here - Drift - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

OCTOBER 05, 2014
Please do not hesitate to get into contact via
Bartels, K. & J.M. Wittmayer (2014) Symposium Introduction: Usable Knowledge in Practice. What Action
Research has to Offer to Critical Policy Studies. Critical Policy Studies. Online first. DOI
Wittmayer, J.M., N. Schäpke, F. van Steenbergen, I. Omann (2014) Making sense of sustainability transitions
locally. How action research contributes to addressing societal challenges. Critical Policy Studies. Online first.
DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2014.957336
Wittmayer, J.M. & N. Schäpke (2014) Action, Research and Participation: Roles of Researchers in Sustainability
Transitions. Sustainability Science. Online first. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-014-0258-4.
Langsdorf, S., Umpfenbach, K., Wittmayer, J., Rok, A. (2014) Going out of the town hall. The benefits and how
they can be achieved. Open Citizenship 5 (1): 48-59.
Frantzeskaki, N., Wittmayer, J. & D. Loorbach (2014) The role of partnerships in 'realizing' urban sustainability
in Rotterdam's City Ports Area, the Netherlands. Journal of Cleaner Production. 65: 406-417. doi:
Taanman, M., J.M. Wittmayer & H. Diepenmaat (2012) Monitoring on-going vision development in system
change programmes, Journal on Chains and Network Science 12(2) pp. 125-136
Wittmayer, J.M. (2010) Culture for sale – Traditional lifestyle as commodity in nature-based tourism initiatives.
Ethnological Researches 15 pp. 129-142.
Wittmayer, J.M. and B. Büscher (2010) Conserving conflict? Transfrontier conservation, development
discourses and conflict between South Africa and Lesotho. Human Ecology 38(6) pp. 763-773.
Wittmayer, J.M. (2007) “Life projects, Development and the State. An anthropological study into land claims in
Lesotho” Master Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Shortlisted for the Africa Thesis Award 2008 of the
African Studies Centre in Leiden and online available at ‘The Broker Thesis Project’
Diepenmaat, H., Mager, S. & J.M. Wittmayer (2011) Collectieve Zelfsturing in de Agrofoodsector. In van den
Berg, J., Deelstra, Y., Nooteboom, S. & G. Teisman (eds) Kwartiermakers van de Toekomst. Uitgeverij
Mastercircle bv, Deventer, pp. 236-247.
Wittmayer, J., Roorda, C. and F. van Steenbergen (eds.) (2014) Governing urban sustainability transitions –
Inspiring examples. DRIFT, Rotterdam.
Verhagen, M., Wittmayer, J., Punte – Klaas, C., Reiner, C., van Ommen, N., Rutten, M., Mersmans, A., Drijver,
M., Avelino, F., Cicilia, A., Molthof, K. i.s.m. Scholte, S., Holst, A., van Acht, E., Brouwers, I., de Cort, J., en S.
Azarbad (2014) De onmacht voorbij. Een handreiking voor actie. DRIFT-uitgave. E2014.03
Van Steenbergen, F. & J. Wittmayer (2014) Blind geloof in wijkteams vraagt om nuancering. Sociale
vraagstukken online:
Van Steenbergen, F. & J. Wittmayer (2014) Wijkteams als heilige graal? Zes aandachtspunten voor gemeenten
in transitie. DRIFT-uitgave. E2014.01. Online at:
Wittmayer, J., Wenninger, A. & N. Tefrati (2013) Die Energiewende auf kommunaler Ebene. Innovative
Verwaltung 09/2013: 46-48.
Van Steenbergen, F. & Wittmayer, J. (2012) Carnisse in transitie? Een verkenning van het verleden, het heden en
de toekomst van een Rotterdamse wijk. DRIFT-uitgave. E 2012.05
Roorda, C., Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J. & F. van Steenbergen (2012) Methoden in transitiemanagement. Een
inleiding op de vijf kernmethoden. Drift Essay E2012.04.
Wittmayer, J., Frantzeskaki, N., Van Steenbergen, F., Roorda, C. & P. Henneman (2012) Towards an urban
change agents’ analysis method: Experiences from five European cities. Drift Working paper 1/2012.
Wittmayer, J., de Vries, M. & B. Both (2011) Cliëntenparticipatie in een zorgsysteem in transitie. Zorg &
Zeggenschap 13/2011, pp. 42-45
Kooij, S. & J. Wittmayer (2010) Samenredzaamheid in de praktijk: een casus als transitieopdracht. Geron
4/2010, pp. 61-64
Wittmayer, J. & B. Both (2010) Gedreven professionals & maatschappelijke zorg. Zorg & Zeggenschap 11/2010,
pp. 44-47
Wittmayer, J. & B. Both (2010) Zelf en samen – op weg naar duurzame zorg. Zorg & Zeggenschap 10/2010, pp.
Van Vucht, J., & Wittmayer, J. (2010) Een jaar zonder kaders, op weg naar transitie.
Wittmayer, J. & A. Krakers (2010), Toekomstagenda: verbind zorg en welzijn en zet de burger aan het stuur.
Zorg &Welzijn (online
Roorda, C. and Wittmayer, J., (2014). Transition Management in five European cities – an evaluation. DRIFT,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
Søgaard Jørgensen, M., Wittmayer, J., Avelino, F., Elle, M., Pel, B., Bauler, T., Kunze, I., and N. Longhurst (2014)
Methodological guidelines for case studies Batch I. Deliverable 4.1. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 grant
agreement n. 613169.
Van Steenbergen, F., Wittmayer, J.M., Loorbach, D. & J. van Hoop (2013) Denken vanuit Doen.
Monitoringsrapport Veerkracht 2011-2013. Drift, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
Van Steenbergen, F., Wittmayer, J.M., Loorbach, D. (2013) Denken vanuit Doen. Monitoringsraamwerk
Veerkracht. Drift, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Wittmayer, J., M. Mock, F. van Steenbergen, S. Baasch, I. Omann & N. Schäpke (2013) Taking stock – Three
years of addressing societal challenges on community level through action research Pilot specific synthesis
report. Deliverable 4.5. InContext: EU ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant agreement n° 265191. Online available here:
Wittmayer, J., F. van Steenbergen, S. Baasch, G. Feiner, M. Mock & I. Omann (2013) Pilot projects rounding up.
Year 3 Pilot-specific report. Deliverable 4.4. InContext: EU ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant agreement n° 265191. Online
available here:
Piotrowski, R., S. Langsdorf, A. Rok i.c.w. J. Wittmayer & K. Umpfenbach (2013) Going out of the town hall. The
benefits and how they can be achieved. Policy Brief/Deliverable 5.3. InContext: EU ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant
agreement n° 265191. Online available here:
Wittmayer, J.M., N. Schäpke, G. Feiner, R. Piotrowski & S. Baasch (2013) Action Research for Sustainability.
Reflections on transition management in practice. Research Brief/Deliverable 5.2. InContext: EU
ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant agreement n° 265191. Online available here:
Roorda, C., Frantzeskaki, N., Loorbach, D., Steenbergen, F. van and Wittmayer, J. (2012). Transition
Management In Urban Context – guidance manual, collaborative evaluation version. Drift, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, Rotterdam. Online at:
Wittmayer, J., van Steenbergen, F., Baasch, S., Feiner, G., Omann, I., Quist, J. and Loorbach, D. (2012) Pilot
projects on a roll. Year 2 pilot specific reports. Deliverable 4.3. InContext: EU ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant agreement
n° 265191. Online available here:
Avelino, F., Loorbach, D. and J. Wittmayer (2011) Het Stimuleren van Duurzaamheid in de Stad. Een
Onderzoeksadvies aan de Gemeente Den Haag [commissioned by Gemeente Den Haag]
Wittmayer, J. & J. Neuteboom (2011) Working Paper. Exploring a transition movement in healthcare: practice,
theoretical insights and inspiring examples. DRIFT Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Wittmayer, J., van Steenbergen, F., Bohunovsky, L., Baasch, S., Quist, J., Loorbach, D. & C. Hoogland (2011) Pilot
projects getting started. Year 1 Status Report. Deliverable 4.2, InContext: EU ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant agreement
n° 265191. Online available here:
Wittmayer, J., van Steenbergen, F., Quist, J., Loorbach, D. & C. Hoogland (2011) The Community Arena: A cocreation tool for sustainable behaviour by local communities. Methodological Guidelines. Deliverable 4.1,
InContext: EU ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 grant agreement n° 265191. Online available here: and Appendix:
De Vries, M., Wittmayer, J., Neuteboom, J. & E. Hooijmaijers (2010) De Toekomst van Zorginnovatie. Lessen uit
het Transitieprogramma in de Langdurende Zorg. [The future of healthcare innovation: Lessons learned from
the Transition programme in long term care] TPLZ: Utrecht.
Wittmayer J., Diepenmaat, H., Mager, S. & K. Andeweg (2010) Metropolitane Landbouw in 16 punten.
Transitiemonitoring TransForum 2010. [Metropolitan Agriculture in 16 points. Transition monitoring
TransForum 2010] DRIFT Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. TransForum: Zoetermeer.
Wittmayer J., Diepenmaat, H., Mager, S. & K. Andeweg (2010) Metropolitane Landbouw vergeleken.
Transitiemonitoring TransForum 2009/2010. [Comparing Metropolitan Agriculture. Transition monitoring
TransForum 2010] DRIFT Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. TransForum: Zoetermeer.
Van Binsbergen, A.; Gideonse, W.; Van der Veen, E.; Wittmayer, J. and H. Diepenmaat (2009) Baanbrekende
ideeën voor Duurzame Mobiliteit. De visie van Transumo. [Breakthrough ideas for sustainable mobility: the
vision of Transumo]. ATOsborne, DRIFT Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Transumo.
Wittmayer, J.; Bressers, N. and H. Diepenmaat (2009) Transitiemonitoring bij Transumo. Sturen op duurzame
mobiliteit. [Transition monitoring at Transumo. Engineering sustainable mobility] DRIFT Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam. Transumo: Zoetermeer.
Wittmayer, J.; Diepenmaat, H. & S. Mager (2009) Transitiemonitoring 2008-2009 ten behoeve van TransForum.
[Transition monitoring 2008-2009 for TransForum] DRIFT Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. TransForum:
Loorbach, D. Wittmayer, J., Hölscher, K., Shiroyama, H. and Ohta, K. Studying Sustainability Transitions in
Welfare States. Joint JSPS/NWO-financed seminar (subsidy number 040.04.028). September 10-13, 2014.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J. International Workshop ‘The Role of Global Game-changers in Transformative Social
Innovation’, September 1-2, 2014, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Bartels, K. & J.M. Wittmayer (07/2014) Panel organized on: Action Research: What policy analysis needs?. 9
International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis. Governance and Beyond: Knowledge, Technology and
Communication in a Globalizing World. July 3-5, 2013, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Quist, J., Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. and Bauler, T. (2013) Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for LowCarbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop, 7-8 October 2013, Rotterdam. The
Bartels, K. & J.M. Wittmayer (07/2013) Panel organized on: Action Research: What policy analysis needs?. 8
International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis. July 3-5, 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Quist, J., J.M. Wittmayer & D. Loorbach (06/2013) Panel organized on: Citizens and consumers in Sustainability
Transitions: new developments in cases, methods and theory. 4th International Conference on Sustainability
Transitions June 19-21, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Wittmayer, J.M., Rok, A., Roorda, C. & F. van Steenbergen (09/2014) The role of local governments in local
action towards sustainability. Transition management and Local Agenda 21. Presented at the JSPS/NWO
Seminar ‘Studying Sustainability Transitions in Welfare States’. September 10-13, 2014. Rotterdam, The
Hölscher, K., Wittmayer, J., Avelino, F. and M. Giezen (09/2014) Seeds of change? Exploring (dis)empowerment in transition management. Presented at JSPS/NWO Seminar ‘Studying Sustainability Transitions
in Welfare States’. September 10-13, 2014. Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J., O’Riordan, T., Haxeltine, A., Weaver, P., Kemp, R., Loorbach, D. and J. Rotmans
(09/2014) The Role of Game Changers in the Dynamics of Transformative Social Innovation. Presented at
Workshop ‘The Role of
Global Game-changers in Transformative Social Innovation’, September 1-2, 2014, Rotterdam, The
Frantzeskaki, N., Bach, M., Hölscher, K. Wittmayer, J.M., D. Loorbach (08/2014) Ten years of transition
management: taking stock and looking forward. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Sustainability
Transitions: Impacts and Institutions, August 27-29, 2014 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J., O’Riordan, T., Haxeltine, A., Weaver, P., Kemp, R., Loorbach, D. and J. Rotmans
(08/2014) The Role of Game Changers in the Dynamics of Transformative Social Innovation. Presented at the
5th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions: Impacts and Institutions, August 27-29, 2014
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Wittmayer, J.M., Rok, A., Roorda, C. & F. van Steenbergen (08/2014) The role of local governments in local
action towards sustainability. Transition management and Local Agenda 21. Presented at the 5th International
Conference on Sustainability Transitions: Impacts and Institutions, August 27-29, 2014 Utrecht, The
Wittmayer, J. & van Steenbergen, F. (07/2014) Researching roles in transition: A case study. Paper presented at
the 9 International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis. Governance and Beyond: Knowledge,
Technology and Communication in a Globalizing World. July 3-5, 2013, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Wittmayer, J.; Avelino, F.; Søgaard Jørgensen, M., Pataki, G., Dumitru, A., Kunze, I., Longhurst, N. & T. Bauler
(04/2014) Research relations in researching transformative social innovation. 6th Living Knowledge Network
Conference: An Innovative Civil Society: Impact through Co-creation and Participation. 9-11 April 2014,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wittmayer, J.M. & N. Schäpke (04/2014) Action, Research and Participation: Roles of Researchers in
Sustainability Transitions. 6th Living Knowledge Network Conference: An Innovative Civil Society: Impact
through Co-creation and Participation. 9-11 April 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Haxeltine, A., Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J., Kemp, R., Weaver, P., Backhaus, J. & T. O´Riordan (2013)
Transformative Social Innovation: A Sustainability Transitions Perspective on Social Innovation. Paper
presented at NESTA Social Innovation Research Conference, November 14-15. 2013. London, UK. Online
available at:
Quist, J., Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. and Bauler, T. (2013) Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for LowCarbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 3 Proceedings of SCORAI
Europe & InContext Workshop, 7-8 October 2013, Rotterdam. The Netherlands, online available at:
Wittmayer, J.M., F. van Steenbergen, D. Loorbach, M. Mock & I. Omann (2013) Exploring the transformative
potential of
communities, In Quist, J., Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. and Bauler, T. (2013) Pathways, Transitions and
Backcasting for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 3
Proceedings of SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop, 7-8 October 2013, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. Online
available at:
Quist, J., Wittmayer, J.M., Umpfenbach, K., Bauler, T. and M. Bach (2013) Introduction Pathways, Transitions
and Backcasting for low-carbon and sustainable lifestyles, in Quist, J., Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. and
Bauler, T. (2013) Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable
Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 3 Proceedings of SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop, 7-8 October
2013, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. Online available at:
Quist, J., Wittmayer, J.M., van Steenbergen, F. and D. Loorbach (2013) Combining backcasting and transition
management in the community arena, In Quist, J., Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. and Bauler, T. (2013)
Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable Consumption
Transitions Series, Issue 3 Proceedings of SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop, 7-8 October 2013, Rotterdam.
The Netherlands. Online available at:
Schäpke, N, Omann, I., Mock, M., Wittmayer, J. and A. von Raggamby (2013) Supporting sustainability
transitions by enhancing the human dimension via empowerment, social learning and social capital, In Quist, J.,
Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. and Bauler, T. (2013) Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for Low-Carbon and
Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 3 Proceedings of SCORAI Europe &
InContext Workshop, 7-8 October 2013, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. Online available at:
Wittmayer, J.M., A. Rok, C. Roorda & F. van Steenbergen (2013) The role of local governments in local action
towards sustainability. Paper presented at EURA Conference 2013. Cities as Seedbeds for Innovation. July, 4-6,
2013, Enschede, The Netherlands
Wittmayer, J.M. & N. Schäpke (2013) Action, Research and Participation: the Role of the Researcher in
Sustainability Transitions Paper presented at the 8 International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis.
July 3-5, 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Frantzeskaki, N.; Wittmayer, J.; van Steenbergen, F.; Roorda, C.; Loorbach, D. & P. Henneman (2012)
Envisioning urban sustainability transitions: Lessons from an envisioning process for climate mitigation in five
European cities. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions Sustainable
Transitions: Navigating Theories and Challenging Realities August 29-31, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Van Steenbergen, F., Wittmayer, J. and D. Loorbach (2012) Local responses to global challenges. Urban
neighborhoods as salient sites for local transition insights. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference
on Sustainability Transitions Sustainable Transitions: Navigating Theories and Challenging Realities August 2931, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Van Steenbergen, F., Wittmayer, J., Loorbach, D. Nowak, M. Chorynski, A. (2012) Governing the local change.
Insights from Dutch an Polish urban transitions. Second Urban Regeneration Congress, , September 12 – 14 ,
2012, Kraków, Poland
Wittmayer, J.M., F. van Steenbergen & C. Roorda (2012) Policymaker meets policymaker – legitimization and
interaction strategies regarding contested policy issues within local governments. Paper presented at the 7th
International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis Understanding the Drama of Democracy: Policy Work,
Power and Transformation, July 5-7, 2012, Tilburg, The Netherlands
backcasting and transition management in the community arena: a participatory design tool for sustainable
communities and consumption. Paper presented at the NCCR 2012, May 30– June 1, 2012, Göteborg.
Pathways to Sustainable Living in Times of Crisis. Experiences from the EU action research project ‘InContext`
Paper presented at Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) Workshop, 1 May, 2012,
Bregenz, Austria.
Community Arena: Application of transition governance in local communities in three countries. Paper
presented at the 15th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production; May 2 – 4, 2012
Bregenz, Austria
WITTMAYER, J.M. (2012) Talking change and changing talks: The role of narratives in transforming everyday
lives. Paper presented at Narrative matters 2012 - Life and Narrative May 29 – June 1, 2012 Paris, France
Wittmayer, J., van Steenbergen, F., Quist, J., Loorbach, D. & C. Hoogland (2011) The Community Arena:
Application of transition governance in local community. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on
Sustainability Transitions: Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability transition
research, June 13-15, 2011, Lund, Sweden
Van Steenbergen, F. & J. Wittmayer (2011) Transitioning the black box. Paper presented at 2nd International
Conference on Sustainability Transitions: Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability
transition research, June 13-15, 2011, Lund, Sweden
Wittmayer, J, Frantzeskaki, N., Van Steenbergen, F., Roorda, C. & P. Henneman (2011) Towards an urban
change agents’ analysis method: Experiences from five European cities. Resilient Cities 2011, 2nd World
Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, Bonn, Germany, June 3-5, 2011.
Wittmayer, J. (2011) Moving towards a transition movement in long term care in the Netherlands. Paper
presented at the IRPSM XV conference, Dublin, Ireland 11-13.4.2011 (chairing a panel on Innovating
Governance: Transition Governance in Healthcare)
Wittmayer, J.M. and Büscher, B. (2008) Conserving conflict? Transfrontier conservation and local conflicts
between South Africa and Lesotho. Paper presented at the conference ‘Framing Struggles: Critical Approaches
to Anthropology and Sociology’ at the Central European University, Budapest