Patient-Centered Care

Patient-Centered Care
Diana Gonzalez
Merisa Akuszewski
Azusa Pacific University
❖ Definition
❖ Eight Dimensions
❖ Essentials of Patient-Centered Care
Service Quality
❖ Patient-Centered Care Outcomes
❖ Facilitators & Barriers
Defining Patient-Centered Care
“Patient centered care is care based on a
partnership between the patient, their families,
and the health care provider that is focused on
the patient’s values, preferences, and needs”
Boykins, D. (2014). Core Communication Competencies in Patient-Centered Care. ABNF Journal, 25(2), 40-45.
Defining Patient-Centered Care
❖ Care is individualized and
➢ Cultural competency
➢ Patient advocacy
❖ Patients and families, not
clinicians, have control over
health care decisions.
➢ Patient Autonomy
Hughes, R. (2011). Overview and summary: Patient-centered care: Challenges and rewards. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing,16 (2).
McCance, T., McCormack, B., Dewing, J. (2011). An exploration of person-centredness in practice. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16 (2) Manuscript 1.
❖ Therapeutic Communication
Nursing Students
❖ Barriers to Communication
❖ Interprofessional Collaboration
Boykins, D. (2014). Core Communication Competencies in Patient-Centered Care. ABNF Journal, 25(2), 40-45.
❖ Partnership between
patient and caregivers
❖ Shared-decision
❖ Multidisciplinary
collaboration needed
to provide
personalized care
Ignatavicius, D. & Worman, L. (2013). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care.
(7th ed.). St. Louis, Mo: Saunders Elsevier.
Service Quality
❖ Dimensions
❖ Gaps in Service
Patient Expectation vs. Nurse Perception Gap
Nurse and nursing administrator perceptions vs.
Patient centered care standards gap
❖ Patient Satisfaction
Surveys, HCAP’s
Dabney, B., & Huey-Ming, T. (2013). Service Quality and Patient-Centered Care. MEDSURG Nursing, 22(6), 359-364.
Patient-Centered Care Leads to...
❖ Better outcomes
❖ Safer environment
Fewer medical and
medication errors
Fewer patient falls
❖ Lower cost
❖ Decreased length of stay
❖ Increased patient satisfaction
(Bertakis & Azari, 2011; Grumbach & Grundy, 2010; Oshima Lee & Emanuel, 2013)
Facilitators & Barriers to PatientCentered Care
Key Organizational-Level Facilitators:
Strong, committed senior leadership
Communication of strategic vision
Engagement of patients and families
Sustained focus on employee satisfaction
Regular measurement and feedback reporting
Adequate resourcing for care delivery redesign
Building staff capacity to support delivering patient-centered care
Accountability and incentives
Culture that is strongly supportive of change and learning
❖ Attitudes of healthcare professionals
❖ Time needed to implement changes
(Luxford, Safran, & Delbanco, 2011)
Bertakis, K. & Azari, R. (2011). Patient-centered care is associated with decreased health care utilization. Journal of American Board of
Family Medicine, 34(3), 229-239. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2011.03.100170
Boykins, D. (2014). Core Communication Competencies in Patient-Centered Care. ABNF Journal, 25(2), 40-45. Retrieved from:
Dabney, B., & Huey-Ming, T. (2013). Service Quality and Patient-Centered Care. MEDSURG Nursing, 22(6), 359-364.
Grumbach, K. & Grundy, P. (2010). Outcomes of implementing patient centered medical home interventions: A review of the evidence
from prospective evaluation studies in the United States. Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative, 1-16. Retrieved from:
Hughes, R. (2011). Overview and summary: Patient-centered care: Challenges and rewards. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing,16
Ignatavicius, D. & Worman, L. (2013). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care. (7th ed.). St. Louis, Mo:
Saunders Elsevier.
Luxford, K., Safran, D. & Delbanco, T. (2011). Promoting patient-centered care: A qualitative study of facilitators and barriers in
healthcare organizations with a reputation for improving the patient experience. International Journal for Quality in Health Care,
23(5), 510-515. Retrieved from:
McCance, T., McCormack, B., Dewing, J. (2011). An exploration of person-centredness in practice. The Online Journal of Issues in
Nursing, 16 (2) Manuscript 1.
Oshima Lee, E. & Emanuel, E. (2013). Shared decision making to improve care and reduce costs. New England Journal of Medicine,
368 (1), 6-8. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1209500 Retrieved from