Pilates Fundamentals - Taylors Elite Training

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The Elite Pilates Program
“To achieve the highest accomplishments
within the scope of our capabilities in all walks
of life, we must constantly strive to acquire
strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds
to the limit of our ability.”
- Joseph H. Pilates
What Is Pilates?
 Pilates is a physical fitness system that strengthens the
core, improves flexibility and postural awareness.
 It is beneficial to everyone, no matter what age or fitness
 The system was founded by Joseph Pilates and originally
used as a rehabilitation program for prisoners of war
The Elite Pilates Program
Has been designed to:
 Improve Posture and Alignment
 Strengthen Internal Core Muscles
 Increase Flexibility
 Lose Weight
 Strengthen and Tone Whole Body
 Improve Athletic Performance
The Elite Pilates Program
Other Main Benefits of Pilates Consist Of:
 Heightened sense of well-being
 Correct muscle activation
 Heightens Body awareness
 Promotes relaxation and tension release
 Improves Body Control
 Enhances Breathing
 Improves Balance
The Elite Pilates Program
Consists of:
 Anatomy Of Pilates
 Pilates Fundamentals (Core Activation)
 Main Routine
 Contact
Anatomy of Pilates...........................................................................................................................11
Pilates Fundamentals
Terminology: Neutral position..........................................................................................................13
Terminology: TVA activation.............................................................................................................14
Terminology: Tabletop position........................................................................................................15
Terminology: Pilates stance..............................................................................................................16
Exercise 1: Imprinting.......................................................................................................................17
Exercise 2: Clockwork.......................................................................................................................18
Exercise 3: Iso abs.............................................................................................................................19
Exercise 4: Rib cage arms.................................................................................................................20
Exercise 5: Alternating leg reaches...................................................................................................21
Exercise 6: Supine spine twist..........................................................................................................22
Exercise 7: Goal post arms...............................................................................................................23
Exercise 8: Flight...............................................................................................................................24
Exercise 9: Childs pose stretch.........................................................................................................25
Your Pilates fundamentals at a glance..............................................................................................26
Your Pilates fundamentals at a glance contd...................................................................................27
Your Pilates fundamentals at a glance contd...................................................................................28
Main Routine
Main routine instructions.................................................................................................................29
Exercise 1: Hundred..........................................................................................................................30
Exercise 2: Roll-up............................................................................................................................31
Exercise 3: Rolling like a ball.............................................................................................................32
Exercise 4: Ab series-single leg stretch.............................................................................................33
Exercise 5: Ab series-double leg stretch...........................................................................................34
Exercise 6: Ab series-single straight leg stretch...............................................................................35
Exercise 7: Ab series-double straight leg lower lift..........................................................................36
Exercise 8: Ab series-criss cross........................................................................................................37
Exercise 9: Full body stretch.............................................................................................................38
Exercise 10: Breast stroke.................................................................................................................39
Exercise 11: Rounding stretch..........................................................................................................40
Exercise 12: Side kick series-front and back.....................................................................................41
Exercise 13: Side kick series-up and down.......................................................................................42
Exercise 14: Side kick series-inner thigh circles................................................................................43
Exercise 15: Shoulder bridge prep....................................................................................................44
Exercise 16: Single leg bridge...........................................................................................................45
Exercise 17: Saw...............................................................................................................................46
Exercise 18: Open leg rocker prep....................................................................................................47
Exercise 19: Leg pull front-support..................................................................................................48
Exercise 20: Mermaid stretch...........................................................................................................49
Exercise 21: Seal...............................................................................................................................50
Exercise 22: Push-up series..............................................................................................................51
Your main routine at a glance..........................................................................................................52
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................53
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................54
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................55
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................56
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................57
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................58
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................59
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................60
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................61
Your main routine at a glance contd................................................................................................62
Exercise list.......................................................................................................................................63
Contact details..................................................................................................................................64
Anatomy of Pilates
 The key principle of Pilates is to effectively activate 3
core muscles that you may not even know you activate
 These 3 muscles are the pelvic floor (muscle of
reproductive system), Transverse Abdominis and
Internal oblique's
 You use these muscles everyday performing actions
such as bending, twisting, breathing and urinating
What is the Core?
The core is your whole torso. It consists of internal organs and muscles. It
plays a vital role in the support and protection of your spinal column, vital
organs and has other important functions.
Rectus Abdominis
Internal Oblique
Transverse Abdominis
External Oblique
Pilates Fundamentals
Terminology: Neutral Position
 All Pilates fundamental exercises will be performed lying on a mat with feet
flat and hip-width apart.
 Legs should be bent at approx. a 90 degree angle and arms relaxed down
by your sides, palms face down on the floor and fingertips long
 Tuck your chin slightly into your throat to ensure your neck and spine are
Pilates Fundamentals
Terminology: TVA (Transverse Abdominus) Activation
 The TVA is a deep inner core muscle that provides core stabilisation and
compression of the ribs. It is regarded as one of the most important
muscles in Pilates
 Look at Exercise 3 (slide 19) : Iso Abs to learn how to contract and train it.
 Note: Other terminology includes: scoop in the belly, make a house for a
mouse, draw or pull in the belly, pull in to spine etc.
Pilates Fundamentals
Terminology: Tabletop Position
 Assume a neutral position. Keeping the bend in your legs, raise
one leg up followed by the other so that the knees are in line
with the hips.
 Keep the legs shoulder-width apart and spine flat against the
Pilates Fundamentals
Terminology: Pilates Stance (V-Position)
 Place Your feet together.
 Turn the feet outwards so that the heels are only in contact.
 You should be creating a V-shape with your feet
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 1: Imprinting
 Lay on your back with feet flat and hip-width apart, legs bent at approx. 90
 Rest your arms where they are comfortable e.g. By your waist, up to your ears etc.
 Breathe in through your knows and expand your rib cage. Pause.
 Slowly exhale through the mouth, feeling the bones of your spine sink into the mat,
or “imprint”. Repeat
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 2: Clockwork
 Lay on your back with feet flat and hip-width apart, legs bent at approx. 90
 Place hands on your hips and rock your pelvis backwards (you should get an arch in
your lower back) and hold for 3 secs.
 Rock the pelvis forwards (you should feel your lower spine flatten) and hold for 3
 Visualise the rocking motion like a bowl of water
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 3: Iso Abs
 Lay on your back with feet flat and hip-width apart, legs bent at approx. 90 degrees.
 Place your thumbs together on your belly button. Index fingers together on your pubic bone.
 Take a deep breath in through your nose then exhale through your mouth and pull the belly
towards your spine from your fingers to your thumbs.
 Hold this contraction for 3-5 secs. Rest then repeat.
 Note: This contraction should be constantly held throughout each Pilates exercise that you
perform within any Pilates workout
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 4: Rib Cage Arms
 Assume a neutral spine with your belly pulled in towards your spine as in Iso Abs.
Raise the arms long to the sky with palms facing each other and shoulders pulled
back into the mat
 Inhale to prepare then exhale as you lower the arms to the floor, keeping them
 Maintain the your lower back position and core contraction.
 Inhale as you lift the arms up to the start position
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 5: Alternating Leg Reaches
 Lay in a tabletop position. Ensure you engage your TVA muscles by drawing the lower belly
into the spine.
 Inhale to prepare. Exhale to extend 1 leg long to a 45 degree angle, whilst keeping the TVA
 Inhale to draw the leg back then exhale and lengthen the other leg.
 Repeat for 26 reaches (1 reach per leg)
Note: When the leg is extended, your belly will want to rise and your back to arch. Scoop the
belly in deeper when you extend the leg to stabilise and strengthen the core.
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 6: Supine Spine Twist
 Assume a tabletop position, bring your arms wide in line with the shoulders and your palms
facing the sky.
 Scoop the belly in (core engaged)
 Inhale to prepare. Exhale to twist the torso to one side so the knees move towards the floor.
Keep the shoulders pinned to the mat and upper body relaxed.
 Inhale to return to the start position
 Exhale as you twist to the other side
 Repeat the process
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 7: Goal Post Arms
 Lay in a prone position (on your front) with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your
arms to form a 90 degree angle, elbows in line with your chest, hands in line with
your head
 Inhale, push the elbows into the floor, lift the forearms up and feel the shoulder
blades move down the spine
 Exhale, lower the forearms and head down into the mat. Repeat
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 8: Flight
 Lay in a prone position. Keep the arms down by your sides, palms face down and feet in a
Pilates stance
 Scoop the belly in. Inhale, then lift the chest and lengthen through the crown. Lift the arms
and pull the shoulder blades together squeezing through the mid-back. Hold for 10 seconds
 Exhale, gently lower down
 Repeat
Note: When lifted, ensure you tuck your chin into your throat to create less tension. When arms
are lifted, ensure the palms face outwards with thumbs pointing to the sky (this will open up
the shoulder joint and create better posture)
Pilates Fundamentals
Exercise 9: Childs Pose Stretch
 Come on to your hands and knees. Sit back on to your heels.
 Reach your arms long in front of you, crawling your fingertips forward to stretch
your lower back and the lat muscle directly under your arm pits.
 Hold for 45-60 seconds
Note: To get a deeper stretch, walk the hands as far over to the right as possible to
feel the stretch in the left lat, repeat the other side to feel the effects in your right
Pilates Fundamentals
Your Pilates fundamentals at a glance
Ex 1: Imprinting
Ex 2: Clockwork
Ex 3: Iso abs
Pilates Fundamentals
Your Pilates fundamentals at a glance
Ex 4: Rib cage arms
Ex 5: Alternating leg
Ex 6: Supine spine
Pilates Fundamentals
Your Pilates fundamentals at a glance
Ex 7: Goal Post Arms
Ex 8: Flight
Ex 9: Childs Pose
Main Routine
 The main routine is to be performed using a flowing
movement system (one exercise flows into the next like a
dance) with little or no rest
 Perform the exercises to the best of your ability e.g.
Reach further on a stretch, squeeze your muscles as much
as you can etc.
 Each repetition should be performed with perfect form
 Relax the muscles after each exercise to ensure they do
not become too tight or stiff
Main Routine
Exercise 1: Hundred (100 pumps 10 full breaths)
 Assume a table top position. Tuck your chin into your chest and your arms hovering
hip height, fingertips long.
 Inhale, perform 5 small pumps with the arms.
 Immediately exhale and perform another 5 pumps with the arms
 Continue this motion for 100 pumps or 10 full breaths
 Scoop the belly in deeper on the last 3-4 breaths
Note: Based on your level of fitness you can perform more pumps, extend the legs
and lower closer to the floor to increase difficulty.
Main Routine
Exercise 2: Roll Up (8-10 reps)
 Lay on your back with your legs straight, arms pointed towards the ceiling, chin tucked into
 Inhale to prepare. Exhale, draw the belly in, roll up to a seated position, keep the back and
neck straight and arms forward in line with shoulders
 Lean forward from the waist, reach to or past the toes with the finger tips feeling a stretch in
your hamstrings and lower back
 Hold for 5 secs, then roll the spine down bone by bone back to the start position
Note: Focus on keeping the belly scooped in throughout the entire exercise
Main Routine
Exercise 3: Rolling Like a Ball (8-10 reps)
 In a seated position, bring feet and knees together, heels tuck in towards the
 Wrap arms around your legs, taking hold of your wrist Tuck chin in towards your
 Hover your feet then roll back to your shoulders, then roll back up
 Keep the feet hovered for 1 second then repeat
Note: Keep the belly pulled in throughout the exercise
Main Routine
Exercise 4: Ab Series- Single Leg Stretch (12-15+ reps)
 In a tabletop position, bend your right knee towards your chest, tuck your heel towards your
bottom. Extend your left leg at a 45 degree angle.
 Place left hand on your knee, right hand on your ankle. Tuck your chin into your chest.
 Exhale, switch the legs so the left bends in, right hand on knee and left hand on ankle.
 Continue to alternate legs for the required repetition range
Note: Keep the belly scooped in and the chin tucked into the chest throughout the exercise.
Concentrate on your breathing, Inhale for 1 rep, exhale for the other.
Main Routine
Exercise 5: Ab Series- Double Leg Stretch (12-15+ reps)
 Assume a tabletop position. Tuck your chin into your chest, place the hands on your
shins, pulling the legs towards your chest
 Inhale, lengthen the arms and legs long. Legs together at a 45 degree angle, arms in
line with your ears, fingertips long
 Exhale, circle the arms around towards your sides then bend the knees into the
chest, place hands on the shins to start in the original position
Note: Belly drawn in and chin tucked into chest at all times. If you bring the legs
down too low, your lower back will start to contract, always avoid this from
Main Routine
Exercise 6: Ab Series- Single Straight Leg Stretch (12-15+ reps)
 Assume a tabletop position, then extend your legs towards the ceiling.
 Grab as far up the right leg as you can with both hands, then lower the other leg at a 45
degree angle and tuck you chin into your chest
 Inhale, pull the right leg towards you, pulsing twice. Switch legs
 Exhale, grab the left ankle and pull towards your nose, pulsing twice.
 Repeat for the recommended repetition range
Note: Keep the belly scooped in and the chin tucked into the chest throughout the exercise.
Concentrate on your breathing, Inhale for 1 rep, exhale for the other.
Main Routine
Exercise 7: Ab Series- Double Straight Leg Lower Lift (8-12+ reps)
 Lay with your legs long to the ceiling. Clasp your hands behind the head with elbows wide and
chin tucked into chest
 Ensure feet are in a Pilates stance.
 Inhale, lower the legs using your core and keep the lower back pressed into the mat.
 Exhale, lift the legs back to the centre without lifting the spine off the mat. Repeat
Note: Belly drawn in and chin tucked into chest at all times. If you bring the legs down too low,
your lower back will start to contract, always avoid this from happening
Main Routine
Exercise 8: Ab Series- Criss Cross (8-12 + reps)
 Go into a tabletop position. Clasp your hands behind the head with elbows wide and chin
tucked into chest.
 Twist your torso, so your left elbow meets your right knee. Extend your left leg long at a 45
degree angle.
 Exhale, twist your torso so your right elbow meets your left knee. Your eyes should face the
left wall.
 Inhale, twist back to the right. Repeat
Note: Belly drawn in and chin tucked into chest at all times. If you bring the legs down too low,
your lower back will start to contract, always avoid this from happening
Main Routine
Exercise 9: Full body stretch (6-8 breaths)
 Lay on your back with your legs long on the floor and arms straight over your head
 Take a deep breath in through your nose, lifting and expanding the rib cage,
reaching through the toes and fingertips
 Purse your lips as you exhale through the mouth. You should feel your lower spine
come into contact with the mat
Main Routine
Exercise 10: Breast Stroke (8-12+ reps)
 Lay on your front. Keep your elbows tucked into your ribs and shoulders away from
your neck.
 Your hands should be face down at chest level and feet in a Pilates stance
 Inhale, reach your arms over your head
 Exhale, circle your arms round and extend your torso off of the mat.
 Bring the hands around to chest level and repeat.
Note: Ensure you tuck your chin into your throat to create a straight neck, but do not
overextend your neck. Keep the abdominals pulled in.
Main Routine
Exercise 11: Rounding Stretch (30-45 secs)
 Come onto your hands and knees
 Sit back on your heels
 Round over your back with your head on the mat and arms hugged around
the legs.
 Relax and hold the stretch
Main Routine
Exercise 12: Side Kick Series- Front and Back (6-10 reps)
 Lie on your side. Lift up onto your elbow and your hand on your head.
 Line up your body with the back of your mat
 Bring your legs slightly forward in front of your body. Place your other hand on the mat
approx. 6 inches in front of your chest
 Place a little pressure through the side of the body that is pressed into the mat
 Breathe naturally. Raise the top leg hip height and kick your leg forward with length.
 Reach your leg back to the resting leg. Repeat the kicks.
Note: Focus on using the powerhouse as it is more important than range of movement through
the joint
Main Routine
Exercise 13: Side Kick Series- Up and Down (5-7 reps)
 Maintain your side position.
 Raise the leg higher out of the hip. Rotate the leg so the knee faces the ceiling.
 Breathe Naturally. Lift and stretch the leg straight up to the sky.
 Rotate the leg even more and stretch longer as you lower your leg. Repeat
Note: Focus on using the powerhouse as it is more important than range of
movement through the joint
Main Routine
Exercise 14: Side Kick Series- Inner Thigh Circles (10-15 circles both directions)
 Maintain your side position.
 Bend your top leg. Wrap your hand around the back of your ankle and place the foot flat on
the mat in front of you. You should feel a stretch the hip and buttock.
 Breathe naturally. Lengthen your bottom leg then lift the leg from the upper thigh.
 Circle the leg forward, up, round and down in a smooth motion. Repeat for the amount of
reps required then change direction
Note: Scoop the belly in throughout. Once the entire Side Kick Series has been completed,
perform on the other side before moving to the next exercise.
Main Routine
Exercise 15: Shoulder Bridge Prep (8-10 reps)
 Lay in a neutral position. The hips, knees and ankles should stay in alignment
throughout the exercise
 Inhale, lift your pelvis towards the ceiling making a straight line from the shoulders
to the hips. Squeeze your glutes tight.
 Exhale, roll the spine down bone by bone to rest on the tailbone. Repeat.
Note: Keep the powerhouse contracted throughout, especially on the lift to keep the
rib and hip connection
Main Routine
Exercise 16: Single Leg Bridge (optional. 10-12+ reps)
 Assume a shoulder bridge position. The hips, knees and ankles should stay in alignment
throughout the exercise
 Inhale, take one leg into a tabletop position. Squeeze the glute from the leg that is pressing
into the mat
 Exhale, roll the spine down bone by bone, keeping the hips balanced.
 Inhale, push through the heel and lift the hips. Keep the glute squeezed
 Repeat for the desired number of reps then switch legs
Note: Keep the powerhouse contracted throughout, especially on the lift to keep the rib and hip
Main Routine
Exercise 17: Saw (8-12+ reps)
 Sit with legs mat width apart and feet flexed towards you. Reach the arms out to the sides in
line with your shoulders. Sit tall and lift out of your hips.
 Inhale, twist your spine and lower your back arm, then reach it higher as you lean forward
 Exhale, reach your pinkie finger to your pinkie toe, pulsing 3 times, reaching deeper past the
toe with every pulse. Look to your back hand as you do this.
 Inhale, scoop the belly in deep and lift tall to the seated position and twist to the other side.
Repeat on the other side.
 Note: Keep the belly scooped. As you reach forward, keep a C-curve in your back and lower
the ear towards the knee
Main Routine
Exercise 18: Open Leg Rocker Prep (hold 10 seconds x 2-4 reps)
 Begin by balancing on your sit bones. Take hold of your ankles and bring the arms in between
your legs.
 Knees should be in line with the shoulders and feet softly pointed. Keep a C-curve in your back
and chest lifted
 Breathe naturally. Stretch and straighten both legs so that the knees are in line with the
shoulders. Lift the chest higher than the knees. Hold.
 Lower the legs but keep the feet hovered above the floor. Repeat
Note: Focus on your position of your torso and C-curve rather than the importance of straight
Main Routine
Exercise 19: Leg Pull Front- Support (hold for 20 seconds)
 Lie on your front. Body should be long with feet together and toes curled under as if pushing
off the balls of the feet. Heels in contact
 Place hands flat, directly under the shoulders, keeping the fingers together. Lift the
abdominals into the spine.
 Exhale, push up though the arms, so they are fully extended. Weight is through the hands and
feet. Keep a long straight line through spine from your head to your heal like a steal javelin
 Breathe naturally. Hold the body long for 20 seconds
Note: Draw the belly in deeper throughout the exercise, and feel your body grow longer and
Main Routine
Exercise 20: Mermaid Stretch (3-5 reps each side)
 Sit on your side with knees and feet stacked on top of each other. Keep your heels close to your buttocks.
 The hand on the side of your legs should hold the ankles in place, whilst the other is stretched long to the
ceiling close to the head and fingertips pointing.
 Inhale, lift tall through the waist
 Exhale, stretch over towards the feet to stretch the waist
 Inhale, reach back to the centre with arms out to the sides
 Exhale, place the hand palm up on the mat and resting the elbow on the mat underneath the shoulder.
Stretch over and long with the other arm so that the arm is straight
 Inhale, return to the centre in one motion. Place the hand back on the ankles and the other stretched to
the sky. Repeat as stated then switch sides
Note: Keep the core engaged during the exercise
Main Routine
Exercise 21: Seal (8-10 reps)
 Balance on your sit bones and bring feet together. Dive your hands through your legs and
reach around the front of your feet.
 Widen the knees outside the shoulder, tuck your chin into your chest and scoop the
abdominals in
 Inhale, balance on your tailbone and clap the heels together 3 times. Roll to your upper back
and clap the feet 3 times.
 Exhale, scoop the belly in and roll back up, keeping your feet hovered and balance. Repeat
Note: Gently articulate the spine on the movement. Keep the round position throughout the
Main Routine
Exercise 22: Push-Up Series (3-5 push-ups, repeat 1-3 times)
 Stand tall with your feet in Pilates stance and your arms lengthened towards the ceiling.
 Scoop the belly in, tuck your chin into your chest and roll the spine down bone by bone.
 Walk the hands forward to a push-up position ( as in Leg Pull Front- Support)
 Inhale, bend the elbows till your chest almost meets the mat.
 Exhale, push up in one motion. Perform 4 repetitions.
 Lift your hips towards the ceiling, tuck your chin into your chest, then walk back to the feet in
3 steps. Take hold of the back of your ankles and bring your chest towards the knees. Hold for
5 seconds.
 Let the arms relax, then roll the spine back up to standing tall. Repeat
Note: Ensure your focus on scooping in the belly continuously.
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 1: Hundred- 100
pumps 10 full breaths
Ex 2: Roll-up- 8-10 reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 3: Rolling like a
ball- 8-10 reps
Ex 4: Ab series-single
leg stretch- 12-15+ reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 5: Ab seriesdouble leg stretch12-15+ reps
Ex 6: Ab series-single
straight leg stretch- 1215+ reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 7: Double
straight leg lower
lift- 8-12+ reps
Ex 8: Ab series-criss
cross- 8-12+ reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 9: Full body
stretch- 6-8 breaths
Ex 10: Breast stroke- 812+ reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 11: Rounding
stretch- 30-45 secs
Ex 12: Side kick seriesfront and back- 6-10
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 13: Side kick
series-up and down5-7 reps
Exercise 14: Side kick
series- inner thigh
circles- 10-15 circles
both directions
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 15: Shoulder
bridge- 8-10 reps
Ex 16: Single leg bridge
(optional)- 10-12+ reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 17: Saw- 8-12+
Ex 18: Open leg rocker
prep- hold 10 secs x 24 reps
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 19: Leg pull
front-support- hold
for 20 secs
Ex 20: Mermaid
stretch- 3-5 reps each
Main Routine
Your main routine at a glance
Ex 21: Seal- 8-10
Ex 22: Push-up series3-5 reps repeat 1-3
Exercise List
Iso abs
Rib cage arms
Alternating leg reaches
Supine spine twist
Goal post arms
Childs pose stretch
Roll up
Rolling like a ball
Ab series- single leg stretch
Ab series- double leg stretch
Ab seriessingle straight leg stretch
Ab series- double straight leg lower
Ab series- criss cross
Full body stretch
Breast stroke
Rounding stretch
Side kick series- front and back
Side kick series- up and down
Side kick series- inner thigh circles
Shoulder bridge prep
Single leg bridge (optional)
Open leg rocker prep
Leg pull front-support
Mermaid stretch
Push-up series
Contact Details
Ryan James Taylor, Health and Exercise Coach, Taylor Elite
Training (UK)
Initial coaching or one-on-one support is recommended but
not essential in order to gain maximum benefit from the
Telephone: +44 (0) 1442 769606
Mobile: +44 (0) 7891 592790
E-mail: ryan.taylor@taylorelitetraining.com
Web: www.taylorelitetraining.com