Huangdi neijing 黃帝內經

Classics of Traditional
Chinese Medicine
Dr. Kenneth Wang OMD, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Huangdi neijing 黃帝內經
“The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor”
(168 B.C)
The most important book of Chinese medicine and a
very important book of Daoist practice is the
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine (Huangdi
neijing 黃帝內徑), said to have been compiled by
the mythical Yellow Emperor 黃帝. It consists of
two parts, the Suwen 素問 "questions of
fundamental nature" and the Lingshu 靈樞
"spiritual pivot", a book also called Zhenjing 針經
"Classic of Acupuncture" because the latter is its
main content . The book is concepted as a dialog
between the Yellow Emperor and Qi Bo 歧伯, his
It has 18 volumes, all 162 articles.
The main contributions of the book are:
 1) a whole conception is stressed.
 2) theory of yin-yang, & five elements are applied to
physiology, pathology, diagnosis & treatment of disease
 3)stressing viscera & meridians
 4)under the guidance of above-mentioned theories,
descriptions are made on
6 evils, 7 emotions, diet, internal damage
 5)descriptions are made on 4 diagnosis methods.
 6)treatment and principles are determined.
妄為常,醉以入房,以欲竭其精,以耗散其真, 不知持滿,不時御神,務決其心,逆於生
The universal truth
During his reign, the Yellow Emperor
discoursed on medicine, health, lifestyle,
nutrition, and Taoist cosmology with his
ministers Qi Bo, Lei Gong, and others. Their
first discussion began with the Yellow Emperor
inquiring, "I have heard that in the days of old
everyone lived one hundred years without
showing the usual signs of aging. In our time,
however, people age prematurely, living only fifty
years. Is this due to a change in the environment,
or is it because people have lost the correct way of
life?" Qi Bo replied, "... These days, people have
changed their way of life. They drink wine as
though it were water, indulge excessively in
destructive activities, drain their jing (the body's
essence that is stored in the kidneys) and deplete
their qi (energy). They do not know the secret of
conserving their energy and vitality. Seeking
emotional excitement and momentary pleasures,
people disregard the natural rhythm and order of
the universe. They fail to regulate their lifestyle
and diet, and sleep improperly. So it is not
surprising that they look old at fifty and die soon
In ancient times people behaved according to the
teaching of preserving health of the sages: (Xu Xie
Zei Feng, Bi zhi you shi, Tian Dan Xu Wu, Zhen
Qi Cong Zhi, Jing Shen Nei Shou, Bing An Cong
Lai.) All evils of various seasons are harmful to
people, they attack the body when it is general
debility. And they should be defended anytime
and everywhere. When one is completely free
from wishes, ambitions and distracting thought,
indifferent to fame and gain, the True energy
(Zhen Qi) will come in the wake of it. When one
concentrates his spirit internally and keeps a sound
mind, how can any illness occur?
Huangdi asked: “People are unable to have any child
when they are old, whether it is due to the
exhaustion of their energy or it is the natural law
of physiology?”
Qibo answers:
For woman
7 years—kidney qi becomes prosperous, her milk
teeth fall off, permanent teeth emerge.
For Man
Chapter 2 Si Qi Tiao Shen Da Lun (On
prevention health in accordance with the four
Following the principles of yin yang ensures
life, while breaking them may lead to death;
conforming to the principles of yinyang
guarantees health, while violating them may
result in disease. The movement from
conformity to violation is known as interior rejection.
Therefore, wise doctors give prevention the priority over
treatment, and pay less attention to the treatment of
disease but more to the prevention of disease. This is the
reason, applying medicine only when disease has
emerged, and resorting to treatment when disorder has
appeared, are just like drilling a well when one feels
thirsty, and manufacturing weapons when war has
already broken out. It is certainly to late!
Chapter 10
Wu Zang Sheng Cheng Pian (The function of the five
viscera to human body and their mutual relations)
When the salty food is excessively taken, it will cause
the stagnation of blood and the eclipse of one’s
complexion; when the bitter food excessively taken, it
will cause the dryness of the skin and the falling of hair;
when the acrid food is excessively taken, it will cause
cramp of the tendons and the withering of the nail; when
the sour food is excessive taken, it will cause the skin to
become tough and thick and the lips wrinkle and shrink;
when the sweet food is excessive taken, it will cause the
bone pain and the falling of hair.
Chapter 11
Wu Zang Bie Lun (The different functions among
the Zang-fu organs)
For the treatment of a disease, a doctor must get to
know the urine and defecation conditions of the
patient, feel the pulse, observe the spiritual
condition, and ask about the condition of the
disease. Those who indulge in superstitions cannot
understand the tenets of medicine; those
disbelieving acupuncture have no access to this
magic skill. Those unwilling to receive treatment
cannot be cured and the forced treatment will
surely show no effect.
12. 異法方宜論
東方之域,天地之所始生也。魚鹽之地,海濱傍水。 其民食魚而嗜鹹,皆安其處,美其食。魚者使人
熱中,鹽者勝血, 故其民皆黑色疏理,其病皆為癰瘍,其治宜砭石。故砭石者,亦從東方來。
Methods of treatment
The east is the direction of the birth of heaven and earth.
The weather is mild, and it is close the water. Many
varieties of fish and salts can be found, so the local
people eat many kinds of fish and like the salty flavour.
But because they eat so much fish, which is considered
a hot food, heat accumulates and stagnates in the body.
They also eat too much salt, which dries, exhausts, and
drains the blood. This is why people of the east often
have dark skin. The commonly suffered illnesses are
boils and carbuncles. The treatment of this disease often
utilizes needles made of stone, which come from east.
Chapter 21. Jing Mai Bie Lun (Further
comments on channel)
When the water enters the stomach, it
evaporates the refined qi and spread it to the
spleen above; and the spleen spreads the
essence into the lung above; the lung
regulates the water way, and transports the
essence to the bladder……
26. 八正神明論
凡刺之法,必候日月星辰,四時八正之氣,氣定乃刺之。 是故天溫日明,則人血淖液,而衛氣浮。月始
生,則血氣始精,衛氣始行。 是以因天時而調血氣也。
Acupuncture in accordance with cosmic cycles
All methods of acupuncture must be in accordance with
the movements of the four seasons, the moon, the sun,
and the stars. These factors will impact the functions of
the human body. During warm weather and bright,
cloudless days, blood flow is smooth. The wei qi
(defensive energy) floats to the surface... During the full
moon, the blood and qi also begin to flow more easily...
One must follow these changes of nature to properly
regulate qi and blood.
Chapter 28 Tong Ping Xu Shi Lun (On the
Asthenia and Sthenia)
Huang Di asked: “ What is asthenia and
sthenia?” Qibo answered: “When the evil
Qi is overabundant, it is sthenia. When Vital
qi is injured, it is asthenia.”
60. 骨空論
風從外入,令人振寒、汗出、頭痛、身重、惡寒。 治在風府,調其陰陽。不足則補,有餘則寫。大風
頸項痛,刺風府。 風府在上椎。大風汗出,灸噫譆。噫譆在背下俠脊傍三寸所。厭之令病者呼?譆,?
Acupoints along the skeletal indentations
When the wind pathogen attacks, it causes chills, sweating,
headaches, heaviness, and aversion to wind. One must harmonize
the yin and yang by acupuncturing fengfu (DU16), located above
the first cervicle vertebra and below the external occipital
protuberance. If the antipathogenic qi is weak, one should use the
tonification method. If the pathogen is of an excess nature, one
should sedate. After a more severe exposures to wind, one will
manifest severe neck pain and stiffness. Acupuncture fengfu
(DU16) again. If the patient is exposed to a big wind and
experiences sweating, the physician should moxa yixi (B45),
which is located at the level of the sixth thoracic vertebra, three
cun (inch) laterally. Palpate the point to elicit an "yixi" (painful
exclamation) expression from the patient.
62. 調經論
人有精、氣、津、液、四肢、九竅、五臟、十六部、三百六十五節, 乃生百病;百病之生,
皆有虛實。皆生於五臟也。夫心臟神,肺臟氣,肝臟血,脾臟肉, 腎臟志。而此成形,志意
通,內連骨髓,而成身形五臟。五臟之道, 皆出於經隧,以行血氣;血氣不和,百病乃變化
Regulation of the channels
In the human being there are jing (essence), qi
(energy), jin ye (body fluids), four extremities,
nine orifices, five zang organs, sixteen channels,
and three hundred and sixty-five joints. All are
capable of becoming disordered and diseased. In
each disorder there are distinctions of deficiency
and excess... The five types of excess and
deficiency are borne from the five zang organs.
For example, the heart houses the Shen (spirit); the
lungs house the qi, the liver accomodates the
blood, the spleen houses the form and flesh, and
the kidneys house the Zhi (will). They must all
function together as the Zhi and the Shen are
functioning in concert psychically, connecting
with the bones and marrow withing and forming
the shape of the body without. This creates an
entire functional being and is the makeup of the
human body. Within the five zang, communication
occurs via pathways or channels, which transport
the qi and blood. When the qi and blood are not
regulated, illness occurs. Diagnosis and
treatment are thus dependent on the channels and
Chapter 71 六元正纪大论
Liu Yuan Zheng Ji Da Lun
黄帝问曰:“妇人重身,毒 之如何?” 岐伯曰:“有故无殒,亦无殒也。” 帝曰:“愿闻其故何谓也?”
Yellow Emperor asked: “What about applying the violent
medicine to a pregnant women?” Qibo said: “if the patient has
abdominal mass, the violent medicine will suit the disease,
both the mother and fetus will be unharmed.” Yellow Emperor
asked: “ What is the reason?” Qibo said: “To the diseases of
great stagnation and accumulation, the violent medicine can be
used as it can remove the disease, but when the disease is
removed by a good half already, the applying of medicine
should be ceased, if the medicine applying is more than
enough, it may cause death of the patient ”
至真要大论 七四
Chapter 74 Zhi Zhen Yao Da Lun
帝曰: 善。 夫百病之生也,皆生于风寒暑湿燥火, 以之
化之变也。岐伯曰: 审察 病机, 无失气宜, 此之谓
也。 帝曰: 愿闻病机如何? 岐伯曰: 诸风掉眩,皆属于
肝。皆寒收引皆属于肾。 
Yellow emperor said: “ Good, most of the disease are
stemmed from the healthy and evils changes of the
six-qi of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire.
Qi Bo said: “ when one observes carefully the
pathology of the disease and treat without violating
the principle of the harmonization of the six-qi , the
aim can be achieved”.
Yellow Emperor said: “Good. Most of the disease stemmed from
the healthy and evil changes of the six energy of wind, cold, heat,
wetness, dryness and fire. It was stated in the medical books
that it should be purged when the energy is over abundant, and
should be invigorated when the energy is deficient. I have
instructed the physicians with these methods but they cannot
obtain a satisfactory result. I would like to have the important
theory be put into use and obtain a relating effect like the
drumstick relating to the hitting of the drum, produce an
immediate effect like pulling off the thorn and clear away the
foul, and cause the common physicians to attain a higher level of
treating. Can you tell me how to do it?” Qibo said: “When one
observes carefully the mechanism of the disease and treat
without violating the principle of the harmonization of the sixenergy, the aim can be achieved.”
Yellow Emperor said: “I hope to hear about the
mechanism of disease you said.” Qibo said: “
1.All the syndromes of trembling and dizziness
caused by the wind evil are pertaining to the
2. all syndromes of muscular stiffness caused by
the cold evil are pertaining to the kidney;
3. all the feelings of irritability and oppression
caused by the disease of vital energy are
pertaining to the lung;
4.all the syndromes of edema and fullness
caused by the wetness evil are pertaining to
the spleen, all the blurred vision and
convulsion of extremities caused by the heat
evil are pertaining to the fire
5.all the syndromes of pain, itching, pyogenic
infection and ulceration of skin are pertaining
to the heart;
6.all the syndromes of cold extremities,
retention or incontinence of feces and urine
are pertaining to the lower warmer;
7. all the syndromes of rapid breathing, hiccup and
vomiting are pertaining to the upper warmer,
8.all the syndromes of trismus, shivering with cold,
percussion of the teeth are pertaining to the fire;
9.all the syndromes of convulsive(opisthotonus)
disease and stiffness of neck are pertaining to
10.all the syndromes of adverseness of vital energy
are pertaining to the fire;
11.all the syndromes of abdominal distention and
fullness are pertaining to the heat;
12.all the syndromes of irritability,
uneasiness, mania and acting rashly are
pertaining to the fire;
13. all syndromes of sudden muscular
stiffness are pertaining to the wind evil;
14.all the diseases with sound, such as
borborgmus and the sound like drum
beating in percussion are pertaining to heat,
15. all the diseases of edema, aching pain,
frightening, uneasiness are pertaining to the fire;
all the syndromes of cramp, muscular stiffness,
turbidity of the excreted fluid are pertaining to the
heat; all the cases of excreting clear and cold fluid
are pertaining to the cold;
17. all the syndromes of acid eructation, sudden
diarrhea with urgent sensation are pertaining to the
This, it was stated in the (Essentials): ‘Pay good
attention to the mechanism of the diseases and
know well the belongings of various syndromes,
investigate the reason of the disease and the related
syndromes, and the reason or the disease which is
without the expected syndromes, find out the
reason when the evil energy is over abundant and
the reason when the energy is deficient. Find out
the overcoming energy of the five-element motion.
Dredge the energy and blood to become calm and
circulate fluently according to the mechanism of
the disease.
How do you understand the mechanism of
disease in this chapter? (quiz)
Section III
The occurrence of visceral disease is similar to the state
of a human body being thorned, and object being
contaminated, a piece of rope being knotted or a river
being blocked. However, a deep lodged thorn can be
pulled out; a long contaminated object can be cleaned;
a long knitted knot can be undone; and a long blocked
river can be dredged. Some people regard stubborn
disease as incurable, this view is incorrect.
The skilled acupuncturists cure disease just like pulling
out thorns, cleaning contaminated, undoing the
knitted knot and removing the blockage. The disease
may be prolonged, but still can be cured. Those
regarding the prolonged disease as incurable are
ignorant of the skill required.
Section IV
The pathogenic wind, cold, and heat, unless they encounter the
weakened physique, can’t be harmful. Those suddenly attacked
by storm but not falling ill are usually strong in physique. Thus
pathogenic factors in themselves can’t harm people. The
contraction of disease is usually instigated by the combination of
a pathogen wind with a weak physique. When pathogenic wind
meets with the weak body, disease begins to emerge. When
normal wind meets with strong physique, people will become
even more healthy. The attack of the human body by the asthenic
pathogen factors is due to the combination of pathogenic factors
in nature with the deficiency of the sthenic pathogens, serious
diseases occur. Pathogenic factors attack certain parts of the
human body, therefore diseases are named after these parts.
Disease can be divided into three categories according to the
upper, lower, and middle divisions of the human body.
Section V
Huangdi asked: “I’d like to know the law of
acupuncture.” Qibo answered: “Diseases are
sometimes superficial and sometimes deep.
So needling is shallow in some cases and
deep in some others according to the
conditions concerned. ……