Chapter 04: The Action Potential

Properties of the Action Potential
• The Ups and Downs of an Action Potential
Oscilloscope to visualize an AP
- Rising phase : rapid depolarization to reach the peak of 40mV
- Overshoot : part where inside neurons are more positive than
outside (> 0mV)
- Falling phase : rapid repolarization
- Undershoot : after-hyperpolarization
Properties of the Action Potential
• The Generation of an Action Potential
Caused by depolarization of membrane beyond
threshold - generator potential
“All-or-none” - conversion of analog into digital
Chain of events that lead to the generation of action
potential in the thumbtack response
- The thumbtack press the skin
- The membrane of nerve fibers is stretched
- Na+ -permeable channels that are gated by mechanical
stimulation open
- Na+ influx depolarizes the membrane
- The depolarization reaches the threshold
- Action potential
Properties of the Action Potential
• The Generation of Multiple Action Potentials
Continuous depolarizing current injection can cause
multiple action potential generation
Properties of the Action Potential
• The Generation of Multiple Action Potentials
Firing frequency reflects the magnitude of the
depolarizing current
- One way that stimulation intensity is encoded
There is a limit!
- Maximum firing frequency
~ 1000 Hz
- Absolute refractory period
: time required to initiate
the next AP once an AP is
initiated ~ 1 msec
- Relative refractory period :
for a few miliseconds after
the end of absolute
refractory period, current
needed to reach threshold
is above normal
The Action Potential, In Theory
• Ideal cell has Na+-K+ pumps,
K+-channels, and Na+-channels.
• Channels are closed (gK=0) and
Vm=0 mV
• Potassium channels are open
• Outward current of K+
• IK (net movement of K+) >0
until Vm reaches EK
• Eventually Vm reaches EK,
making driving force (Vm - E)
equals zero
The Action Potential, In Theory
• Rising phase
At -80 mV, driving force for Na+ is
(Vm-ENa = -80 mV - 62 mV = 142 mV)
When many Na+ channels open
(gNa >> 0) at once because
membrane is depolarized to
threshold, the inward sodium
current (INa)) is large - quickly
brings Vm toward Ena (62 mV)
assuming Na+ permeability is now
far greater than K+ permeability
• Falling phase
Sodium channels quickly close
and potassium channels remains
Dominant membrane permeability
switches back to potassium
K+ flows out to bring Vm back to
The speed of falling phase
depends on the size of gK
The Action Potential, In Reality
• The Generation of an Action Potential
gNa increases at the threshold and gK transiently increases
during falling phase in reality?
Hodgkin and Huxley proved it experimentally (1950) using
- Voltage Clamp method
“Clamp” membrane potential at any chosen value then deduce the
changes in membrane conductance by measuring currents
- They proposed that the transient increase in gNa is possible
due to
Existence of sodium “gates” in the axonal membrane
Gates are activated by depol. Over threshold
Gates are inactivated by a positive membrane potential
Gates are deinactivated only after membrane potential returns to
a negative value
The Action Potential, In Reality
• The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel
A single polypeptide
Four distinct domains
- Each domain contains 6
transmembrane alpha helices (S1S6) and ion-selective pore loop
- They clump together to form a pore
- Selectivity filter deals with hydrated
The Action Potential, In Reality
• The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel
S4 has the voltage sensor in which positively charged
amino acids are regularly spaced along the coils of helix
Depolarization can twists S4 by electric repulsion
Conformational change causes the gate to open
The Action Potential, In Reality
• The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel : Functional Properties
Patch-clamp method (Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann) was
developed in the mid-1970s
- Small patch of membrane seals the tip of an electrode
- The membrane is torn apart from the neuron
- Ion current can be measured at any clamped membrane
The Action Potential, In Reality
• Functional Properties of the
Sodium Channel
Open with little delay
Stay open for about 1 msec
Cannot be opened again by
depolarization until the
membrane potential returns to a
negative value near thresholod
Absolute refractory period
- Channels are inactivated by the
second gate
- It is a slow one to act and needs
to be replaced by the fast gate
Explains many properties of AP
The Action Potential, In Reality
• The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures (channelopathy)
- Caused by a single amino acid change in the extracellular region of one sodium
channel (out of many)
- Slowed inactivation prolongs action potential
Toxins as experimental tools
- Puffer fish toxin: Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
 Toshio Narahashi
 Clogs Na+ permeable pore by binding tightly
 Blocks all sodium-dependent action potentials
- Red Tide toxin: Saxitoxin
 Na+ Channel-blocking toxin
 Produced by marine protozoa, Gonyaulax dinoflagellate, typical shellfish
 Occasional blooming of the dinoflagellates cause red tide
• Structural studies and physiological studies
The Action Potential, In Reality
• Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels
According to Hodgkin and Huxley’s experiments, falling
phase cannot be explained solely by the inactivation of gNa
Existence of potassium gate was also proposed
- open in response to depolarization
- Potassium gates open slowly (need about 1msec after depol.)
Delayed rectifier
- Potassium conductance serves to rectify or reset membrane
Function to diminish any further depolarization
Four separate polypeptide subunits join to form a pore
The Action Potential, In Reality
• Key Properties of the Action Potential
Rising phase
Falling phase
Absolute refractory period
- sodium channel deinactivation
Relative refractory period
- potassium channel closure
Action Potential Conduction
• Propagation
Depolarized to threshold
Sodium channels open
Influx of Na+
Positive charges coming in
depolarize the membrane
just ahead to threshold
Next population of sodium
channels open
Action Potential Conduction
• Propagation of the action potential
- Action potential travels in one direction - down axon to the
axon terminal
Antidromic (experimental)
- Backward propagation is possible if the initiation of AP occurs
in the middle of axon
Cannot turn back on itself
- Refractory (inactivated sodium channels)
Typical conduction velocity: 10 m/sec
Action Potential Conduction
• Factors Influencing Conduction Velocity
Depends on how far the depolarization ahead of the action
potential spreads
The spread depends on resistance of space
Path of the positive charge
- Down the inside of the axon
- Across the axonal membrane - leakage
Axonal excitability
- Axonal diameter (bigger = faster)
- Number of voltage-gated channels
Neural pathway that are specially important for survival
have evolved unusually large axons - squid giant axon
Action Potential Conduction
• Factors Influencing Conduction
Layers of myelin sheath insulate
the leakage of charges and
facilitate current flow down the
inside of axon
Nodes of Ranvier
- Every 0.2-2.0 mm
- Place of AP generation
- Place of voltage-gated sodium
Saltatory conduction
- AP travels by leaping
Action Potential Conduction
• Multiple sclerosis
Demyelinating disease
Marked slowing of conduction
CNS version of GuillianBarre syndrome
Action Potentials, Axons, and Dendrites
• Spike-initiation zone
Only membrane that
contains voltage-gated
sodium channels are
capable of generating AP
Axon hillock
Sensory nerve endings
• Differences in the type and
density of membrane ion
channels can account for
the characteristic electrical
properties of different types
of neuron