IB Math Studies Topic 4:Functions

IB Math Studies
Topic 4:Functions
Joanna Livinalli and Heleny Cadenas
IB Course Guide description
Topic 4.1
Domain, Range and Function Mapping
• Domain: The set of values to be put
into a function.
– In other words the set of possible x
• Range: The set of values produced by a
– In other words the set of possible y
Identify the domain and range of the
following functions
Check your answers
a. Domain: x ≥ -1
Range: y ≥ -3
b. Domain: any real number
Range: y ≤ 1
• A mapping diagram is a simple way to illustrate
how members of the domain are “mapped” onto
members of the range
– It shows what happens to certain numbers in the
domain under a certain function
This mapping for example
shows what happens to
the domain {-2, 0, 1, 2, -1}
under the function f(x) = x²
For a relationship to be a function, each member of the domain can
only map on to one member of the range; but it is ok for different
members of the domain to map onto the same member of the range
The mapping below is of the form 𝑓 𝑥 =
𝑥² + 1 and maps the elements of x to
elements of y.
• List the elements of the domain of f.
• List the elements in the range of f.
• Find p and q
Check your answers
Domain: {q, -1, 0, 1, 3}
Range: {5, 2, 1, p}
Topic 4.2
Linear Functions
• Always graph a line and are often written in the
form of y = mx + b
– Where m = slope or gradient
– Where b = y-intercept (the point where the line cuts
the y axis)
• ax + by = c is the rearrangement of this first form
Graphs of a linear function
A line with positive slope and
a positive y-intercept
A line with positive slope and a
negative y-intercept
A line with negative slope and a
positive y-intercept
A line with negative slope and
a negative y-intercept
Horizontal line
Vertical line
- Horizontal lines are always
in the form y = c or y = k ,
where c or k are the constant.
- The slope of a horizontal
line is zero
- Vertical lines are always in
the form x = c or x = k, where c
or k are the constant.
- The slope of a vertical line is
• Intersection of lines:
– The point where two lines can be worked out
algebraically by solving a pair of simultaneous
• Finding the equation of a line
– You need to know its gradient and a point
• Can substitute into y = mx + b
• Use the formula y - y₁ = m(x - x₁) where (x₁ , y₁) is the point
Example – equation of the line
– A line goes through (2,3) and (5,9) – what is its
• Substitute into y = mx + b
– Gradient =
So y = 2x + b
Substitute (2,3)
3 = 2(2) + b
b = -1
The equation is y = 2x - 1
• Use the formula y - y₁ = m(x - x₁) where (x₁ , y₁) is the point
– y - 3 = 2(x -2)
– y – 3 = 2x - 4
– y = 2x - 1
Topic 4.3
Quadratic Functions
• Two different forms
Standard form
𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥² +𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
Vertex: ( 2𝑎 , 𝑓( 2𝑎 ))
Vertex form
𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)² + 𝑘
Vertex: (h,k)
• The graph of every quadratic function is a
parabola (u-shape)
– To find the solutions (zeros/x-intercepts) by hand:
Set the equation equal to zero
You will have two solutions
– To find the solutions in the calculator:
• Type the equation in Y=
• Calculate
– 2: Zero
– The axis of symmetry:
• To find vertex by hand:
 b
 2a
  b 
 
 2a  
• The equation must be in the form 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥² +𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
• The x-coordinate is equal to x 
• Plug the x-coordinate back into the function, f(x), to get
the y-coordinate of the vertex.
– To find the vertex in the calculator
• Type the equation in Y=
• Calculate
• 3: Minimum (if the parabola opens up) or 4: Maximum
(if the parabola opens down)
• Example
• The y-intercept is -3 which is the same as
the c-value of the equation.
• The x-intercepts (also known as “zeros”) are
at -1 and 3.
• Halfway between -1 and 3 is the xcoordinate of the vertex; x = 1
• If you evaluate y(1) you will get the ycoordinate of the vertex.
y(1) = 12 – 2(1) – 3
y(1) = -4
• If you set y = 0, then you can factor the
equation and solve for x:
x2 – 2x – 3 = 0
(x – 3)(x + 1) = 0
x = 3 and x = -1
These are the x-intercepts.
Quadratic formula
• Some quadratic equations do not factor
– To solve them use the quadratic formula
 b  b  4ac
– This is given to use in the formula sheet the day of
the exam
Topic 4.4
Exponential Functions
• Exponential functions are functions where the
unknown value, x, is the exponent.
• For the “mother function” the following is true:
domain: all real numbers
range: y > 0
y-intercept: (0, 1)
asymptote: y = 0
y = 2-x – 2
y = 2x – 2
The positive exponent
represents growth
The negative exponent
represents decay
• Exponential graphs are asymptotic
– They get closer and closer to a line but never reach it
EXAMPLE: y = 2x – 1
• If the equation is in the form y = ax
then the asymptote is the x-axis or 0
• If the equation is in the form y = ax + c
then the asymptote is the x = c
• The c in this equation shows the
movement upwards or
downwards of the graph
• In this example the -1 moved the
graph down one on the y axis
Asymptote: y = -1
Topic 4.5
Trigonometric Functions
Sine function
Cosine function
𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑎 sin 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
a is the amplitude
c is the vertical translation
b is the number of cycles between 0° & 360° and period =
y = sin x
y = cos x
• Vertical translation
– Adding a number to the function causes the curve
to translate up
– Subtracting a number from the function causes
the curve to translate down
y = (sin x) + 3
y = (cos x) - 3
• Vertical stretch (changing the amplitude)
– Multiplying the function by a number causes the
curve to be stretched vertically; in other words,
the amplitude has changed. The amplitude is the
distance between the principle axis of the
function and a maximum (or a minimum).
y = 2sin x
y = 2cos x
• Horizontal stretch (changing the period)
– Multiplying x by a number causes the curve to be
stretched horizontally
y = sin (3x)
y = cos (2x)
Topic 4.7
Sketching Functions
• Important tips
– Use your calculator to help you
• Set up the “window” correctly to see the part of the
graph that you need
• Remember parenthesis
– If you are not careful you could type an equation different
than the one the test is asking
– Label both x and y axes
– Include the scale on both axes
– Graph function in your calculator first
• Use the TABLE to get some point to plot
Topic 4.8
Using a GDC to solve equations
1. Type one side of the equation in Y1
2. Type the other side of the equation in Y2
3. Calculate – Intersect (option 5)
Remember the rules for sketching functions