Unit 1 Exam Microanatomy Lab Practical Practice Questions

Connective Tissue
What Basic Type of Connective tissue is indicted by the
What type of fiber is indicated by the blue arrow? What
type of fixed cell produces this fiber?
What type of cells are within the black circle? What is the
function of these cells?
What type of connective tissue is this? What are the cells
that compose this type of connective tissue?
What type of connective tissue is that? What are the
predominant fibers within the extracellular matrix of this
What Cells produce the fibers of this connective tissue?
What Type of connective tissue is indicated in the picture?
What is the main extracellular fiber produced by the fixed
cells of this connective tissue?
What type of connective tissue is illustrated in these 3
pictures? What is the predominant type of extracellular
fiber within this tissue
This is tissue taken from an organ of hematopoietic origin.
What type of connective tissue is seen here? What fixed
cells produce the predominant extracellular fiber?
What is the function of these cells in the indicated by the
red/white arrows?
These Extracellular fibers intersect at right angles in this
type of connective tissue. What type of extracellular fibers
are seen here?
What type of connective tissue is seen here? What other
type of tissue is this frequently confused with?
What type of extracellular fibers seen here predominantly
in these cells extracellular matrix?