Work and Kinetic Energy - The Citadel Physics Department

Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Physics 203
College Physics I
Fall 2012
S. A. Yost
Chapter 6 Part 1
Work and Kinetic Energy
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Read Chapter 6 for next time. You can skip sec. 6-2.
Today we will discuss sec. 6.1, 6.3, and 6.10 on
Work, Kinetic Energy, and Power.
There is a problem set on these sections due
Thursday: HW3A
Next time, we will discuss sec. 6.4 – 6.9: Potential
Energy, Energy Conservation, Non-Conservative
Problem set HW3B is due next Tuesday.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Newton’s Law and Orbits
First: an orbit problem…
Determine the mass of the sun using the properties
of Earth’s orbit. (You can treat it as circular.)
Newton’s Gravitational law:
Newton’s 2nd Law:
F = G Ms Me / R2.
F = Mea = Mev2/R
Uniform circular motion: v = 2pR / T
G Ms Me / R2 = Me (2p/T)2 R
Ms = (2p/T)2 R3 / G
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Newton’s Law and Orbits
Ms = 4p2 R3/(GT2)
R = 1.50 × 1011 m
T = 1 year = 3.16 × 107 s
G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2
The numbers give Ms = 2.00 × 1030 kg
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Effect of Force over Distance
Applying a force to a particle over distance
changes its speed in the direction of the
vf2 – vi2 = 2ax
(1 dim)
Multiply by ½ m: ½ mvf2 – ½mvi2 = max
Use F = ma:
½ mvf2 – ½ mvi2 = Fx
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
The Work-Energy Theorem
Definitions: Kinetic Energy = K = ½ mv2.
Work = W = Fx.
Units: Work = N m = Joules (J).
Work-energy principle: The work done by the
net force on a mass causes a change in
kinetic energy:
DK = W
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Work Requires Motion
Work is done only when there is
W = Fx requires both F and x to
be nonzero for W to be
You can push all day on a wall
and get very tired, but if it
doesn’t move, you did no work
on it.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Suppose you apply a force Fp = 50 N to a box,
which causes it to move at a constant speed
through a distance of 10 m. What is the net
work done on the box?
A) 0.2 J
B) 500 J
C) 250 J
D) 0 J
Fp = 50 N E) 5 J
10 m
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Suppose you apply a force Fp = 60 N to a box of
mass m = 15 kg initially at rest, with coefficient
of kinetic friction mk = 0.3.
Two forces act on the box:
Fp and Ff = mkmg.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
1. How much work do you do on the box when it
moves a distance x = 12 m?
You do an amount of work
Wp = Fp x = (60 N)(12 m) = 720 Nm
= 720 J
The pushing force is in the
direction of motion, so
the work is positive.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
2. How much work does friction do when you move
the box 12 m?
The force of friction is
Ff = – mk mg = – (0.3)(15 kg)(9.8 m/s2) = –44 N
The work done by friction is
Wf = Ff x = (–44 N)(12 m) = –528 J
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
3. What is the kinetic energy of the box after being
pushed 12 m?
The box was initially at rest, so the kinetic energy is the
net work,
K = Wp + Wf = 720 J – 528 J = 192 J
4. What is the speed of the box after being pushed 12 m?
The kinetic energy is K = ½ m v2 .
v = √ 2 K/m = √ 2(192 J) / 15 kg = 5.1 m/s
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
A satellite of weight mg is in a near-Earth circular
orbit. How much work does gravity do on the
satellite during each orbit?
A) mgRe
B) 2pmgRe
C) 0
Think of the work-energy principle: DK = W.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Work in More than 1 Dimension
Only the component of force in the direction
of motion does work.
W = (F cos q) x
A force perpendicular to the motion does no
It can’t change the speed, so it doesn’t affect
the kinetic energy. W = DK
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
High Dive via Work/Energy
5.0 m
A diver jumps with initial speed
v0 = 1.4 m/s. At what speed does she
enter the water 5.0 m below?
Kf = K0 + W with K0 = ½ mv02,
Kf = ½ mvf
Gravity is a constant force in the -y
direction, so W = - mg Dy = mgh.
The x motion does not affect the work.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
High Dive via Work/Energy
Kf = K0 + W
5.0 m
½ mvf2 = ½ mv02 + mgh
vf = √v02 + 2gh
v0 = 1.4 m/s, g = 9.8 m/s2, h = 5.0 m.
vf = 10.0 m/s.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Bowling Balls
A ball-feeder lifts balls up a 1 m long ramp to a
platform 0.5 m above the floor. How much
force must the feeder arm exert to lift a ball
weighing 50 N?
0.5 m
Enter the answer in Newtons.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Bowling Balls
The feeder does work Wp = Fp L = F × 1.0 m.
Gravity does work Wg = - mgh = -(50N)(0.5 m)
= - 25 N
Wp must be at least 25 J.
0.5 m
Fp must be at least 25 N.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Power is the rate of doing work: P = W/t.
If the force F acts in the direction of motion, then
P = Fv
These are consistent because x = v t is the distance
traveled, so
P = F v = F x/t = W/t.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Bowling Balls
If the ball feeder is powered by a 5 W motor,
how many balls per minute can it lift, in
continuous operation?
0.5 m
Each ball required Wp = 25 J of work. The
motor supplies (5 W) (60 s) = 300 J in a
minute. That is enough energy to lift 12 balls.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
How much force do I have to
pull with to lift a block of
mass M at a constant
Solve it using work and
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Pulling a distance L with
force Fp does work
Wp = Fp L
The block moves up a
distance ½ L while lifted
with a force FLift = Mg.
Wp = FpL = WLift = ½ LMg
Fp = ½ Mg
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Work by a Spring
When a spring is
compressed or
stretched, there is a
restoring force given
by Hooke’s Law,
F = – k x.
k = spring constant.
x = -L
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Work by a Spring
Suppose a ball is placed
in front of the spring.
If it is held at x = –L and
then released, how
much work does the
spring do on the ball
as it returns to its
equilibrium position,
launching the ball?
x = -L
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Work by a Spring
The work done by a changing force is the average
force times the distance.
The force decreases from
kL down to 0 linearly, kL
so the average force
is F = ½ kL.
W = ½ k L2
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Spring Gun
Suppose a ball of mass
m = 250 g is pushed back
an distance L = 4 cm on a
spring of spring constant
k = 120 N/cm and released.
How much work is needed
to compress the spring?
L = 0.040 m
k = 12,000 N/m
W = ½ kL2 = 9.60 J.
Physics 203 – College Physics I
Department of Physics – The Citadel
Spring Gun
When the spring is released,
what is the launch speed
of the ball?
Work-Energy Theorem:
K = ½ mv 2 = W = 9.60 J.
m = 0.250 kg.
v = √2K/m = 8.76 m/s.