Rule-Based Reasoning


Rule-Based Reasoning


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Rule based systems are going to be discussed with respect to

 the structure of rules, the two inference methods,

• Forward and backward reasoning the two basic architectures used to organize rules and perform inferencing.

• inference networks

• pattern matching

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What are Rules?

Rules represent knowledge using IF-THEN format

The IF portion of a rule is a condition,

(also called a premise or an antecedent), which tests the truth value of set of facts.

If these are found true, the THEN portion of a rule (also called the action, the conclusion or the consequent) is inferred as a new set of facts.

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Production Systems and the Rules

The rule based systems are also called production systems .

Simon and Newel developed the production system to model human problem solving.

A production system consists of:

An area of memory that is used to track the current state of the universe under consideration ( working memory - database).

A set of production rules :condition - action pairs

(knowledge base).

An interpreter (inference engine) recognizes and executes a production whose conditions has been satisfied. This control may be either data driven or goal driven.

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Rule-based Inference

Using search techniques and pattern

matching, rule based systems automate reasoning methods and provide the logical progression from initial data to the desired conclusion.

Thus the process of problem solving in knowledge based systems is to create a series of inferences that create a “ path ” between the problem definition and the solution

This series of inferences is progressive in nature and is called an inference chain .

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Suppose we are building a knowledge based system for forecasting the weather over the next 12 – 24 hours in Florida during the summer.

RULE 1: IF the ambient temperature is above 90



THEN the weather is hot.

RULE 2: IF the relative humidity is greater than 65%

THEN the atmosphere is humid

RULE 3: IF the weather is hot and the atmosphere is humid

THEN thunderstorms are likely to develop.

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Assume the following facts are true:

The ambient temperature is 92 0 F

The relative humidity is 70%

Rules 1 and 2 are fired and the following new facts are deduced

The atmosphere is humid

The weather is hot

Which satisfy the premises of the rule 3, causing a new fact to be derived:

Thunderstorms are likely to develop.

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A single rule could have been written to reach the same conclusion:

Rule 1-A:

IF the ambient temperature is above

90 0 F and the atmospheric relative humidity

> 65%

THEN thunderstorms are likely to develop

There may be other rules that use the facts “The weather is hot.” and “The atmosphere is humid.”

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Rule based systems differ from logic in the following major ideas:

1. They are generally non-monotonic

2. They accept uncertainty in the deductive process.

Non-monotonic reasoning is the concept by which derived facts can be retracted when they are no longer true.

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The reasoning Process

There are two means of progressing toward conclusions:



Start with all the known data and progress to the conclusion (data driven or forward chaining)

Select a possible conclusion and prove its validity by looking for supportive evidence

(goal driven or backward chaining).

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Suppose we have a task of identifying different varieties of fruit.

Knowledge used in identification of fruits can be described through a set of rules.

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R01:IF shape = long and color = green or yellow

THEN fruit = banana

R02:IF shape = round or oblong and diameter > 4 inches

THEN fruitclass = vine

R08:IF fruitclass = vine and surface = rough and color = tan

THEN fruit = cantolope

R03:IF shape = round and diameter < 4 inches

THEN fruitclass = tree

R09:IF fruitclass = tree and color = orange and seedclass = stonefruit

THEN fruit = apricot

R04:IF seedcount = 1

THEN seedclass = stonefruit

R10:IF fruitclass = tree and color = orange and seedclass = multiple

THEN fruit = orange R05:IF seedcount > 1

THEN seedclass = multiple

R06:IF fruitclass = vine and color = green

THEN fruit=watermelon

R11:IF fruitclass = tree color = red and seedclass = stonefruit

THEN fruit = cherry

R07:IF fruitclass = vine and surface = smooth and color = yellow

THEN fruit = honeydew

R12:IF fruitclass = tree and color = orange and seedclass = stonefruit

THEN fruit = peach

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R13:IF fruitclass = tree and color = red or yellow or green and seedclass = multiple

THEN fruit = apple

R14:IF fruitclass = tree and color = purple and seedclass = stonefruit

THEN fruit = plum

The knowledge expressed in rules can be pictorially represented by a graph

The graphical format clearly details the connections that exist between the rules via the parameters.

AND parameters

OR parameters

Intermediate parameters

Generally these facts can be derived through the application of some rules rather than being requested directly from


Graphical Representation

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Data driven reasoning vs goal driven reasoning

Data driven reasoning is ideally suitable for problem domains involving synthesis such as design, configuration, planning, scheduling.

In these cases many but equally acceptable solutions exist.

Goal driven reasoning is ideally suited for diagnostic problems.

In these cases there are small number of conclusions that can be drawn.

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Conflict Resolution

 The patterns in working memory are matched against the conditions of the production rules this produces a subset of the productions called the conflict set whose conditions match the patterns in working memory. One of the productions in the conflict set is then selected

( conflict resolution ) and the production is fired. That is, the action of the rule is performed changing the contents of working memory. After the selected production rule is fired the control cycle repeats with the modified working memory. The process terminates when no rule conditions are matched by the contents of working memory.

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Forward Reasoning Inference Process

New rules






Applicable rules


Conflict Resolution

Selected rules




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New Facts


Forward Reasoning

Rule interpretation in forward reasoning involves the repetition of the basic steps:


Matching: Find all rules whose premises are true and mark them as being applicable


Conflict Resolution: If more than one rule applies then select the rule with the highest priority (those whose premises have been satisfied).


Action: Execute the action of the lowest numbered applicable rule. If none applies then halt.


Reset: Reset the applicability of all rules and return to step 1.

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 Assume the database contains the following facts:

 Diameter = 1 inch

 Shape = round

 Seedcount = 1

 Color = red

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Trace of Rule Based Forward Reasoning

Execution Cycle Applicable rules Selected rules

1 3,4 3

2 3, 4 4



3, 4, 11

3, 4, 11



Derived facts

Fruitclass = tree

Seedclass = stonefruit

Fruit = cherry


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Backward Reasoning

Backward reasoning corresponds very closely to depth first search.

The system starts with an empty database of known facts.

A list of goals (or conclusions) is provided for which the system attempts to derive values.

For fruit identification problem initially:

Known fact Base: ( )

Goals: (fruit)

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Steps in Backward Reasoning

Form a stack initially composed of all the top level goals defined in the system.

Consider the first goal from the stack. Gather all rules capable f satisfying this goal.

For each of these rules:


If all premises are satisfied, then execute this rule to derive its conclusion. Remove this goal from the stack and go to step to 2.


If any premise of a rule is not satisfied, look for rules that derive the specified value for the parameter used in this premise. If any can be found, consider it as a subgoal and put it on top of the stack, return to step 2.

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Steps in Backward Reasoning


If step above can’t find a rule to derive the specified value, then query the user for its value and add it to the database. If the premise is satisfied continue with the next premise, if not consider the next rule.

If all rules that can satisfy the current goal have been attempted and all have failed, then this goal remains undetermined. Remove it from the stack and return to step 2. If the stack is empty, announce completion and halt.

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Example- Fruit Identification Problem

Suppose that the fruit we are trying to identify is cherry.

The top level goal: fruit

Step2: Gather all rules that can derive this goal

Rules 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14

Execution starts with rule1

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Example- Fruit Identification Problem

R1: IF shape = long and color = green or yellow

THEN fruit = banana

There is no value for shape in database

The inference mechanism asks the user:

What is the value for shape?

We respond with a value of round which is added to the database.

Known Fact Base: ( ( shape = round ) )

Based on closed-world assumption rule1 fails.


Example- Fruit Identification Problem

R6: IF

THEN fruitclass = vine and color = green fruit = watermelon

R2 and R3 are capable of deriving values for fruitclass.

Add this subgoal to the stack

Goals: ( (fruitclass)

(fruit) )

R2: IF shape = round and diameter > 4 inches

THEN fruitclass = vine

R3: IF shape = round or oblong and diameter < 4 inches

THEN fruitclass = tree

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Example- Fruit Identification Problem

Shape = round (from the database)

What is the value for the diameter? (queered)

Known Fact Base:

( (shape = round)

(diameter = 1)

(fruitclass = tree) )

R2 fails

R3 derives

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Example- Fruit Identification Problem

R7 and R8 fail

Fruitclass = vine

R9: IF

THEN fruitclass = tree and color = orange and seedclass = stonefruit fruit = apricot

What is the value for color?

Respond : red

R9 and R10 fail

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Example- Fruit Identification Problem

R11: IF fruitclass = tree and color = red and Seedclass= ?

seedclass = stonefruit

THEN fruit = cherry

R4: IF seedcount = 1

THEN seedclass = stonefruit

What is the value for seedcount?

Respond : 1

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Example- Fruit Identification Problem

All premises of R11 are satisfied.

R11 is fired and cherry is concluded for the fruit.

Known Fact Base:

( ( shape = round)

( diameter = 1)

( fruitclass = tree)

( color = red)

( seedcount = 1)

( seedclass = stonefruit)

( fruit = cherry) )

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Rule Based Architectures

There are two basic structures to the knowledge contained within a rule based system:



inference networks and

pattern matching systems.

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Inference Networks

Inference network can be represented as a graph in which the nodes represent the parameters that are facts.

Each fact can serve as an antecedent or consequent of a rule.

The rules are represented by the interconnections between the various nodes. This knowledge is used by the inference process to propagate results throughout the network.

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Sample Inference Networks


R1 temp-cond rel-hum

R2 hum-cond storm

All interconnections between the nodes are known prior to execution

Searching to Match facts with premises is minimized

Implementation of the inference engine and explanation is simplified

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Pattern Matching Systems

Pattern matching systems use extensive searches to match and execute the rules, deriving new facts.

Relationships between rules and facts are formed at run-time based on the patterns that match the facts.

A pattern matching system depends on matching the premises of a rule to existing facts to determine which rules have their premises satisfied by the facts and can, therefore execute.

The premises of a rule are patterns. These patterns are satisfied when a search through the database of facts discovers any facts that match them.

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Pattern Matching Systems



The typical features included within pattern matching systems are classified as one of the following five types:

Pattern connectives – AND, OR

Wildcard - ? $

Consider the following house example

(type color number_of_stories square_footage)

(contemporary brown 2 2835)

(contemporary ? ? ?sq_footage) ;;a contemporary house with certain square footage, but don’t care about its color or number of stories.

(contemporary $ ?sq_footage) ;; $ represents one or more fields.

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(deftemplate person

(slot name)

(slot eyes)

(slot hair))

(defrule find-blue-eyes

(person (name ?name)

(eyes blue))

(printout t ?name " has blue eyes." crlf))

(deffacts people

(person (name Jane)

(eyes blue) (hair red) )

(person (name Jack)

(eyes blue) (hair black) )

(person (name Jeff)

(eyes green) (hair brown) ) ) when run

Jack has blue eyes

Jane has blue eyes.

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Pattern Matching Systems




Field constraints

(ranch ~red ? ?sq_footage)

(contemporary gray|white ? ?sq_footage)

Mathematical operators

(defrule subtraction

(numbers ?x ?y)

(bind ?answer (- ?x ?y))

(fprintout t “the answer is “ ?answer crlf))

Test feature

(if ((A = B) x y ))

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(defrule big-obj

(width ?obj ?w)

(length ?obj ?l)

(height ?obj ?h)


(test (> ?w 50))

(test (> ?l 50))

(test (> ?h 50)))

(fprintout t ?obj “is large object.” crlf))

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Evaluation of the Architectures

Rule based systems that use pattern matchers are flexible and powerful.

They are more applicable for domains where the possible solutions are either unbound or large in numbers, such as design, planning and synthesis.

The use of search to find applicable rules makes pattern matchers inefficient.

Some knowledge based systems (XCON) and shells (OPS5, KEE, CLIPS) are based on pattern matching architectures

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Evaluation of the Architectures

Inference networks are useful for domains where the number of different alternative solutions is limited (classification, diagnostic type of problems).

Easier to implement

Less powerful because all the relations need to be known beforehand.

Allow explanation of solution easily.

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Disadvantages of Rule Based Systems

Major problems with rule based systems are:




infinite chaining, addition of new, contradictory knowledge, modification of existing rules.

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Infinite Chaining

Results from the myth

“If the system does not work properly, all you need to do is to add more rules.”

R23: IF anemia-risk(?person)

THEN anemis-risk(son(?person))

R24: IF anemia-risk(father(?person))

THEN anemia-risk(?person)

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Addition of New, Contradictory


In rule based systems it is possible to introduce new knowledge to fix some problem in the knowledge base, which in turn introduces a contradiction.

R107: IF it is raining

THEN not(weather is sunny)

R109: IF location is Florida

THEN not(weather is cloudy)

R24: IF time of day is late afternoon

THEN weather is sunny or weather is cloudy

FACTS:time of day is late afternoon

Conclusion is that the

Weather is sunny.

location is Florida

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Addition of New, Contradictory


R107: IF it is raining

THEN not(weather is sunny)

R109: IF location is Florida

THEN not(weather is cloudy)

R96: IF time of day is late afternoon

THEN weather is sunny or weather is cloudy

R120: IF time of day is late afternoon and location is Florida

THEN it is raining

FACTS:time of day is late afternoon location is Florida

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Modifications to Existing Rules

R302: IF organism = strep or organism = gonorrhea

THEN prescription = penicillin

Some people are allergic to penicillin

R302: IF organism = strep or organism = gonorrhea

THEN indicated-drug = penicillin

R342: IF indicated-drug = penicillin and unknown(allergy-to = penicillin)

THEN ask(allergy-to = penicillin)

R367: IF indicated-drug = penicillin and not (allergy-to = penicillin)

THEN prescription = penicillin


Modifications to Existing Rules

Patients may be allergic to other drugs.

R342 and R367 can be generalized as follows

R342: IF indicated-drug = ?drug and unknown(allergy-to = ?drug)

THEN ask(allergy-to = ?drug)

R367: IF indicated-drug = ?drug and not (allergy-to = ?drug)

THEN prescription = ?drug

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Additional disadvantages of rule based systems are:


During every cycle of inference mechanism each rule is examined to see whether it applies to the current situation


It is very difficult to examine a developed knowledge base and determine what actions are going to occur when.

Coverage of domain

Some domains contain numerous variations of inputs which require the storage of tens of thousands of rules.

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Advantages of Rule Based Systems

Significant advantages of rule based systems are:





Separation of knowledge and control


Each rule is a distinct separate unit of knowledge that can be added, modified or removed independent of the other rules that are present in the knowledge base.


All knowledge in the system is expressed in exactly the same format.


Rules are a natural format for expressing knowledge

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