
2000 Pan American High
Performance Coaching Course
February 10 – 15, 2009
Hamilton, Bermuda
Course Conductors: FIH Coach Grade 1 – ShiazVirjee (Canada)
FIH Coach
- William (Bill) Gaudette (USA), FIH Coach
Olympian - Jorgelina Rimoldi (Argentina)
Physical Characteristics
Fast Reflexes
Speed in the D
Tactics Characteristics
Angle Positioning
Protective Recovering
Counter Attack
Technique Characteristics
Body Position
Contact with Ball
Psychological Characteristics
• There is a lot of emphasis being put on speed,
agility and power. The question is how does that
translate into a better goalkeeper? The speed
aspect is apparent in the forward direction as
gk’ers are often required to sprint off their line to
intercept through balls and win breakaways.
Every second matters when racing to beat a
forward for the ball.
• Agility is crutial because there is so much
change in direction required by the position.
And power is vital for a strong explosion on
extension and diving.
• Many goalkeepers today have added agility training to
their daily or weekly workouts. They are using agility
ladders, working on first step explosion, improving speed
and running form, and doing plyometrics. The result is a
fitter, faster, and more athletic goalkeepers than every
before. However there still remains a disconnect
between speed and agility work and actual positional
performance and training. As coaches we need to
develop exercises that connect the footwork patterns
learned on the ladder and in the various agility drills to
actual game situations and specific to goalkeeping
• Lateral footwork is one example applicable to
goalkeeping. It can separate a good goalkeeper from a
great goalkeeper. As goalkeepers develop, they need to
learn to incorporate more lateral footwork and lateral
quickness if they want to progress to playing at the
highest level. Most younger goalkeepers have the
tendency to dive from the set positions thus relying on
their power, not their speed or agility. Power can only get
a goalkeeper so far. Even the most explosive goalkeeper
can’t dive sufficient distance to cover the entire goal
surface. There fore improving lateral footwork is the
solution to extending a goalkeepers diving range.
• The recommended footwork into a dive is to step with
the closest to the ball, at an attacking angle ton intersect
the path of the ball, as the arms extend to make a block
save. The upper body stays forward over the front knee
as the knee bends (similar to a long lunge), to ease the
body to the ground for a dive. There fore, if the ball is on
the right, the step is with the right leg. However, the
movement is actually initiated from the push off the back
(left in this case) foot. Then once the body is moving in
the direction of the ball, the power and drive comes from
pushing off the lead plant leg (goalkeepers must have
good hip and leg extensor strength) and the drive of the
arms to the ball, as well as the drive of the back leg
across the body.
• When the shot is about to be taken, the goalkeeper
should be set, balanced onboth feet, weight forward on
the balls of the feet and ready to respond. After the ball
is struck, most goalkeepers only take one steps
described above into their dive, thus they are limiting the
distance they can cover laterally. Ideally if they can add a
a quick shuffle on to that step, they will be able to
generate more lateral momrntum which will translate into
a much greater saving range. The shuffle does not have
to cover a great distance, but it does need to be very
quick since a goalkeeper has limited reaction time after
the ball is struct.
We start by training players to derive their push off the back foot with an agility ladder pattern. The
first pattern is a basic lateral sidestep, putting 2 feet in each box and progress down the ladder
facing sideways. Be sure to train in both directions. Then progress to a diagonal pattern that
zigzags 2 in and 1 out through the ladder sfacing forward. Once the pattern becomes ingrained ,
then quickness through the ladder is stressed. This pattern is the exact step to shuffle pattern that
the goalkeeper will use though the ladder is expresed. This pattern is the exact step to shuffle
NEXT we progress to diving. Set up 2 cones about 4 yards apart. The goalkeeper starts behind
one of the cones and the server is about 5 yards from the other cone facing the GK. The server
has one ball , And on verbal command from the server, the GK takes a step then quickly shuttles
at an angle forward ending with collapse dive save in front of the other come. The service should
be firm, direct that will challenge that will challenged the GK to footwork across quickly.
Additionally a good arm drive is stressed. The server swithces sides a sgoalkeeeoer resets. So
that both directions can be trainig. Since The GK is getting a predictable shot in this exercise, it is
easier to focus on applying the appropriate footwork pattern. Over time with repetition this GK will
switcy to Moter and footwork will become second nature to the Goalkeeper. It is all about teaching
muscel memory so when the GP returns to live play, the response is automaic.
• Pattern side hops – 2 feet
• Front hops one foot out and 2 in
• Step with lead foot. Step first only with right food
on angle up
• Shuffle
• Collapse Dive.
Vision Training
• Close eyes: R or L upon opening
• Looking over shoulder see red or blue
• Letters and numbers on balls
– Ground
– Aerials
Grounded, make second save id numbers
Close eyes, open on shot
Lights – R left, L right, up – down add
Key Factors
• Access the speed and angle of attackers approach
• Make movements toward ball when the ball is off the
attackers stick.
• Delay the attacker as long as possible
• Stay as big as possible
• Force wide if possible
• As the attacker gets closer, the GK needs to adjust his
body position lower and prepare the blockers,
• Assessment/Decision – watch the ball not the attacker
Technique – lead with the hands and not the feet
Head position
Phicial courage
Recovery saves
Analyze angle and speed of defenders recovery runs
Instruction/communication with recovering defenders.
Determined by attackers angle of approach, angle of the
recovery line of the defender, and the position of the GK
(especially if the attacker is being forced wide)
• Goalkeepers position in relation to the distance
and angle of the ball.
• GK’s movement into the line in relation to the
movement of the ball
• Is there pressure on the ball. If not the player in
possession can play the ball forward so the GK
need to identify when to be on the ball of the feet
or the front foot in “anticipation” of the ball being
played through.
• Goalkeepers assessment of whether to advance
to deal with the through ball or stay and defend
the goal.
• Need logical, realistic and progressive method to aid
• 1. Shot Stopping/recovery saves
• A. starting position in relation to ball: Repositioning on
ball goal line
• B. Readjust position with footwork that is balanced and
coordinated. Accomplished with short lateral movements
ensuring that movements are made as the ball is being
passed so that if at anytime the opposition are going to
shoot for goal. The goalkeeper is balanced and set to
give themselves the best opportunity to save. As players
advance closer to goal the goalkeeper must decide
• Advance to ball or down the line of the ball to
narrow the angle of the shot. By narrowing the
angle the target becomes small and gives the
goalkeeper a better opportunity to save.
• A taller gk often will not go down the line as far
as he fills more of the goal. With more balls lifted
around the goal, the gk perfers to have a bit
more time to make a decision to save or deflect.
Preparing to “SET”
Who is the player in possession
Is the player stronger right side or left
Is that player likely to shoot
What are shooting options
Are defenders in position to pressure ball
Does the position of defenders impact GK
• Other considerations
• Surface conditions of the pitch
• Possible shooting distance
Lighting conditions
Upon Shooting:
What is best and safest position to make save
Where are defenders to assist in clearing
If deflected, in what area of the pitch or over and around
the goal
Does the gk now need to make a recovery save or does he
re-adjust position and defend goal
1 v 1 when attacker is behind defense
GK Decisions based upon
Planned entry into the D
Who is the Player
Is the attacker being chased by a defender
Is attacker in good possession
How fast is the player running and is the
defender likely to position to tackle
• With these considerations, the goalkeeper
decides if he is in a position to advance from the
line at any stage and intercept the ball.
• The GK must not commit too early and
instead put the onus on the attcker,
bearing in mind that there are recovering
• Attackers entering the D with solid
possession, in most instance it is better for
the GK to remain big and go for a save
unless the player has the ball come off his
• When training the gk, have the attacker
shoot within 4 seconds of receiving ball.
This forces the attacker to attack at pace,
• Set Piece into the D
• What does Gk know about the players in a
position to receive the first pass
• What options are aviailable to the player taking
the free hit into the D
• How many players will defend the free hit
• Who is likely to put pressure on the first pass
• Where is the starting position in relation to ball.
• What are position of players not in the wall
• How deep are we defending
• Positioning. The Gk position must be just
off center of goal giving himself the best
possible chance to save the ball whether it
goes right or left. The gk must take up a
positionwhere he can best see the most
likely pass option.
• The goalkeeper must wait until the ball is
struck before making his first movement.
Dealing with balls cup back
• Dealing with a ball that is driven hard
across the face of the near post
• 1st priority is to defend the near post
• A square on body position slightly in front
of the near post will give the gk the best
opportunity of defending the goal and still
be able to be in a position to cut out the
ball that is hit hard into the near post area
• As the ball is hit, the GK makess an
accessment of whether he can cut the ball
out and decide which technique would be
most appropriate.
• If the GK decides not to go for the ball,
then he must recover into the best position
to defend the goal.
2nd Positioning
• The GK can now afford to be further back in the
goal and with a 45 degree stance to the ball.
• This stance will now give the GK the opportunity
to defend the front half of the goal if the ball is hit
into that area, and also be in a good position to
deal with the ball that is hit into the far post.
• The 45 degree stance or open body position of
the GK will also make it easier to assess the
positioins of all the defenders and attackers in
the D