PPT08170 - Sermons By Swango

The Epistles of John
1John 1:5-10
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
This is the third is a series of lessons
covering the books of 1,2,3John.
1. The Moral Nature of God.
2. The Basis of our Fellowship with God.
3. The Consciousness of Sin.
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
The Moral Nature of God
See 1John 1:5,6.
1. God is Light and there in Him is no
darkness at all.
2. How can people walk in darkness and
claim to have fellowship with the One
in whom there is no darkness at all?
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
The Basis of Our Fellowship
See 1John 1:7.
1. The basis of our fellowship
is the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. The condition of our fellowship
is walking in the light.
3. The state of our fellowship
is righteousness.
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
The Basis of Our Fellowship
See 1John 1:7.
What does it mean to walk in the light?
1. Movement…
going toward God.
2. Direction…
staying in the light.
3. Continuity…
4. Separation…
not the way of darkness.
5. Destiny…
striving for the goal.
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
The Basis of Our Fellowship
See 1John 1:7.
What doesn’t it mean to walk in the light?
1. Willful sin.
2. Turning away.
3. Licentiousness.
4. Legalism.
5. Sinless perfection.
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
The Consciousness of Sin
See 1John 1:8-10.
What does it mean to confess our sins?
1. To ignore our sin? No.
2. An enumeration? No.
3. To admit that we are not perfect and are
dependent on the grace and forgiveness
of God.
The Epistles of John
(1John 1:5-10)
Fellowship with God…
…is continuous.
Our forgiveness of sin…
…is continuous.
confess your sins,
repent of them,
and walk in the light!