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The field of Podiatry
specializes in the following
Assessment of forefoot and
rearfoot abnormalities.
Gait abnormalities
 Balance problems
 Leg length discrepancy
 Disorders that interfere with
proper walking and
sports function
Assessment and prescription to
reduce abnormality and restore
function- eliminate pain
Joint pain
 Soft tissue injury
 Plantar fasciitis
 Achilles tendonitis
 Bunions
 Shin splints
 Forefoot pain
Finally a cure to a stubborn but
common nail infection
Early identification
 Effective treatments
Conservative treatments
 Surgical treatments
for conditions such
as ingrown toenails
Immediate relief with
Treatment with
compression stockings
for neuropathy
Testing for poor circulation
Diabetes education
Routine nail care and
callus debridement
Effective elimination
of all types of these
viral infections.
Plantar warts are a common
skin affliction that presents in
podiatry offices
Plantar warts are caused by
the human papilloma virus
(HPV) types 1, 2, 4 and 63.
This virus is contagious.
Common areas to pick up plantar
warts on the feet include:
-Change rooms
-Indoor pool areas
-Public Showers
There are several treatment options
available to eliminate warts
One common wart treatment in
the office is removing the thick
skin on top and using topical
treatments that may contain
salicylic acid
Other wart treatments include:
Liquid nitrogen
Surgical removal
Prescriptions for
home application
Most treatments require more than one
visit to the office depending on the
wart's size, type, location and how long
it has been there.
There may be some discomfort
associated with treatment
Over-The-Counter Wart Treatments
There are many over-the-counter wart
treatments available that could be
helpful for new, small or lessresistant warts
Some types of plantar warts in
children may disappear on their
own without any treatment, while
others can multiply and need
professional treatment
How To Avoid Picking Up A
Plantar Wart
footwear around pool
Wear swim shoes or
sandals in public showers
It is best to seek advice from your
foot specialist to determine which
type of wart you have and discuss
the best options for treatment
If you discover an unknown lesion
on your foot, it is best to cover it
with tape to prevent crosscontamination, until you have it
looked at by your foot specialist
Foot orthotic therapy involves
using an appliance that fits
inside your shoe to eliminate
abnormal pressure and pain
Types of Foot Orthotics:
custom made
All types are made to relieve the
pain of a foot issue or correct an
Only chiropodists/podiatrists
have completed the
appropriate training to assess
the patient's needs and
prescribe the appliance that
will work the best for each
Your practitioner must first
complete a full biomechanical
assessment to determine if
an orthotic appliance is right
for you and your condition
Gait Analysis
In many cases, your gait (the
way you walk) will be assessed
to determine if you have an
imbalance between your right
leg and your left leg.
Custom made orthotics are
made from a non-weight
bearing plaster cast or 3-D
computerized image of the
There are two types of foot
orthotics that are prescribed:
 Corrective
orthotics try to correct
or reduce an abnormality
 Accommodative
orthotics support
the foot and deflect from a painful
This is why your Chiropodist's
prescription is essential
There are many different
materials used in orthotic
therapy ranging from very soft
to very rigid, and this depends
on your needs
Many people opt to treat foot, knee,
hip and back pain with orthotic
therapy because it addresses the
root of the problem, trying to
eliminate the need for pain-killing
medication or surgery
elimination of
fungal infections
on toenails.
Fungal Nails (Onychomycosis)
prevalence of
onychomycosis is about 6-8% in
the adult population.
Affects approximately one-third
of diabetics.
56% more frequent in people
suffering from psoriasis.
Signs and Symptoms of a
Fungal Nail Infection
 Thickened
 Discoloured nailswhite, black, yellow
or green
 Brittle nails
 Nail lifting off the toe
 Pain underneath or around the nail
Risk Factors for Fungal Infections
 Wearing
socks or shoes
that hinder ventilation
 Walking barefoot in
swimming pools, gyms
or change rooms.
 Excessive sweating
 Minor skin or nail injury
 Weakened immune
Treatment of Nail Fungus
Treatment of Nail Fungus
When topical antifungals fail to treat nail
fungus, oral Lamisil is sometimes
Oral lamisil has been associated with cases
of liver failure and many other side effects
making it a last resort treatment option.
Treatment of Nail Fungus
Finally a cure to a stubborn but
common nail infection.
Nail Fungus Laser Treatment
The Q-Clear™ Laser
System is approved by
the FDA and is proven
to be an effective
treatment for patients
with fungal nails
Nail Fungus Laser Treatment
 Mild
cases will typically respond to a
single treatment
 Moderate to severe cases may need
debridement and more than one
 The treatment is
painless and takes
less than one minute
per nail.
Nail Fungus Laser Treatment
How to Prevent Nail Fungus
 Do
not share nail clippers, files, shoes or
socks with others.
 Try not to injure your nail, such as by
cutting it too short (trauma to the nail may
lead to infections).
 Wear shower sandals or shower shoes
when you are at a public pool or shower.
 Wear dry cotton socks and change
them two or three times a day
if necessary.