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Attendance management update
Monday 28th March
Targets throughout the year
• At the start of the monitoring period April 2009 to March
2010 the average days lost per employee for Salford
was 11.2 days.
• A target was set to reduce these levels to an average
of 10 days by March 2011
• Latest quarterly figures up to December 2010 show a
reduction to an average of 9.7 days, showing we are
currently on-target
Explanation for rise in absence
previous quarter C&SS to September
• Rise in average number of days lost in previous quarter to
September from 10.9 to 11.4 days (although the current quarterly
figures shows an improvement to 10.7 days)
• Workforce profile changes -Increase in headcount in C&SS
following admin review from 126 to 247 staff
• 25.98% of total absences attributable to stress (increase from
• 16.4% musculo related (increase from 14.96%)
• 15.99% colds/flu related absences (decrease from 18.20%)
• 12.61% stomach/kidney related (increase from 12.53%)
percentage stress related absence by
Admin –
City solicitors
Customer services
Use of hotspot data within customer
• Identifies individual cases for closer review of
attendance management
• indications there are some areas of the service where
there are higher levels of absence than others which
will result in looking at the service as well as individuals
• Look at best practice to see how can support individual
colleagues to improve their attendance as well as
looking at service re-engineering opportunities
• Undergoing structural reviews which allow us to
incorporate any learning into the new operating model
employee assistance support within
customer services
Work-life balance:
• Agile working
• Home-working
• Reduced hours
• Job-share
• Flexible shift patterns – e.g. compressed hours, 9 day
Stress audit sampling- customer
• Will be undertaking face to face sample audits
(individual and team based) in quarter 1 to understand
the underpinning reasons behind the stress hotspot
data within customer services
Progress on actions arising from
previous meeting
• Attendance management review CHSC
• Absenteeism hotspot data
• Progress on wider health and well-being issues
including stress related issues
• Evaluation of Diagnostic Health Solutions
• At the start of the pilot CHSC absenteeism levels
based on the number of average working days lost to
be 17.6 days
• The latest quarterly figures show a reduction to 12.9
• Audit are undertaking a review following the activities
and implementation of their recommendations
• The pilot group is still meeting regularly to ensure
attendance management remains a high priority
Absence cost calculator - CHSC
• Estimated efficiency savings achieved by a reduction of
average days lost from 17.6 days to 12.9 days lost is
approximately £475,000
• This figure is calculated on the basis of the difference
• the number of employees
• total days absence reduced from 22,634 to 15,003
• available working days per years (260)
• Based on an average staff daily wage of £70
Hotspot data
• Strategic Directors were provided with 5 year absence
data identifying patterns, trends and levels of absence
under business cost centres
• HR Consultants have now tracked this data against
attendance management cases and highlighted any
anomalies where the policy appears not to have been
applied consistently or appropriately with directorate
management teams
Progress on wider health and wellbeing issues
Self Care for You 2 half day courses been organised to support
employees in managing their stress related conditions – joint
delivery between HR and OD&T
National stress awareness day event held on 2nd November
(including DAAT, BDMA counselling, Debt Welfare Advice, SCL,
Plans to develop a city council health and well-being week to
include health prevention interventions focusing on the authorities
key priority areas (smoking, weight loss, exercise) BDMA, back care
classes, health hips and hearts, flu jabs
SAP now records stress-related absences based on work and nonwork related stress in accordance with Health & Safety Executive
Health & Wellbeing intranet employee assistance support
programme due to go live
Health and Wellbeing Support
Version 1.0
Health and Wellbeing Support Programme
Salford City Council is committed the mental and physical wellbeing of every employee. As part of the Employee
Assistance Programme, the Employee Assistance Directory provides a collection of the best resources available to all
members of staff, enabling access to both internal and external sources of advice, guidance and support on a range of
mental and physical wellbeing.
Mental Wellbeing
Physical Wellbeing
Concerns about your mental
well-being can stem from
issues in the workplace,
relationships at home or
financial difficulties.
Enclosed is an array of
information to help support
you through difficult times.
Physical well-being is vitally
important whether this be at
home or at work. Enclosed
are a number of policies and
support mechanisms to
support you with your
physical well-being.
List of HR policies and guidance to support Health and Wellbeing
Full A-Z listings of all resources
Employee Assistance Directory
Physical Wellbeing
Physical well-being leads to a healthy lifestyle and has a positive impact on your home and work relationships and your
mental well-being. You may also require assistance with your physical well-being at work. Use the links below to identify
the support available.
Access to Work
Accident reporting
Attendance Management
Cycle to work scheme
Cancer, working with
Disability Leave
Disability Employment Advisers
Eye Tests
Fit Notes
Occupational Health
Smoking at work
Violence to staff
Active Lifestyles Team
Cleavley Athletics Track
Disability Employment Advisers
NHS Salford Walk-in Centres
Salford Community Leisure
Health Walks and
Health Hips and Hearts
Quit Smoking
Sports Pitches
Museums and Galleries
Employee Assistance Directory
Mental Wellbeing
Stress, anxiety and depression are encountered on a regular basis by some employees. Understanding what causes our
stress and finding practical solutions to manage it can help us to live more proactively and positively. Us the links below to
identify the support available.
Attendance Management
Access to Work
Accident reporting
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Fit notes
Substance misuse policy
BMDA/Counselling / Change4Life
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
NHS Walk-In Centres
Health Walks and Health Hips and Hearts
Salford Community Leisure
Redundancy guidance for employees
Creating Capacity
Organisational change policy
Dignity at work
Redundancy guidance for employees
Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service
Citizens Advice Bureau
Domestic Abuse / New Parents / Parenting
support / Prisoners’ Families
Sure Start Children Centres
Employee Assistance Directory
HR policies and guidance
Below you will be able to access a list of those HR policies and guidance documents in order to ……..
Attendance Management
Access to Work
Accident reporting
Appraisal scheme
Annual leave
Career Break scheme
Compassionate Leave
Cycle to work scheme
Dignity at work
Disability Leave
Disability and Equality websites
Fit notes
First Aid
Smoking at work
Special Leave
Substance misuse
Maternity Leave
Occupational Health
Online absence recording
Organisational change policy
Parental leave
Physiotherapy service
Violence to staff
Employee Assistance Directory
A full directory or all of the resources in this tool can be found below
Employee Assistance Directory
The Role of Occupational Health
Our Occupational Health professionals draw on their clinical knowledge and an awareness of the specific duties and demands
of the employee’s role. The Occupational Health professionals are based at:
Occupational Health Unit, 196 Station Road, Swinton
The occupational health team can be contacted on 0161 603 4070.
The Occupational Health Advisor can help you to understand your responsibilities under employment and health and safety law.
They can also advise managers about decisions surrounding:
• reasonable workplace adjustments • recruitment • return-to-work • ongoing employment • release of company benefits such as
They can also assist managers to undertake an appropriate specific stress risk assessment for individual employees who have
health problems. If you are advised to complete a stress risk assessment please down load the assessment from the link
below and complete. You will then need to discuss the answers with your line manager.
Please click here to access the Stress Risk Assessment document
How to make a referral to Occupational Health
A referral is made through your manager. You must contact your manager in the first instance to explain what your concerns
are and advise them that you would like to be referred for an appointment. Your manager will then need to complete the OHU
referral form and send it to Ask HR.
Employee Assistance Directory
Metrophysio work with the council to assist employees who may need physiotherapy or ergonomic assessment reviews of their
work station due to any muscular or back pain experienced whilst at work. They can assess if you need any special equipment
to assist you to carry out your job. The referrals can be arranged through your manager often in cooperation with occupational
There may be a time when the Occupational Health Physician or the Occupational Health Nurse considers that you would
benefit from physiotherapy. In this case you would be referred to Metro Physio who are, as the service provider, working in
partnership with Salford City Council.
With effect from 12 April 2010, managers can refer staff directly to Metro Physio for either physiotherapy treatment or
workstation assessments.
You no longer need to go via HR for this, you just need to complete the forms below, and email them to
Ergonomic Assessment Form
Physiotherapy Referral Form
Alternatively, you can contact Metro Physio on 0845 474 9746 (0845 - 4 - PHYSIO)
To ensure that good results are achieved and for your physiotherapy to be a success you will need to be an active partner in
your treatment. Metro Physio have produced information on the 'Top Tips' for physiotherapy that will help you prepare for your
first appointment and subsequent treatment, which you can access here.
Employee Assistance Directory
Employee Assistance Directory
Eye Tests
All staff who require an eye test due to the use of a visual display unit can be reimbursed for their expense by following the
below procedure:
1. Any member of staff should notify their line manager that they need an eye test for the use of Visual Display Unit
(VDU)/Display Screen Equipment (DSE).
2. The member of staff can make arrangements to have any eye test with an optician of their choice and must advise the
optician that they are a VDU /DSE user.
3. The member of staff must pay for the eye test and forward the receipt along with the completed form to the Business
Management Team.
4. The Business Management Team will arrange to reimburse up to £19.95 for the cost of the eye test through the creditors
5. If a member of staff requires a new prescription, stating that they need corrective eye wear for VDU/DSE usage, then a
copy of the prescription together with a receipt and completed form must be sent to your admin team.
The prescription must clearly state that you ’need corrective eye wear for VDU / DSE usage’, if this is not clearly stated, the
member of staff will not receive any payment toward the cost of the new eye wear.
It is anticipated that staff will need an eye test every two years and must follow this process if they wish to receive
reimbursement for their prescription.
Employee Assistance Directory
Fit notes
Fit notes have replaced the “sick note” that your GP provides and the concept is that although you may be unwell or injured,
your doctor may be able to advise you, if with a little support from your manager, you can return to work whilst you are
Evidence shows that work is generally good for your health and wellbeing. If you've been ill, work can play an important part in
your recovery.
Many people with health conditions can, with some basic support from their employer, work as they recover from their condition.
Under the previous ‘sick note’ system, doctors could only advise you whether you should or should not work. As a result many
people who could benefit from support whilst in work, would be advised that they could not work. Managers would not have had
the opportunity to consider how they could help you achieve an earlier return to work.
A doctor will give a ‘may be fit for work’ statement if they think that your health condition may allow you to work if you get
suitable support from your employer.
If you are too ill to work the doctor will advise this just like with the sick note.
The change will remove the challenges you face returning to work. This is about you and your manager working together to
eliminate the barriers and help you to undertake some meaningful work. Please use the links below to access some resources:
• The Department for Work and Pensions guidance for employees
• Manager’s Guidance
If you have a query please consult the FAQ’s before contacting ASK HR or your Schools’ HR Team - Fit Note FAQs.
Employee Assistance Directory
Working with Cancer
The link below will take you to the Working through Cancer guide that has some very useful information for both employees and
managers regarding working through cancer including work place support strategies taking into account whether you are
affected directly by cancer or care for someone who has cancer.
Working through Cancer
Equality Act
The employment provisions of the Equality Act 2010 (the Act) came into force on 1 October 2010. The Act replaces current
discrimination laws, including the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), bringing them all together under one piece of legislation.
Macmillan ‘Equality Act 2010 and Working with Cancer’
Salford City Council is committed to putting the right people in the right jobs at the right time in order to achieve the Council’s
goals. This policy aims to assist people who may need to be redeployed for a variety of reasons, for example if the
Occupational Health Physician indicates that an employee should be considered for redeployment in medical grounds including
situations where a reasonable adjustment is required.
You can find out more in the City Council’s Redeployment Policy
Employee Assistance Directory
Active Lifestyles Team
The Active Lifestyles Teams “Get Active” programme is a free course which aims to help you increase your level of physical
activity by building confidence and providing tips on staying active and healthy for life.
To join the “Get Active” Programme one or more of the following must apply to you:
• Heart Attack or Stroke
• Coronary Heart Disease
• High Blood Pressure
• Overweight/Obese
• Inactive Lifestyle
• High Cholesterol
• Diabetes
• Family History of Heart Disease
The “Get Active” programme will provide you with an opportunity to explore a range of different types of exercise/activities.
Your Active Lifestyles Officer will be there to support, guide and offer you personal advice every step of the way helping you to
identify particular activities that may be most suitable for your needs/goals.
Adopting a more active lifestyle is one way of helping you to improve your health and feel a sense of wellbeing. Each week we
will also be giving short interactive talks covering various health related topics.
To Get Active and for more information please contact the Active Lifestyles Team on 0161 778 0541 or email
Employee Assistance Directory
Access to work
The Access to Work programme is administered through the Jobcentre Plus and may provide grants towards the cost of various
adjustments. Many employers are unaware of the existence of Access to Work.
Workers are eligible if they have a disability or health condition which affects their work and is likely to last for at least 12
months. The programme may provide a grant towards various adjustments including adapting premises; adapting or
purchasing equipment; providing readers or interpreters; and additional travel costs to work. It can also pay for interpreters or
signers at a job interview.
Further information about this can be provided by your local Jobcentre Plus Office and speak to a Disability Employment
Adviser (DEA). The DEA will put you in touch with an Access to Work Adviser.
Disability Employment Advisers
Disability Employment Advisers provide specialist advice, information and support to disabled workers who are recently
disabled or whose condition has deteriorated. They can assist with finding a job, and can also help where workers and already
employed, but are concerned about conditions at work.
DEA’s can give practical advice to the worker and, if appropriate, the employer, on job redesign and adjustments within the
workplace. An appointment with a DEA can be made through your local job centre.
For detailed information on a variety of employment-related services provided through job centres to disabled workers and job
seekers, see the Jobcentre Plus website.
Employee Assistance Directory
NHS Salford Walk-in Centres
NHS walk-in centres are a very useful, local and convenient way for our employees to access high quality medical assistance.
No appointment is required, allowing employees to access their services at a time that is convenient, complementing the
existing services already available.
The Pendleton and Walkden NHS walk-in centres are available for all employees, not just residents of Salford, to use if they are
unable to get an appointment to see their own GP for minor medical conditions.
The walk-in centre locations, contact details and opening times are as follows:
Pendleton NHS walk-in centre, located on Broughton Road
Walkden NHS walk-in centre, located at the Little Hulton Health Centre
0161 797 9310
0161 212 5300 – Please note, this number is for the
11am until 6pm – Monday to Friday
Little Hulton Health Centre
(10am until 5pm on bank holidays)
11am until 6pm – Monday to Friday
10am until 5pm – Saturday and Sunday
Not available at weekends or bank holidays
Benefits of using these centres include:
• Enabling staff to quickly access high quality nurse led care without the need for an appointment
• Immediate treatment for minor medical conditions
• Wider opening hours at convenient locations in Salford
• Additional health care advice, information and treatment for minor illnesses and minor injuries (wound care, muscle injuries),
and health promotion advice.
• Smoking cessation assistance.
Employee Assistance Directory
Salford Community Leisure
Salford Community Leisure manages 10 Fit City Centres across Salford providing 8 fitness suites, 6 swimming pools, sauna
and steam room facilities, an 8 lane synthetic running track, indoor bowls, squash and badminton facilities and a fun packed
programme of fitness classes. You can find out more on the Healthy workforce page on the SCL website.
Health Walks
Health walks are short organised walks, often led by trained volunteers from the local community. Designed with health in mind
they can improve both physical and mental health by offering a safe, relaxed and sociable atmosphere in which to walk. Find
out more information about the health walks that are organised within Salford.
Healthy Hips and Hearts
Salford Community Leisure’s Healthy Hips and Hearts Team provide sessions for the over 50’s throughout the city. Benefits
• Improving balance
• Preventing falls
• Increasing confidence
• Meeting new friends
• Having fun and keeping mobile
For a list of services in your area please contact:
Ibrat Naeem - Ordsall / Langworthy / East Salford - 07928 521 837 / Glenda Norris - Little Hulton / Walkden - 07592 452 204
Louise Ashworth - Eccles/ Irlam / Cadishead - 07928 522 308 / Anne Crichton - Claremont / Weaste / Swinton - 07928 522 303
Employee Assistance Directory
Financial Support
In some situations having a lack of money or debts can become serious with many people feeling that there may be ‘no way
out’. There are also other ways in which financial issues at home can become burdensome such as the decision making
process around expensive purchases like new homes and cars. For many people getting older can also be of a concern when
looking into retirements so thorough planning is advised.
Salford Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service
For free, confidential and independent advice there is Salford Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service. Call the welfare rights
advice line on 0800 345 7375 (Monday to Friday, 10.00am - 12.00pm) or the debt advice line on 0800 345 7323 (Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, 1.00pm - 4.00pm).
Citizens Advice Bureau
Salford Citizens Advice Bureau has a telephone advice line 0844 826 9695 (Monday to Wednesday, 10.00am - 3.30pm). There
are local offices across Salford offering face to face support.
Employee Assistance Directory
The relationships we have outside of work with our family, friends and local environment play strong factors in how we feel.
Rows with our spouse, disagreements with our neighbours and even badly behaved pets can have an effect on our stress
levels. However, some times changes in our home lives are so drastic that being able to access the relevant resources can
provide much needed help. You can find out a wealth of information about available resources and support on the dedicated
children and families pages at
Domestic Abuse
Are you experiencing abuse from someone you know? Do you know someone who you think is being abused? Visit the
domestic abuse pages for practical help and advice and useful local contacts.
Alternatively, call the free phone 24-hour national domestic violence helpline on 0808 2000 247, which is run in partnership
between Women's Aid and Refuge .
Employee Assistance Directory
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Salford Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) provide a range of local services in Salford if you or someone you know need
support to quit or require advice about drugs and/or alcohol. The Substance Misuse Advice and Referral Team (SMART) is part
of the their Young People's Service which offers support to young people aged 21 or under with drug and alcohol issues, as well
as providing support to their parents and carers. You can contact the SMART Team on 0161 743 0167.
Employee Assistance Directory
BDMA – Counselling Service
Salford City Council provides a confidential counselling service via the BDMA Occupational Counsellors Ltd. This is a free
independent confidential counselling service open to all employees of Salford City Council. It is available from 7.00 am to 11.00
pm 356 days a year the service can be contacted on 0800 919 765.
Employee Assistance Directory
Sure Start Children Centre
Sure Start Children's Centres bring together childcare, early education, health, family support, training and employment
services for families with children under five years old. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when
your child goes to primary school. They're somewhere your child can make friends and learn as they play.
You can get professional advice on health and family matters, learn about training and job opportunities or just socialise with
other people.
To find out more about children's centres in Salford please go to the webpages, which include the core offer of services
available at each centre and the individual activity timetables. You can download the new leaflet too, which includes a map and
contact details of all the children's centres in Salford.
Employee Assistance Directory
Parenting support
There are a range of support options available to help whether you are starting a family, are having difficulties with a child, have
unexpected problems or are experiencing serious difficulties and are concerned with a Childs welfare.
The Parental Leave guidance provides information on…
Parentchannel - free website for parents of five to 19 year olds that offers expert advice on parenting through a collection of
helpful short videos. Ideal first step for parents.
Locality Teams - are one-stop-shops to provide a single point of contact for children, young people and families across Salford.
Each team is made up of staff from different professional backgrounds who can provide early intervention and preventative
support services to children, young people and families on issues such as social care, health and education.
Social Work Teams - for children and families, includes the Duty and Investigation Team and the Childhood Disability Team. .
Find out ways to get help and support if you're worried about a child or if you're struggling to cope. Plus there are lots of
practical suggestions about keeping children safe in and around the home, on the road or on the internet. Find out about
Salford's Anti-Bullying Strategy and ways to support your child if they are being bullied.
Visit the new disabled children web pages to find out about what support, care and advice is available for families and carers.
This includes information on the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme, short break care, finance and benefits, play and
leisure activities, care and support services, and parenting forums.
Speak Up Salford - all about children's speech, language and development. Telephone 0161 212 4015 or email Visit the how to help pages to find out how you can help your child's talking and communication skills.
The Language Development Team also work in the community and hold drop-in sessions at children's centres.
Employee Assistance Directory
Sports pitches
Salford City Council provide a wide range of outdoor facilities including:
Soccer pitches located in the following areas:
Cadishead, Irlam, Winton, Boothstown, Little Hulton, Swinton and Salford
Rugby pitches located in the following areas:
Cadishead, Eccles, Ordsall, Swinton and Salford
Cricket pitches located at:
Ellesmere Park and Littleton Road
Bowling greens and tennis courts in:
Parr Fold Park, Victoria Park and other parks across the city
Who to contact
Employee Assistance Directory
Museums and galleries
Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Salford Museum is an intriguing mix of Victorian and 20th century architecture.
The building incorporates a Local History Library, Lark Hill Place (Victorian street), The LifeTimes Gallery, The Victorian Gallery
and four temporary exhibition spaces and also provides activities and workshops for children during the school holidays. See
our 'Things to do' page for more information.
Ordsall Hall Museum
Ordsall Hall will re-open in Spring 2011 following a major redevelopment project.
Watch this space for updates on how the work is going and more information about how the hall will look when it reopens. If you
would like to know more information about the building works, the volunteer and training opportunities and community projects
going on at Ordsall Hall during its restoration, please visit our Visit Salford website via the 'Extraordinary Ordsall Hall
Development Programme' link.
Local History Library
The busy library holds a huge collection of photographs, documents and newspapers relating to Salford's past. It is increasingly
popular for family research, delving into the history of houses, school projects and community heritage in Salford.
Looking for maps and photographs of old Salford? Researching your family tree? Salford Local History Library is the place to
Who to contact
Salford Museum and Art Gallery,
Telephone: 0161 778 0800
Employee Assistance Directory
Quit Smoking
If you smoke, stopping smoking is often the single most effective thing that you can do to reduce your risk of future illness. The
risk to health falls rapidly as soon as you stop smoking (but takes a few years before the increased risk reduces completely). If
you find it hard to stop smoking, then see your health professional for help.
Stopping smoking is one of the best ways to make a big improvement on not just your health, but those of the people around
you. It’s also worth noting that according to the Salford Lifestyle Survey 2007, over 30% of Salford’s population smoke. This
equates to around 494 early deaths caused by smoking in the city each year.
Risks of smoking include, but are absolutely not limited to, the following:
•Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on
world health is not fully assessed.
•There are believed to be 1.1 billion smokers in the world, 800 million of them in developing countries.
•UK studies show that smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers.
•Tobacco contributes to the hardening of the arteries, which can then become blocked and starve the heart of blood flow,
causing the attack. Often, smokers who develop this will require complex and risky heart bypass surgery.
•Smoking also increases the risk of having a stroke.
•Another health problem associated with tobacco is emphysema, which, when combined with chronic bronchitis, produces
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The lung damage which causes emphysema is irreversible, and makes it extremely
difficult to breathe.
Help on quitting
NHS Salford has also launched a website which includes top tips to quit smoking and case studies from successful Salford
people who have quit smoking.
Employee Assistance Directory
New Parents
Below are a number of resources that can assist new parents:
• As an employee you can find out about your full entitlements in the Maternity Guide.
• Breastfeeding - Be a Star campaign to increase the number of mums who choose to breastfeed. Specialist drop-ins run at
Langworthy Cornerstone (Monday 10.00am - 11.30am) and Little Hulton Children's Centre (Thursday 1.00pm - 2.30pm). Local
breastfeeding support groups operate at numerous Children's Centres and other venues across the city. Please call Salford
Family Information Service for details on 0800 195 5565.
• NHS Baby LifeCheck - is an interactive website for parents and carers of babies aged between five and eight months. Find
out ways to keep your baby happy, healthy and safe.
• Salford Family Information Service (FIS) provides free, impartial, up-to-date information and advice on services for children
and young people from 0 to 19 and their families in Salford. They provide accurate information on a wide range of things
including registered childcare provision, leisure and play activities, family support, parenting, working with children, services for
children, young people and families, benefits and financial assistance for families, services for disabled children and their
families, children's centres and extended schools and information for prospective and new parents.The helpdesk is open
8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. An answer phone service is in operation at other times. You can contact us free on 0800
195 5565, text 0797 191 3293, or email
• Healthy Start Vouchers - Free milk, fruit, vegetables and vitamins if you are pregnant or have a child under four years old and
you claim certain benefits. Call 0845 607 6823 or use the online eligibility checker.
Employee Assistance Directory
Change4Life aims to help families eat well, move more and live longer, happier lives.
What is Change4Life?
These days, ’modern life’ can mean that we’re a lot less active. With so many opportunities to watch TV or play computer
games, and with so much convenience and fast food available, we don’t move about as much, or eat as well as we used to.
Change4Life for your kids
9 out of 10 of our kids today could grow up with dangerous amounts of fat in their bodies. This can cause life-threatening
diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Change4Life for you
By the time we reach middle age, the majority of us could do with losing at least a bit of weight. Being overweight isn’t just
about the way we look. It can lead to more aches and pains, problems sleeping and people report a loss of energy and
confidence. It also increases our chances of getting heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Middle age comes to everyone – ‘middle aged spread’ doesn’t have to.
To find out more visit the Change4Life website
Employee Assistance Directory
Salford City Council is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonably possible, a secure and stable working environment
through the retention of its employees. Through positive planning the Council will endeavour to maintain the efficiency and
effectiveness of its services whilst effectively managing the current and future employment of its employees.
It is recognised, however, that over time circumstances may arise that will affect staffing levels within the organisation, i.e. there
may be changes in competitive conditions, organisational needs and technological developments that may affect the overall
requirements of the Council. Consequently, this may impact on staffing requirements and an employee(s) position may be
considered ‘at risk’ and subject to a potential redundancy situation.
In any restructuring situation the Council will, in consultation with the appropriate recognised Trade Unions, seek to minimise
the number and effect of any redundancies. Every effort will be made to avoid compulsory redundancies. Where this cannot
be avoided the Council will manage the situation in a fair, consistent and sympathetic manner to minimise as far as practically
possible any hardship that may be experienced by the employee concerned. In addition, secure suitable alternative
employment for 'at risk' employees will be identified in accordance with the City Council’s Redeployment policy.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Manager’s Guide to restructure and Reorganisation.
Redundancy Policy
Manager’s Guide to restructure and Reorganisation
Marketplace events to support staff
during organisational change
Job centre plus/Skills & work
Business support
Monetary advice –HMRC, Money Made Clear, Debt
Fostering service
Pensions advice
HR advice
BDMA counselling service
• DHS pilot intent – reduction in 10% absences
• We are conducting our own measurements based on
quantative and qualitative information i.e. not only10%
reduction but also incorporating customer feedback on
the wider health and well being benefits for managers
and staff (e.g. better reporting, better communications,
wider benefits for families, faster access to medical
advice as a 24:7 service
Average days lost
Community Health & Social Care
Customer And Support Services (In)
Environmental & Community Safety