Compilation of Q12 Best Practices - University of Virginia Health

Q12 Guidance
The following slides depict best practices from Gallup Consulting
when addressing each of the 12 Elements of Engagement. In
addition, a compilation of strategies leaders provided in a former
engagement education session are included.
Q01 – Know what’s expected
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Set aside time to explain to
each team member how his or
her role contributes to
workgroup success.
Hold a one-to-one meeting
with each team member to set
performance expectations.
Improve accountability by
involving team members in
setting their own individual
performance goals.
Seek opportunities to provide
informal feedback to individual
team members.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
Commit to the ideal that
everyone is here to heal
patients directly and
Incorporate into Buddy
Program & Onboarding
Ask everyone to sign RISE
values and behaviors
Shadow other disciplines
Establish visuals of goal
Share experiences/
teachable moments with
• Team members define
expectations of each other
then revise job descriptions
• Rephrase “My expectation
of you” to “My vision for
• Gain commitment of
everyone to read meeting
minutes and seek
clarification when uncertain
• Ensure standard work
processes are understood
and followed
• Educate direct reports on Be
Safe Team Member
Essentials and encourage
the use of the help chain for
quality and safety concerns
• Discuss goal progress in
every 1:1 meeting
• Review strategic plan in
team meetings
• Implement train the trainer
program to educate on
required competencies
• Share and discuss Friday’s
Before Five information and
• Review job description
every 6 months
• Create and implement a
peer review form
• Provide education on how
to give and receive peer to
peer feedback
• Commit to engaging in daily
• Identify and utilize mentors
Q02 – Have materials and
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Provide your team members
with the tools and equipment
needed to perform their duties
efficiently and effectively in
order to prevent work
Involve team members in
problem-solving methods that
are needed to do their job
Teach team members how to
access the information they
need to do their job right.
Create an open dialogue with
team members that
encourages them to talk about
what they need to perform
their job effectively.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Upgrade/repair equipment
and provide necessary inservices and updates on
• Review what improvements
had occurred and positive
• Send requesting team
members to additional
• Enhance workflow by
implementing mobile
• Involve team members in
budget process
• Discuss ways to ask for and
share resources with other
• Discuss the difference
between need and want
• Assess par levels
• Ensure proper use of
equipment location tags
• Implement daily huddles
with physicians to address
potential issues
• Utilize volunteers when
reorganizing resources
• Post supply list and rotate
responsibility among team
• Arrange for ergonomic
evaluation of work
• Educate team on how
equipment and supplies are
• Teach team members how
to observe work processes
in an attempt to create
standard work and eliminate
• Promote in the moment
communication regarding
needs and issues
• Establish frequent check
ins/rounding with team
• Discuss what this element
means to each person
• Create “Wish Lists”
• Provide opportunity for
Supply Chain to shadow
• Establish suggestion box and
ask team to vote on
Q03 – Opportunity to do best
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Learn what inspires team
members to do their best
Interview each of your team
members to assess their
individual strengths and
Match individual team
member's talents with role
Encourage team members to
use their strengths in their
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Discuss “What does doing
your best mean to you?”
• Clarify the difference
between responsibilities
and likes
• Encourage team to pick a
specialty of work of interest
• Promote evidence based
• Discuss 50th percentile and
ask if this is where we want
to stay
• Provide support and
opportunities for everyone
• Ask candidates during
interview about their
passion when determining
job fit
• Each team member shares
or demonstrates unique
• Utilize project charter to
maintain organization and
create priorities
• Tie personal interests to the
job role
• Provide additional
assignments to team
members who aspired to go
above and beyond job
• Empower team members to
work collaboratively to
create standard work
• Discuss what enables
people to do their best
• Take advantage of free/inhouse resources and
• Provide resources to allow
for additional opportunities
• Focus on breaking down
perceived or real barriers
• Discuss internal promotion
opportunities and Informal
Leader class
Q04 – Recognition
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Give formal recognition to
team members.
Encourage team members to
acknowledge the good work of
Learn how each of your team
members likes to be
recognized, and tailor your
approach to meet their
individual needs.
Model praise and recognition
behavior for team members.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Implement local Team
Member of the Month, Star
Awards, Kudos Awards, High
Five, Pat on the Back, which
recognize valued behaviors
and actions
• Implement locker
decorations for new hires
and special events
• Provide welcome letters to
new team members before
they start
• Celebrate important and
significant life events
• Promote peer to peer
recognition via emails,
Bravo Cards,
• Discuss the importance of
saying “Thank You” daily
• Incorporate a tribute to a
team member in newsletter
and team meetings
• Recently recognized team
member responsible for
recognizing another team
member the following week
• Pass around “You Rock”
award between team
members for good deeds
• Ask “How do you like to be
recognized?” and utilize that
knowledge to determine
appropriate recognition
strategy (who, what, where,
when, how)
• Commit to every team
member having a role in
organizing and planning a
team social event
• Announce recognition and
praise efforts at beginning
of team meetings
• Distribute and display RISE
• Encourage physician
• Adopt a practice of giving 2
Bravo cards each shift
• Distribute group email when
goals were met
• Look for opportunities to
recognize team members
who call attention to
potential quality and safety
Q05 – Cares about me
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Talk one-to-one with team
members regularly.
Make communication a top
priority for all team members.
Encourage team members to
share their work challenges
and concerns with leadership
and each other.
Communicate often during
times of change.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Meet regularly to make
personal connections
• Walk the floor with each
team member each day
• Implement daily team
member rounds and asked
“How can I help?”
• Shadow team members
every 6 months for 4 hours
• Team members check in
with each other during
difficult times which impact
work (weather, illness, etc.)
• Team members work
together to ensure everyone
gets to take PTO while
maintaining adequate
• Involve team members in
operational decisions
• Encourage team members
to proactively improve
relations with their
• Model an environment in
which professional safety is
a top priority
• Engage in difficult
conversations to convey “I
care about you”
• Provide weekly updates on
staffing challenges
• Discuss rumors and facts
• Discuss employee
engagement initiatives at
monthly team meetings
Q06 – Development
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Establish development goals
for team members in their
current roles.
Be available to give guidance
and advice to team members.
Encourage an atmosphere of
continuous learning among
your team.
Encourage team members to
share their knowledge and
skills with one another.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Ask team members semiannually “What are you
interested in?”
• Define specific quality and
safety developmental
• Provide formal supervision
opportunities when
required by certification
• Match clinical ladder
opportunities to strong
professional mentors and
held quarterly meetings
• Encourage chairing/cochairing of meetings)
• Require medical
terminology training
• Discuss ways to recover
from inevitable set backs
• Ask team members to
provide ROI for requested
training dollars
• Encourage peer supervision
and feedback
• Develop Q&A template on O
drive for team members to
ask questions / get
responses to topics
presented at team meetings
• Select one competency to
focus on per month
• Support research projects
developed by team
• Be available in real time to
coach team members
• Establish certification study
• Encourage attendance and
conferences and meetings
• Provide profession related
books during national
recognition week
• Ensure timely turnaround
for development requests
for support
• Encourage participation in
Informal Leader series and
teach back of concepts
• Offer a development class
each quarter
• Encourage job rotations and
cross training in areas of
• Encourage publishing
• Hold quarterly meetings
devoted to development
• Provide team members with
time to participate in local
talks (Schwartz Center
• Discuss and coach to case
study reviews in team
• Require all team members
to present one in-service a
• Share A3s and learnings
Q07 – Opinions count
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Host a team meeting to ask for
suggestions and listen to
Follow up on commitments
from meetings.
When a team member
requests to talk about
something, immediately
schedule a time to listen.
Advocate for your team
members; get others to
consider their opinions and
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Role model and encourage
active listening
• Implement small group
meetings to solicit feedback
on ideas
• Purposefully ask each team
member for input
• Ask “What does it look like
to have your opinions
• Empower team to take
control and ownership of
• Purposefully close the loop
and provide feedback on
ideas brought forward
• Create a central issues list
• Revisit ‘parking lot’ issues
• Create a log book to
communicate to
management when team
feels opinions didn’t count
• Create a template to track
ideas and concerns
• Create work group activities
to address concerns
• Limit the use of email to
solicit ideas and promote
face to face conversations
• Establish monthly employee
engagement forum
• Round throughout the
department frequently to
actively seek quality and
safety concerns
• Ensure the Help Chain is
understood and used
• Demonstrate that opinions
counts by actually trying and
implementing new team
• Promote continual
improvement by soliciting
feedback on the onboarding
• Provide public
acknowledgement of
changes made based on
• Establish communication
pathway between senior
leaders and management
Q08 – Mission/Purpose
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Tie company mission to every
team member’s role
Recognize team members'
talents and indicate how they
contribute to the department
and company mission
Align goals with company
mission and purpose
Provide examples of how
missions come alive in the
everyday business
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Encourage every team
member to introduce him or
herself during team
meetings in terms of how
they contribute to the
company mission
• Share and discuss
organizational and division
metrics at team meetings
• Amend the mission to
address desired behavior
• Highlight Dr. Shannon’s
video message in team
• Develop unit mission
statement with input from
all team members
• Integrate Uteam Rewards
and Bravo cards to RISE
• Discuss why we do what we
do everyday
• Create a ‘Journey’ board
• Post and update clinical
outcomes board
• Look for opportunities to tie
talents and
accomplishments back to
quality and safety
• Help team members identify
their internal customers
• Tie all initiatives to
organizational values
• Incorporate RISE values into
each team meeting agenda
• Read mission statement at
team meeting and ask team
member to describe what it
means to them
• Ask each team member to
discuss how Be Safe changes
the way they work
• Share patient experience
letters with team members
• Ask team members to
create work unit mission
and purpose statements
• Share stories which
demonstrate connections to
• Share case reviews whereby
patients were positively
Q09 – Committed to quality
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Ensure new team members are
trained appropriately about
Set quality standards for the
workgroup so that every team
member has a common
reference point.
Ask team members to help
develop the quality standards.
Educate the team about the
implications and effects of
substandard quality.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Provide training/ follow up
when quality is
• Effectively deal with poor
• Remove obstacles to
improve performance
through UBLs
• Establish QA process for
supervisors to mentor team
• Promote environment of
areas for opportunity versus
• Encourage team to view Dr.
Shannon’s video message –
top down commitment to
• Define quality metrics for
each unit
• Increase physician/nurse
• Implement shadowing
program with upper levels
of leadership
• Educate team members on
how to give and receive
• Encourage team members
to participate in quality
• Create team approach on
projects to ensure great
ideas and approaches
• Standardize processes
• Identify pitfalls and system
complexities in
communication patterns
• Submit evidence based
practice posters
• Train new hires on Be Safe in
your unit/department
• Incorporate Appreciative
Inquiry practices
• Discuss importance of
trusting each other to
always demonstrate safe
• Share individual learnings
with entire team
• Review quality metrics at
weekly huddles
• Create standard work to
remove variation/waste in
work processes
Q10 – Best friend at work
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Encourage team members to
develop supportive
relationships with one another.
Facilitate an in-depth
discussion about the definition
of "best friend at work" during
the engagement action
planning meeting.
Encourage your team members
to celebrate "special events"
for one another (e.g.,
birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).
Create opportunities for team
members to work on projects
with other team members they
enjoy working with.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Implement “buddy”
onboarding process
• Assign Clin 3s to each RN to
serve as a resource
• Display travel outside of
work pictures
• Create “Secret Pals” who
perform random acts of
kindness throughout the
year without revealing
• Interpret as someone who:
makes my day better, has
your back, has your best
interest at heart, you can
connect with, supports you,
you would turn to as a
• Explain why this question is
asked and how it connects
to quality
• Discuss the difference
between A best friend and
THE best friend
• Implement social gatherings
based on what the team
• Implement monthly
onboarding breakfast for
new team members
• Focus on interdepartmental
collaboration opportunities
• Implement job shadowing
• Stress the importance of
professional safety and
• Include team members in
UBTs for problem resolution
Q11 – Progress
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Communicate with team
members about their
individual performance
Document the performance
progress of your team
Meet with team members at
least quarterly to review
individual goals.
Talk with underperforming
team members to understand
the current situation.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Discuss the importance of
asking for peer feedback,
demonstration and
receiving feedback
• Discuss organizational
progress at huddles, team
meetings, small work
groups, weekly emails
• Assess strengths and
opportunities for
• Implement bi-annual
performance reviews
• Complete “fact sheet” by
each team member, review
and celebrate
• Utilize the A3 document to
set timelines and
• Implement quality check-ins
with each team member
• Gather peer input when
setting individual goals and
share progress with
quarterly basis
• Encourage team members
to present research at daily
• Hold crucial conversations
• Share and discuss increases
and decreases in errors
Q12 – Learn & Grow
Best Practice Strategies from Gallup
Create an atmosphere of
continuous learning.
Talk with team members
individually about their career
Promote learning about
different areas of the
Create incentives and rewards
for team members when they
further their learning.
How Medical Center Workgroups have responded
• Post continuing learning
• Discuss the importance of
individual advancement
• Describe education as an
opportunity to think
through options
• Implement a “year in
review” exercise
• Promote study groups
• Implement a lunch & learn
• Present “Hot Topics” at
team meetings
• Implement a journal club –
participants choose an
article to review and discuss
• Offer challenging projects
which support team
members to do their best
• Enable requested cross
training and reassignments
• Encourage team members
to facilitate team meetings
• Instill the idea of project
ownership - “You own it”
• Promote increased Learning
Management System
• Create annual professional
• Encourage team members
to challenge career ladder
or promote to higher level
• Organize guest speakers to
attend team meetings
• Educate other departments
about our department’s
• Ask team members to bring
topics to share at team
• Create and promote
opportunities for team
members for work with
different teams
• Promote Uteam meeting
• Increase in-services at team
meetings based on requests
• Increase clinical area tours
for non-clinical team
• Create mentoring program
• Celebrate significant
• Nominate team members
for participation in Informal
Leader and Best Practices in
Management development
• Focus on promoting from
• Encourage LEAN coursework
and learning