Annette Dale-Perera

Re-designing services for the future
Annette Dale-Perera
Strategic Director of Addiction and Offender Care
Effective treatment, changing lives
Biggest change to the NHS since its creation
 Health Spending Review settlement “generous compared to other
departments …but less in `real terms’ and £20 billion `productivity gains’
required” Kings Fund Oct 2010
 Death of NHS regions as we know them
 `Slash & burn’ of NHS commissioning
 Commissioning by ‘GP clusters’ or
`super groups’, aided by (private) companies
 New Public Health ………………….
 Patient choice emphasis: personalisation or
personal budgets to follow patients
 Deliberate widening of provider market: private, NHS, & ‘not for profit’
 More devolution of responsibility (eg to local areas, NHS Trusts)
 Allied increased role of regulatory (and inspectorate?) bodies (eg NICE,
Care Quality Commission)
NHS provider land
NHS Foundation Trusts
• Existing Trusts `swallowing’ other NHS orgs
• Smaller no of Trusts providing primary + secondary care
• `rules’ changing eg more private work, can have
charitable arms, freedom from national pay scales
Financial efficiency savings required by all Health eg CIPs
Payment by Results (PbR)
 Clustering patients based on `diagnosis & severity’, defining treatment
packages (tariffs to be set ie £)
 What results: MH mixture of outcome, process + other measures
 What results for drug & alcohol treatment services: current danger `health’
outcomes missing for drugs
Changing substance misuse trends: West London
Alcohol huge existing and growing treatment demand
Heroin users fall in injecting – rise in non-injectors: (NB Asian users)
`hard core’ of IDUs using heroin & crack often with complex needs
Elusive primary crack users
Are we chasing `unwilling’
PDUs at the expense of others
who need help
Clusters of non-PDUs not seen as important
Calls for help eg GHB detoxes, ketamine users
Methamphetamine use: gay male population
Clusters of adult cocaine & cannabis users:
Review of CNWL PDU population 2009:
an aging and ill population
4,077 PDUs in community drug treatment
Age: Mean 36, almost half (48%) 40+: almost a third (31%) over 45
At least 25% HCV + expected
to get chronic liver disease 20 30yrs after infection: NOW
1,083 (58% of IDUs) have Hep C;
281 (15%) Hep B; 73 (4%) HIV
Severe mental health problem:
People with severe mental
illness die15 -20 yrs early
1,158 (27%) severe depression;
343 (8%) psychosis; 1,587 (37%)Personality Disorder.
Smoking: almost all
24% NFA or housing problem
79% unemployed at intake
Heavy smoking reduces life
by average of 8.8 yrs
Only 15% previous
regular employment
 A third (34%) to 40% have severe physical health plus severe mental
health issues plus long term unemployment and are over 40
CNWL Review: audits & stakeholder surveys
We were:
 good at core aspects eg community & in-patient prescribing, retention,
staff competence, health inputs and clinical governance but
 poorer on value for money, performance management, working with
primary stimulant users, unplanned discharges and relationships/image
 Planned exits: some discharge drug free but mainly referral to GPs (the
commissioned pathway)
SOLID but `old fashioned’ & expensive NHS provider:
needed to modernise
 CNWL TOP Outcomes on GOOD on reducing drug misuse,
crime, & injecting: limited improvement in housing and
employment local systems issues
New Vision
“CNWL provide high quality, evidence-based specialist
addiction treatment that helps clients tackle their
dependency and promotes recovery”
In partnerships and local systems of treatment and recovery, CNWL lead on:
Specialist prescribing, health & expert psycho-social, & Clinical governance
CNWL recognise
We are have an aging, increasing group & other complex population needs
Recovery is a process with personal goals: it is NOT abstinence: learn from Mental Health
Long term opioid-maintenance will be needed by some: we have to ensure its quality:
Working with partners (including peer support & mutual aid) is essential to embed recovery
principles into practice
Drug users are already STIGMATISED – we need a balance between ambition in outcomes
and being realistic: we must not add to stigma and feelings of failure
We have a commitment to improving our services by regular audit, review and planning
CNWL redesign phase 1 & 2
 Phase 1: Slimmed & restructured management and `infrastructure’,
stopped agency nurses, more financial & performance accountability
 Result: units cost fell & KPI performance improved within 1 year
 Phase 2: work in progress
 Embed the vision
– Expand range of psycho-social interventions with more client focus
– Extend core health interventions
– Improve and develop prescribing options
– Increase service user & mutual aid role
– Improve access to volunteering & employment
 Local sector redesigns in line with the vision and in partnership with local
commissioners, providers and service users
Key Learning points
 Trust Board support essential
 `Selling the Vision’ to the staff & building a `Leadership team’ crucial
 Keep stakeholders on board crucial (commissioners, users, partners)
 Management & staff restructure painful, took time: due HR process
 Culture shifts occurring when:
– service managers and lead clinicians asked to redesign their services on 0%, 10%, -20%, -30%
– Teams saw examples of how service user led services can work (SUDRG &
Inituative recovery)
– Debate in the senior team on the purpose of treatment and what outcomes we
are trying to achieve (ongoing)
– Regular feedback of audit, performance and outcome data: comparing services
– We did very close planning and work with partners on service models
– Extra grant resources allowed for `non-commissioned’ work
Two partnership models
Model 1
 New drug & alcohol service with ETE, day programme & volunteering
 Several months designing service: 3 partners playing to strengths
 Multiple providers: one centre, one service, one team
 True partnership: one NDTMS code, one information/case management
system, one shared clinical governance system
 CNWL: strong, quite small team
 Clear and explicit emphasis on recovery and building recovery capital
 Very cost-efficient model
Model 2
Peer-led services taking over drug services at evenings and weekends
Social club, drop-in, trained volunteers, linked to training
Needs time to grow
Redesign of services can lead to improvements in services
and efficiency gains especially if done in partnership
We need balanced systems