CBP: Cardiac Arrest - UBC Critical Care Medicine, Vancouver BC

CBP: Cardiac


Case Presentation

A 55 year old business man collapses at work. This is witnessed by his colleagues who find him pulseless.

They initiate CPR and call 911.

EMS arrive 5 minutes later. They confirm the pulseless state and place the patient on a monitor; he is in V.

Fib. Standard ACLS protocols are initiated; the patient is intubated and transported to the closest ED.

The patient arrives at the ED 7 minutes later. He has received 2 doses of Epinephrine and one dose of

Atropine. He has received 2 shocks and is currently in

PEA arrest.

In the ERP confirms ETT placement, the rhythm of

PEA, and performs a quick bedside ECHO, all the while continuing with CPR. The ECHO shows cardiac motion.

The patient is given another dose of Epinephrine and Atropine. By 6 minutes of his arrival, he is noted to have Return of Spontaneous

Circulation and to have reverted to NSR.

ICU is consulted

Vital signs: HR – 112, RR – 6/poor effort, BP 65/40 (MAP

48), 36.5 Rectal Temp, Glucose 17.8, Sat’n 100%.

Quick exam reveals: A: ETT in place. B: GBS x2. +ve

ETCO2 Capnography. C: As above. N HS. D: GCS of

3T, absent gag/corneal/papillary response. E:

Nothing obvious. And no calf edema.

Past medical history reveals a 30 pack-year smoking history. He is on no meds and has no known drug allergies. He is known to travel abroad frequently with his work.

Question 1

Please define Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome and its 4 pathophysiologic components. (Erik)


Post-cardiac arrest syndrome is a unique and complex combination of pathophysiological processes, which include




post-cardiac arrest brain injury, post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, and systemic ischemia/reperfusion response.

This state is often complicated by a fourth component:

4. the unresolved pathological process that caused the cardiac arrest.

Phases – for Therapy & for Science

The immediate post-arrest phase could be defined as the first 20 minutes after ROSC.

The early post-arrest phase could be defined as the period between 20 minutes and 6 to 12 hours after ROSC, when early interventions might be most effective.

An intermediate phase might be between 6 to 12 hours and 72 hours, when injury pathways are still active and aggressive treatment is typically instituted.

Finally, a period beyond 3 days could be considered the recovery phase, when prognostication becomes more reliable and ultimate outcomes are more predictable.


The 4 key components of post-cardiac arrest syndrome are:


post-cardiac arrest brain injury,




post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, systemic ischemia/reperfusion response, and persistent precipitating pathology.


The unique features of post-cardiac arrest pathophysiology are often superimposed on the disease or injury that caused the cardiac arrest, as well as underlying comorbidities.

Therapies that focus on individual organs may compromise other injured organ systems.

The severity of these disorders after ROSC is not uniform and will vary in individual patients based on the severity of the ischemic insult, the cause of cardiac arrest, and the patient’s pre-arrest state of health.

Foundation on which to grow…

In a study of dogs with induced cardiac arrest…

In a single observational human study…

Biochemical and neurohormonal models suggest…

A growing body of evidence…

These findings suggest, in theory, that…

These findings do not rule out the potential effect of…

Limited evidence is available to guide…

Forrest through the trees


Who remembers 5:1, 15:2, 30:2, 10:1, vs continuous?


ETT vs supraglottic device? (AHA, ACC, ILCOR)


Push hard, push fast, push often! (ROC-BC)

Question 2

How do you treat Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome.


Early HD optimization

No evidence based guidelines

Suggestion is to have a similar approach as EGDT for Sepsis

MAP goals undefined

Loss of Cerebral Autoregulation

CPP dependent on MAP

ICP generally not elevated

MAP Goals >65, <90

Mixed venous gases

Venous Hyperoxia

Falsely elevated levels due to poor tissue extraction related to epi use and mitochondrial failure

Follow urine output (careful in hypothermia)

Follow lactates (need to follow trends)

Avoid hyperoxia

Ptl for increased free radical production

PaO2 goals of 92 – 96%

Aim for normocarbia

Volume resuscitate

Consider intropes/vasopressors

Treat for ACS




Treat seizures

Increase cerebral metabolism

No Evidence for prophylaxis



Treat hyperglycemia

No evidence for Neuroprotective medications

Adrenal dysfunction

Renal failure


More prone to aspiration pneumonia

Question 3

Should we cool this patient? Who do we cool, what parameters do we use, what are the complications of hypothermia therapy? What if the original documented rhythm was PEA?


Who should be cooled?

Out-of-hospital VF/PVT Arrest

In-hospital VF Arrests

 Small subset within HACA: favorable survival

Out-of-hospital all-rhythms, or non-VF

Pyrexia within 72 Hr (>37C--> poor neuro outcomes), all patients

Bernard, 2002, NEJM

HACA, 2002, NEJM

What are the parameters of cooling protocol?

Target core temp: 33C, or 32-34C

Onset: variable, ASAP (2-8 Hr, up to 24Hr)

Duration: 12-24 Hr

Further data required


Complications of TH

Technical: Shivering, use of ongoing sedation and NMB, to prevent shivering

(with 30% dec clearance with T=34C), fluctuations of temp

HD: inc SVR, dec COP, arrhythmias (esp brady)

Diuresis, hypovolemia, dec K, Ca, Mg,

PO4 --> arrhythmia

 vasodilator, so facilitate cooling induction, antiarrhythmic, and ? additive

Neuroprotective (animal data)

Impaired glucose tolerance (dec insulin level and sensitivity)


Lower immunity--> infections

Higher pneumonias in TH group in HACA, but NS

Should we cool this patient?

Yes! Out-of-hospital VF arrest

Question 4

His wife has just arrived with his 3 kids (16, 15, and

9 years old). They want to know what his prognosis is. What do you tell them and how do you prognosticate patients post arrest? Please discuss clinical and lab findings and imaging modalities. Would things be looked at differently if he was cooled? (Neil)

. What do you tell them and how do you prognosticate patients post arrest?


What is a “poor outcome”?







Very difficult to prognosticate in the first 24 hours

Most evidence is derived on testing at 72 hours

Therapeutic hypothermia changes the timeline

What is a poor outcome?

What is a poor outcome?

Poor outcome is defined as death, unconsciousness after one month, or unconsciousness or severe disability after six months.

Clinical signs

Absence of pupillary light reflexes

100% specificity in meta analysis

LR+ 10.5 (CI 2.1-52.4)

Absence of motor response to pain

100% specificity in meta analysis

LR+ 16.8 (CI 3.4 – 84.1)

Myoclonic status epilepticus

Can be predictive early

Much worse than SE

Clinical Signs

Which are not good prognositcators



Cause of arrest

Type of arrhythmia

Total arrest time

Duration of CPR


Overall prognostication ability is not strong

Variety of studies have looked into it

Lack of a standardized classification system

Concerning features

Burst suppression

Nonreactive alpha and theta patterns

Generalized periodic complexes


Tests integrity of the neuronal pathways from peripheral nerve, spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebral cortex


Best studied waveform

Robust as it is not strongly influence by meds and metabolic derangements

LR+ 12 (CI 5.3-27.6)


Dead brain releases biomarkers

3 have been “well” studied

Neuron specific enolase (NSE)


Creatinine kinase BB isoenzyme (CK-BB)


Although not strong enough to prognosticate reliably, a bad scan is a bad scan

Problem lies in that a good scan may not be a good scan

Question 5

His EKG shows normal sinus rhythm with nonspecific changes. Should he go to the cath lab?

If so, what are the recommendations for cath post cardiac arrest? If he arrested again, would you thrombolyse him? What is the etiology of the vast majority of cardiac arrests? (Noamie)


 His EKG shows normal sinus rhythm with nonspecific changes. Should he go to the cath lab?

 If so, what are the recommendations for cath post cardiac arrest?

 If he arrested again, would you thrombolyse him?

 What is the etiology of the vast majority of cardiac arrests?

Etiology of cardiac arrests

65-70 %



15 to 35%

Etiology of Sudden Cardiac


Age < 20:

Myocarditis (22%), HCM (22%) and conduction system abnormalities (13%)

Age 20-29:

CAD (24%), myocarditis (22%) and

HCM (13%).

Age 29-39:

CAD (58%), myocarditis (11%).

Am J Cardiol 1991;689(13):1388-1392

Should he go to the cath lab?


Even if no evidence of an ACS, need to exclude stable/chronic CAD

Sudden cardiac arrest may be first indication of


But, does he need it right now?

NEJM 1997;336:1629-1633


Pt post cardiac arrest btw 30-75

Immediate cath if no obvious non-cardiac cause

1st rhythm recorded: 93% VF/VT

84% had 0 or 1 cardiac RF

71% had clinically significant CAD

 poor predictive value of CP and ECG changes for coronary-artery occlusion.

Recommendations for cath post cardiac arrest


Recommendations for Coronary

Angiography in Patients With Known or Suspected CAD Who Are Currently

Asymptomatic or Have Stable Angina.

Class I: Patients who have been successfully resuscitated from sudden cardiac death or have sustained (>30 s) monomorphic ventricular tachycardia or nonsustained (<30 s) polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. (Level of

Evidence: B)

If he arrested again, would you thrombolyse him?


Tenecteplase vs placebo

Stopped early for futility

Lancet 2001

 rt-PA vs placebo

Improved ROSC but no difference in 24HR survival or survival to discharge

AJC 2006

No statistically significant benefit

 Treatment recommendation :

 “Fibrinolysis should be considered in adult patients with cardiac arrest with proven or suspected pulmonary embolism. There are insufficient data to support or refute the routine use of fibrinolysis in cardiac arrest from other causes.”

Question 6

Patient arrests again and family wants

EVERYTHING done. His wife is a cardiac nurse and asks if ECMO is an option. What do you tell her?

ECMO in cardiac arrest = Extracorporeal Life

Support (ECLS)

Few small, observational and retrospective studies (5 studies: 3 adult, 2 pediatric)

All in hospital arrests

2005 ACLS guidelines, consider in:

In hospital patient

Brief pulseless period (rapid ECLS response teams)

Reversible causes (OD’s, revascularization/heart transplant)

Realistically, not feasible for every patient

Modality of choice for severe hypothermia in cardiopulmonary arrest

Question 7

Assuming he survives to discharge, should he get an ICD implanted? (Marios)

Question 8

Patient does well and eventually gets discharged to a ward bed. However, he has another cardiac arrest. Are there any differences between in-hospital and out-ofhospital cardiac arrest? What can be done to improve the outcome of in hospital cardiac arrest? (Marios)

Question 7: Indications for ICD implantation post-arrest

Indications for ICD

2008 ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines state that most survivors of VT/VF arrest that are not due to reversible causes should be offered an ICD.

Reversible causes:

Polymorphic VT/VF clearly due to ischemia that is amenable to revascularization.

Polymorphic VT in the setting of reversible QT prolongation


Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome – tx is ablation

Fulminant myocarditis in which LVAD will be used as a bridge to recovery

Drug-induced arrhythmias

Electrolyte abnormalities (rarely an isolated cause however)

Epstein, AE, DiMarco, JP, Ellenbogen, KA, et al. ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Circulation 2008; 117:e350.

Question 8a: Are there any differences between in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest?


Differences between in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac

Initial rhythm


VT/VF is the first monitored rhythm in only 15-23% of inhospital cardiac arrests (IHCAs)

In out-of-hospital arrests (OHCAs) VF/VT occur in 45% of cases

IHCAs more likely to be due to hypoxemia and hypotension

 more likely to cause PEA or asystole

OHCAs more often precipitated by ischemia which more commonly leads to VT/VF

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


Dichtwald S, et al. Improving the outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest: the importance of being earnest. Seminars in Cardiothoracic and

Vascular Anesthesia (2009) 13(1):19-30

Question 8b: What can be done to improve the outcome of in hospital cardiac arrest?

“Survival” post in-hospital cardiac arrests

Between 25% and 67% of successfully resuscitated patients die within 24h of ROSC

Survival to discharge ranges from 0% to 28%%, with major studies reporting ~ 20% survival

to discharge rate.

14% to 47% of patients discharged die within one year

In other words, IHCA is a bad prognostic sign.

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


Strategies to improve outcomes

MET teams:

Initially showed positive effects in reducing both cardiac arrests and in-hospital mortality

Many of these studies were of low quality

A recent meta-analysis showed no effect on

mortality despite a reduction in cardiac arrests (?

ICU arrests vs more patients being made DNR by

MET team)

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


Strategies to improve outcomes

DNR status:

By addressing level of care, CPR may be targeted

to those who are more likely to benefit from it.

This would be expected to improve survival rates of in hospital arrests.

No studies have looked at this.

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


Strategies to improve outcomes

ACLS training

Chest compression rate and depth inadequate in a third of codes

Lower immediate survival rate in patients receiving compression rates < 80/min

Immediate survival rate nearly 4 times higher when resuscitated by ALS-trained vs non-ALS-trained nurse.

Immediate survival better in hospitals after completion of a resuscitation training program.

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


Strategies to improve outcomes

CPR Adjuncts:

Active Compression Decompression CPR

Impedance Threshold Valve

Though promising animal and physiologic date, conclusive outcome data is still pending.

Dichtwald S, et al. Improving the outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest: the importance of being earnest. Seminars in Cardiothoracic and

Vascular Anesthesia (2009) 13(1):19-30




Frascone RJ, et al. Combination of active compression decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the inspiratory impedance threshold device: state of the art. Curr Opin Crit Care.(2004): 10:193–201

Impedance threshold valve

Lurie K, Zielinski T, McKnite S, et al. Improving the efficiency of cardiopul- monary resuscitation with an inspiratory impedance threshold valve. Crit

Care Med 2000; 28:N207–N209.

Hemodynamic effects of devices

Lurie K, Zielinski T, McKnite S, et al. Improving the efficiency of cardiopul- monary resuscitation with an inspiratory impedance threshold valve. Crit

Care Med 2000; 28:N207–N209.

Strategies to improve outcomes

Early defibrillation

Response time of code teams may be unacceptably long in remote areas of hospitals

(up to 6 minutes in larger hospitals)

One before-after study showed an improved survival from VT/VF arrest from 2.2% to 15.6% after implementation of an AED program

Randomized controlled trials are needed

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


Strategies to improve outcomes

Post-resuscitation care

Therapeutic hypothermia

As opposed to out-of-hospital arrests, in-hospital cardiac arrests are more often non-VT/VF.

Neurological injury less often a cause of death in

IHCA patients

Impact of therapeutic hypothermia may therefore be reduced for in-hospital cardiac arrests

Sandroni C, et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Medicine (2007)


The End