prostate support (actually some use Nettle to treat BPH). It also inhibits SHBG, (increasing
Testosterone levels even more). (Buhner, 2007).
Understanding the Science behind our Low-T Vitamin Formula. (cont.)
In a placebo-controlled, randomized, double- blind study, researchers from the Washington School of
Medicine demonstrated that DHEA supplementation helps to prevent abdominal obesity and may be a
useful treatment in metabolic syndrome. (Metabolic syndrome is a condition where six or more risk
factors for heart disease and diabetes are present.) Researchers in this study administered 50 mg of
DHEA to the trial group over the course of six months. The DHEA-treated patient saw significant
decreases in visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, and insulin levels. They also saw a significant increase
in insulin sensitivity. By offering protection against insulin resistance and reducing fat levels, DHEA
provides a significant overall health benefit. Reducing fat and improving your body's use of insulin
can have a number of other benefits, including higher levels of energy, a better feeling about
yourself, and decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases. (Sears, 2006)
Vitamin B5
Men that suffer from Low T often have adrenal glands that are exhausted or overworked.
Vitamin B5 helps support the adrenal glans and the production of testosterone. (Buhner, 2007).
Basella Alba
This ingredient is related to spinach and often used in Easy Asian cooking. Research shows it
has the ability to increase bodyweight, as well as increase seminal weight, due to its ability to
significantly increase production of testosterone. (Johal, 2012).
Frequently Asked Questions
How many Low-T Vitamin Formula capsules should you take daily for optimal results?
Two. Taking more than two daily regardless of your size will not accelerate results and could hurt them.
Can I use the Low-T Vitamin Formula with prescription Testosterone pills or rubs?
Yes. The Low-T Vitamin will magnify and enhance the results of prescription testosterone therapy. Also,
the Low-T Vitamin has nutritional components to help protect the prostate and minimize estrogen issues.
How do I know if my Testosterone levels are low?
A blood test is the only 100% positive way to know where your levels are. That being said, if you're over
30 you likely suffer from Low T. Also, you can have normal testosterone levels and still not function
If you suffer from any of the following you can benefit from Low-T Vitamin Formula:
•Less than 4 morning erections per week.
•Low energy.
•Waist size has increased 2 inches within the past 5 years.
•Reduction in strength.
If any of these conditions exist you should be taking Low-T Vitamin Formula daily.
Will Low-T Vitamin Formula make me fail a drug test?
6 and available without a prescription.
No. All the key components in the Low-T Vitamin Formula are OTC
Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
Will Low-T Vitamin Formula make me fail a drug test?
No. All the key components in the Low-T Vitamin Formula are OTC and available without a prescription.
Should anyone not take the Low-T Vitamin Formula?
If you're under 18 don't take this product. If you've had prostate cancer check with your Doctor before
taking this product.
What is Estrogen and how does it effect men?
Estrogen is a hormone that is present in males and females (just like Testosterone is present in
both sexes). Women for the most part have more estrogen than men. Too much estrogen leads
to fat gains and possible prostate enlargement.
An 8 to 1 testosterone to estrogen ration in men is the desired goal to
achieve maximum manhood power.
Growth Drivers For Low T Vitamin Formula
1) The USA anti-aging marketplace is estimated at $50 billion per annum and is
growing at 8.9% per year.
2) 57% of men with type two diabetes likely have low testosterone.
3) As many as 13 million men have low testosterone and upwards of 30 million men
have erectile dysfunction.
4) 90% of men with low testosterone often go untreated.
5) Harvard Researchers have found testosterone therapy an extremely effective
depression treatment
6) Researchers have found older men with higher levels of testosterone perform better
in memory tests.
7) Researchers believe that upwards of 50% of heart disease in men is linked to low
8) Testosterone declines in men on average 1.6% per year every year after they turn
30 unless some preventive measures are taken (Researchers feel that
environmental factors may be accelerating this decline).
Thank You