02-Chapter 1-Introduction - Department of Computer Graphics

Thesis Report
Chapter 1 (Introduction)
Graphics and Multimedia Software Project I
(Development Stream)
Jumail Bin Taliba
Faculty of Computing, UTM
March 2014
Adapted from Dr. Siti Hajar’s slide
Report Contents (Project 1)
Chapter 1 Introduction
8 pages
Chapter 2 Literature Review
25 pages
Chapter 3 Methodology
10 pages
Chapter 4 Preliminary Design 5 pages
Chapter 5 Conclusion
2 pages
Total: 50 pages
Chapter 1: Contents
Overview of the project
Problem background
Objective of the project
Scope of the project
Importance of the project
1.1 Overview of the project
• This chapter outlines an overview about the
project that you want to develop
• It includes what are the problems in general
• Some idea to the readers about existing
techniques (if available) to overcome/minimise
the problems
• And what is your suggestion to solve the
problems (in brief)
1.2 Problem Background
• In this section, you will elaborate more on the
problems that currently faced in the project/research
• Usually the problems relate to a particular
organization, but it could also be a general problem
faced by public.
• You need to explain current situation that needs for
an improvement/new solution.
1.3 Objective
• This section presents the goal or aim of the project, and the
• The Goal:
– Should be in one sentence
– What you want to achieve/improve in general
– e.g.: The goal of this project is to develop a nurse rotation
system that could help in information exchange between
nurses when they change shift.
1.3 Objective (con’t)
• This section presents the goal / aim of the project, and the
• Steps taken to achieve the aim of the project.
• It must be measurable. Meaning, anyone can see the
results/outputs of each objective in the report/in the system.
• Use point form to differentiate between one objective and
• Objective cannot be just one (as it might be seen as the aim
of the project).
1.3 Objective (con’t)
• Generally (good practice) between 3 and 5.
• If more than 5, the objectives would be to specific and could
be a duplicate of another objective.
• However, it is up to you and your supervisor to identify the
objectives of your project.
1.3 Objective (con’t)
Objectives should start with “To”
– To conduct a survey …
• The outputs – survey form and results from the survey
– To develop a system …
• The output – the system itself
– To evaluate the performance …
• The output – a comparison chart/graph of previous
and proposed system performances.
1.4 Scope
• What is the limitation of your project?
• What is not covered in your system development?
• It would be a reason for you to show to the
examiners why you did not implement/have
particular features in your system.
• Usually, it involves the limitation in data collection
strategy, the domain of investigation, assumptions
that need to be made, etc.
1.4 Scope (con’t)
• Please do not mention, the software that you would like to
use in the scope.
• Examples:
– The analysis in this project is limited to wireless LAN users of
Faculty of Computing (FC) network. It will not cover the usage of
wired LAN users.
– The term staff used in this study will refer to academic staff of FC
only, not including the technical and support staff.
– This study assumes that there is sufficient authentication
mechanism deployed. As such, issues related to authentication
mechanisms will not be discussed.
– The system will only deal with cash transaction. No credit card
transaction module will be developed.
– The scope of this project is limited to a group of students that stay
in hostel x only.
1.5 The importance of the project
Explain why you would like to develop the system.
What motivate you to work on the project.
Outline the benefits of the system.
What are the parties that could get the benefits
(to organization? to Public?).
1.6 Summary
• Summarize what have been discussed from 1.1 to
• Also give an idea to the readers about what to
expect in the following chapters.
• e.g.
In the next chapter…. Chapter 3 outlines methodology… It
then followed by … in chapter 4. Chapter 5 concludes this
report …