Wen Bing 5

Wen Bing 5
Autumn Dryness
Autumn Dryness
• Dryness pathogenic factor attack in Autum
• Starts from LU
• Dryness damages body fluid
• Etiology and Pathology
– Cool dryness
– Warm dryness
• Diagnosis
– Seasonal factor: beginning of Autumn
– LU Wei-stage symptoms with dry mouth, nose,
skin, etc
– LU,ST, seldom transmit to Lower Jiao
• 1. Autumn Dryness in LU Wei-stage
– Fever, slight aversion to wind cold, cough with little
phlegm, hoarse voice, dry throat, dry nose, slight
thirst, red tongue tip and edge with dry thin white
coating, rapid large pulse on right
– Sang Xing Tang
桑叶sang ye (Folium Mori Albae)
杏仁xing ren (Semen Pruni Armeniacae)
沙参sha shen (Radix Adenophorae seu Glehniae)
贝母 bei mu (Bulbus Fritillariae)\
豆豉dou chi (Semen Sojae Praeparatum)
栀子zhi zi (Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis) skin
Pear skin
• 2 Autumn dryness in Qi-stage
– 2-1 Dryness disturbs orifices
– 2-2 Dryness heat injures LU
– 2-3 LU dryness and LI heat with bleeding
– 2-4 Dryness in LU with constipation
– 2-5 LU & ST yin injury
• 2-1 Dryness disturbs orifices
– Fever, thirst, tinnitus, red eyes, swollen gums, sore
throat, dry yellow tongue coating, rapid pulse
– Qiao He Tang
薄荷bo he (Herba Menthae Haplocalycis)
连翘lian qiao (Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae)
甘草gan cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)
栀子zhi zi (Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis) skin
桔梗jie geng (Radix Platycodi Grandiflori)
绿豆lu dou (Semen Phaseoli Radiati) skin
• 2-2 Dryness heat injures LU
– Fever, thirst, restlessness, non-productive cough, fullness in
chest, rib pain, dry throat, dry nose, red tongue tip and edge, thin
white dry or thin yellow dry coating, rapid pulse
– Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
石膏shi gao (Gypsum)
桑叶sang ye (Folium Mori Albae)
甘草gan cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)
人参ren shen (Radix Ginseng)
黑芝麻hei zhi ma (Semen Sesami Indici)
阿胶e jiao (Gelatinum Corii Asini)
麦门冬mai men dong (Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici)
杏仁xing ren (Semen Pruni Armeniacae)
枇杷叶蜜炙pi pa ye (Honey –fried Folium Eriobotryae Japonicae)
• 2-3 LU dryness and LI heat with bleeding
– Itchy throat and non-productive cough at beginning,
follows severe cough with sticky phlegm with blood,
chest pain, burning in abdomen, diarrhea, red tongue
with thin yellow dry coating, rapid pulse
– E Jiao Huang Qin Tang
阿胶e jiao (Gelatinum Corii Asini)
黄芩huang qin (Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis)
杏仁xing ren (Semen Pruni Armeniacae)
桑白皮sang bai pi (Cortex Mori Albae Radicis)
白芍bai shao (Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)
甘草gan cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)
车前草che qian cao (Herba Plantaginis)
Sugar cane
• 2-4 Dryness in LU with constipation
– Cough with phlegm, fullness in chest and abdomen,
constipation with dry stools, dry red tongue
– Wu Ren Ju Pi Tang
杏仁xing ren (Semen Pruni Armeniacae)
郁李仁yu li ren (Semen Pruni)
桃仁tao ren (Semen Persicae)
柏子仁bai zi ren (Semen Biotae Orientalis)
Pine nut
陈皮chen pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae)
• 2-5 LU & ST yin injury
– After fever or with slight fever, non-productive
cough or with little phlegm, dry nose, dry
throat, thirst, dry tongue body with little
coating, thin rapid pulse
– Glehnia and Ophiopogonis Decoction 沙参麦
门冬汤sha shen mai men dong tang
• 3. Autumn dryness in Ying or Xue-stage
– Fever, thirst, restlessness, with all kinds of
bleeding, deep red tongue body with yellow
dry tongue coating, rapid pulse
– Bai Hu Jia Di Huang Tang
• Bai Hu Tang
• Sheng Di
Warm Toxin
• Acute infectious
• High fever, swollen pain, bleeding macula
in face, head and throat
• Epidemic infectious disease
Da Tou Wen
• Etiology and pathogenesis
– Wind-heat toxin attack through nose and
mouth and obstructed in channels red
swollen face
• Diagnosis
– Acute onset, high fever, aversion to cold, red
swollen face, burning pain in local area
– Winter, Spring
• 1. Pathogen attacks LU Wei-stage
– Aversion to cold, fever but not high, no
sweating or little sweating, headache, red
swollen face, soreness pain all over body, red
eyes, sore throat, thirst, thin yellow tongue
coating, floating rapid pulse
– Jia Wei Cong Chi Jie Geng Tang ( Xian Cong
Bai, JIe Geng, Zhi Zi, Dan Dou Chi, Bo He,
Lian QIao, Gan Cao, Dan Zhu Ye, Niu Bang Zi,
Jin Yin Hua, Da Qing Ye, Chan Tui)
• 2. Excessive toxin in LU ST
– High fever, thirst, restlessness, swollen pain in
face, severe sore throat, red tongue with
yellow coating, rapid excessive pulse
– Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin (Huang Qin, Huang Lian,
Xuan Shen, Lian Qiao, Ban Lan Gen, Ma Bo,
Niu Bang Zi, Bo He, Jiang Can, Jie Geng,
Sheng Ma, Chai Hu, Chen Pi, Gan Cao)
• 3. Excessive toxin in LU ST & Intestines
– Fever like burning, fast heavy breathing, restlessness,
thirst, sore throat, red eyes, red swollen pain in face
and around ears, constipation, concentrated urine,
red tongue with yellow coating, rapid pulse
– Tong Sheng Xiao Du San (Fang Feng, Bai Zhi, Jin Yin
Hua, Lian Qiao, Niu Bang Zi, Zhi Zi, Hua Shi, Mang
Xiao, Da Huang, Jie Geng, Gan Cao, Shui Niu Jiao,
Da Qing Ye, Bo He, Xian Cong Bai, Dan Dou Chi)
• 4. ST yin injury
– Fever’s gone, swollen face disappear, thirst
with desire of water, poor appetite, dry throat,
dry eyes, red dry lips, dry tongue body lack of
fluid with no or little tongue coating, thin a bit
rapid pulse
– Qi Xian Yu Yin Tang ( Xian Sheng Di, Xian Shi
Hu, Xian Bai Mao Gen, Xian Dao Sui, Xian Li
Zhi, Xian Zhe Zhi, Xian Pi Pa Ye)
Lan Hou Sha
• Etiology and pathogenesis
– Warm toxin attack LU ST heat toxin
obstructed in exterior (Skin, Muscle)
redness on skin, swollen sore throat
– scarlet fever
• Diagnosis
– Acute onset of fever, rashes on skin, sore
throat with pus, deep red tongue body with
prickles (red bayberry )
– Winter, Spring
– severe infections
• 1. Toxin attacks LU Wei-stage
– Aversion to cold, fever at beginning, followed by high
fever, sever thirst, swollen sore throat, even with pus,
rash on skin, red tongue with prickles, white dry
coating, floating, rapid pulse
– Qing Yan Zhi Chi Tang (Zhi Zi, Dan Dou Chi, Jin Yin
Hua, Bo He, Niu Bang Zi, Gan Cao, Chan Tui, Jiang
Can, Shui Niu Jiao, Lian QIao Ke, Jie Geng, Ma Bo,
Lu Gen, Deng Xin Cao, Zhu Ye)
• 2. Heat accumulate in upper Jiao
– Severe heat, thirst, restlessness, swollen sore
throat, rashes, red tongue body with prickles,
dry yellow coating, flooding rapid pulse
– Liang Ge San Modification (Lian Qiao, Huang
Qin, Zhi Zi, Bo He, Shi Gao, Jie Geng, Gan
Cao, Zhu Ye, Sheng Di, Dan Pi, Chi Shao, Zi
• 3. Heat in Qi-stage and Ying-stage
– Swollen sore throat, air tract obstruction, hoarse voice,
rapid breathing, rashes on skin in large area, high
fever, restlessness, deep red dry tongue body with
prickles, thin rapid pulse
– Liang Ying Qing Qi Tang (Shui Niu Jiao, Xian Shi Hu,
Zhi ZI, Dan Pi, Sheng Di, Bo He, Huang Lian, Chi
Shao, Xuan Shen, Shi Gao, Gan Cao, Lian Qiao Ke,
Zhu Ye, Lu Gen , Jin Zhi)
• 4. Remaining toxin injures Yin
– Swollen sore throat reduced, high fever
vanished, but still with afternoon fever, dry lips,
dry skin, dry red tongue body, thin rapid pulse
– Qing Yan Yang Ying Tang (Xi Yang Shen,
Sheng Di, Fu Shen, Mai Dong, Bai Shao, Tian
Hua Fen, Tian Dong, Xuan Shen, Zhi Mu, Zhi
Gan Cao)