Programming Epson Robots

Programming Epson Robots
ME 4135 – Fall 2012
Dr. R. Lindeke
Operating Ideas for Epson
We are currently
using this method
Safety and Movement
Developing A First Program
Some Cool Tools
– Pallets
– SubRoutines
– Etc.
Proofing w/ the Simulator
Running the Robots
Safety And Movement
For Robots to be operated safely the
operator must clear the workspace
Each defined location must be
moved to at slow speeds before
inserting into programs
Programs must be proofed step by
step at reduced speed – physically
using moving commands in teach
pendent or Robot manager
Safety And Movement
Motion is Either:
– Point to Point where the robot travels
from a pose to a pose and then stops
before executing its next move
– CP (continuous path) where the robot
travels ‘thru’ an intermediate and it
doesn’t execute a complete
deceleration to a stop before heading to
a new point
Safety And Movement
Operator sets both Speed and
Acceleration levels
In interpolated movements they
follow SPEEDS and ACCELS rates
MOVE, BMove or ARC
For other motions they follow SPEED
and ACCEL rates
Safety And Movement
Safety And Movement
The Epson RC 5.0 language
supports the following motion
– GO: (pnt-to-pnt or CP) joint motion
from current pose to defined target
– MOVE: (pnt-to-pnt or CP) linear
interpolated motion from current Pose
to a defined target pose
Safety And Movement
Epson also includes Relative motion
– BGo XY(0,0,15,0,0,0) which moves TCP relative
in Local (base) system by 15 units in Z0
direction; TGo(0,0,15,0,0,0) is relative move in
current tool frame
– BMove XY(0,30,15,0,0,0) moves TCP linearly in
Local (base) Frame 30 (Y0) by 15 (Z0) units;
TMove XY(0,30,15,0,0,0) moves TCP linearly in
current tool Frame
Safety and Motion
Motion along a Spline Path
(previously defined in a ‘CURVE”
statement) can be executed using
the CVMove motion command
Safety And Movement
It is always best to approach objects without
“slewing” and at controlled rates
To accomplish this, Epson has included
– “Jump” (SCARA)
– “Jump3” (6 Axis Art Arm)
These commands are combinational motions that can
be executed either PTP or CP
They use ARCH table from how high to “Jump” during
the motion
Using a connection, and the “Robot Manager” tools we can access and set the
values of the ARCH setting for use with the Jump and Jump3 (Jump3CD)
commands and note a ‘Z’ or height above distance is specified
Safety And Movement
It is seen that the motion is in 3 parts:
movement away from the current position to a clear plane
depart is set in ARCH table
movement toward the target position
drop to the target position from the clear plane approach
motion also in ARCH table
Safety And Movement
ARC and ARC3 are circular
interpolated motion from the current
They require a midpoint and end
point to be specified
They can operate PTP or CP
Safety And Movement
Safety And Movement
Examining Syntax Go:
Safety and Movement
Examining Syntax for Move:
Safety and Movement
Examining Syntax for BGo or TGo:
Safety and Motion
Examining Syntax for BMove or
Safety and Motion
Examining Syntax for JUMP and JUMP3
Safety and Motion
Safety and Motion
Examining Syntax for ARC and ARC3
Motion Commonalities
All require some form of
geometry as a target
In common use, these are
defined as stored point targets
either as P#’s or point labels.
Defining Points:
If known apriori (though IKS’ing
Robot Maps) They can be directly
entered into the robot point tables
Defining Points
Points can also be defined using the
Teach and Jog Mode in the Teach
As seen earlier, when connected, we can use the Robot Manager tool to jog the
robot about and define point geometry as well. If points are already defined, the
jog & teach tab of manager also allow the user to ‘drive’ the robot among and
around points using the various motion types
Defining a New Project
Epson RC 5.0+ uses projects to
bundle the various parts of a robot
executable program together.
It couples Points with Programs and
simulations or Vision Tools
It includes all of the various main and
sub-routines needed to complete
Simply click Project Tab – select new and then give project a name and file
location. After saving the project a build window (as seen here) is generated
Once it is initialized it contains all of
the standard files and a main function
for our use
From here it is mandatory that we do
some planning (flow charting) of the
desired activity; develop a map of the
expected solution identifying relevant
points; and finally an I/O map for use
with the solution.
And only then do we start to build the
program and sub-routines, ‘tills’ and
Defining a New Project
We pre-define variables names (up to 32
characters in length):
Integers (as singles or arrays)
 Longs (as singles or arrays)
 Strings (as singles or arrays) & up to 255 characters
 Booleans (as singles or arrays)
 Reals (as singles or arrays)
 Double (as singles or arrays)
 Byte
 Global variables that can be used anywhere in
program– must be declared outside of functions
Diving In:
We’ll do it live (– or sorta live)
Taking Baby Steps!