Brussels, 31 May 2010
on the
of the
25 - 27 May 2010
Report prepared by:
Claudio Quaranta
Secretariat, Committee on Fisheries
The Members of the EP Fisheries Committee Delegation:
Met with representatives of the Swedish Fishermen Association and with
representatives of different ecolabel organisations for fishery products and local
fisheries initiatives
Were given very interesting presentations on the ecosystem in Kattegat and
Skagerrak waters, with particular focus on cod stock protection plans based on the
analysis of the trophic chain
Met with the head of the Swedish Board of Fisheries and researchers at the Sea
Fisheries Research Center in Lysekil, as well as with fishermen and other local
stakeholders in the fisheries sector
Had extensive field trips onboard fishing boats engaged in shrimps, crab and Norway
lobster fishing in the Gullmaren Fjord and in the Skagerrak, including a visit onboard
a trawler boat
Were given an in-depth presentation on the '8-Fjord-Project', an initiative aimed at
improving the environmental status of a large fjord network on the Skagerrak coast,
followed by a boat tour to key project sites
Members of Parliament participating in the delegation:
Isabella Lövin (Greens), Head of Delegation
Ulrike Rodust (S&D), Britta Reimers (ALDE), Marek Józef Gróbarczyk (ECR), Diane
Dodds (NI)
Programme and list of participants
Press reviews
For further information, see also the notes prepared by the EP Policy Department on
Structural and Cohesion Policies on "Fishery in Sweden" and on the "Long-term impact
of different fishing methods on the ecosystem in the Kattegat and Öresund":
*** Tuesday, 25 May 2010 ***
1 - Meeting in Göteborg
In the morning, the delegation visited the Fishing Harbour in Göteborg and was
welcomed by the Chairman of the Swedish Fishermen's Association, Mr. Henrik
Svenberg. In the 'Pirhus 1'-Building we were given a presentation on local fisheries
initiatives aimed at improving the traceability of local fishery products, followed by an
interesting meeting with representatives of two important ecolabel organisations for
fishery products: Mr. Lars Hällbom for the Swedish KRAV, Mr. Nicolas Guichoux and
Mr. Camiel Derichs, regional managers for the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) label.
The ensuing lively debate focused on the question on how the upcoming CFP reform
should address the issue of product labelling and, in particular, on whether it would be
advisable for the EU to set minimum standards for ecolabels or to create and market a
label of its own - the latter proposal being rejected by all three speakers. The problem of
the proliferation of ecolabels with low customer recognition levels, as well as the issue of
costs needed to undergo a full assessment for the label certification were also discussed.
2 - Meeting in Lysekil
The delegation travelled from Göteborg 120 km North along the beautiful fjord-ridden
Skagerrak coast, reaching the pictoresque town of Lysekil, home to 7.600 people
(doubling during the touristic season) and to the Royal Swedish Sea Fisheries Research
Center (Havsfiskelaboratoriet), whose origins date back to 1901. At the Institute we were
welcomed by the director, Dr Joakim Hjelm, and by the Head of the Swedish Board of
Fisheries, Mr. Axel Wenblad.
Delegation with Research Institute behind
In his introductory presentation Mr. Wenblad outlined the key strategies followed by the
Swedish Fisheries Board in relation to fisheries management plans in the Baltic Sea and
in the Skagerrak/Kattegat/Öresund waters, underlining the need for a better long-term
management of stocks (as in forestry management) and a rights-based management going
beyond a mere ITQ system. He also called for improvements in the traceability of fish
and fishery products in order to restore consumer confidence.
Two scientific presentations followed: the first by Dr Hjelm on a specific project for the
Baltic where it appears possible to promote fish predators (cod) by fishing down their
prey (sprats), based on a scientific analysis of the trophic chain and the interaction of
species and on the data provided by a number of field experiments in Norway and
Presentation by Dr Hjelm
The second presentation, by researcher Dr Matthias Sköld, focused on a spatial protection
plan of the Kattegat cod stocks, providing details on the stock spawning and migration
patterns that led to the definition of special closures and protected zones, in part managed
jointly with the Danish authorities.
*** Wednesday 26 May 2010 ***
3 - Field trips with fishing boats
The delegation was given the opportunity to spend a full day at sea aboard different
fishing boats (hired by the Research Center) active in catching shrimps (Pandalus), crabs
and Norway lobster (Nephrops) in the waters around Lysekil.
The delegation was split into different groups according to boat sizes and interpreting
needs, dressed in proper outfit and headed first into the Gullmaren Fjord and then out into
Skagerrak waters (or vice versa).
Accompanied by researchers of the Center, Members had the opportunity to witness and
discuss directly with fishermen how the fishing activities were organised and controlled
along the western Swedish coast and the main problems they faced. Particularly, the issue
of selective fishing was demonstrated, i.e. fishing with creels (Norway lobster) and with
selective grid (shrimps).
Checking nephrop's minimum size...
While Kattegat and Skagerrak waters appear to have only very low stocks of commercial
fish species left, with cod stocks awaiting recovery, the shrimp and Norway lobster
stocks appear abundant and provide suitable income for the local fishing community. At
the Institute, Members were also given a presentation on the different fishing gears
developed and used by researchers, with a special focus on selectivity.
4 - Meeting with Lysekil authorities
The dinner, hosted by the Lysekil Municipality in a small restaurant in the historic part of
the town, provided the opportunity of another exchange with local fishermen and other
local stakeholders active in a co-management project on fisheries and other marine
resources along that part of the coast. During the dinner, Members were given
presentations on a project of mussels-growing to combat the eutrophication of the sea and
another project of growing sea squirts (Tunicates) as biomass for biogas production. The
Olsson brothers, two local fishermen and winners of the 2009 'Änglamark'-award for
their active work to secure the marine environment and inspiring fellow fishermen to fish
in a sustainable manner, also made a presentation.
*** Thursday 27 May 2010 ***
5 - Visit of Havets Hus and Lysekil Aquarium
The guided visit on the following morning of the 'Havets Hus' (House of the Sea) with its
impressing aquarium, displaying only species living in the Skagerrak and Kattegat, gave
a further good insight into the specificities of their ecosystem.
6 - Visit of the 'Eight-Fjord-Project' in Hafstens/Uddevalla
For this last leg of the visit, the delegation drove to the North of the Hafstensfjord where
we were met by Mr. Niclas Åberg, manager of the 'Eight-Fjord-Project', a local comanagement project jointly run by the municipalities of Stenungsund, Kungälv, Tjörn,
Orust and Uddevalla and aiming at improving the now degraded fisheries and the
environmental status of the large fjords network, while increasing opportunities for great
outdoor recreation and the development of a sustainable maritime industry.
With the rediscovery of spawning adult cod in Havstensfjord and the identification by
researchers of fish spawning and migration areas, parts of the 8-fjords area have been
subject to fishing moratoria. After a detailed presentation of the project by Mr. Åberg,
delegation members were taken for a field trip on small motor boats to view key project
sites along the northern part of the fjord.
ANNEX 1 - Programme
Tuesday 25 May
Meeting in lobby of Hotel Radisson Blu in Göteborg
and bus transfer to Göteborg's Fiskehamnen.
Meeting at the 'Pirhus 1' with representatives of different ecolabel
organisations for fishery products and local fisheries initiatives
Henrik Svenberg, Head of the Swedish Fishermens Association
Lars Hällbom, Standards Director, KRAV (ecolabel)
Nicolas Guichoux, Regional Director – Europe, MSC (ecolabel)
Camiel Derichs, North European Manager, MSC (ecolabel)
Bus transfer from Göteborg to Lysekil
Transfer to the Havsfiskelaboratoriet (Sea Fisheries Research
Center) in Lysekil
Meeting with Mr. Axel Wenblad, Head of the National Board of
Fisheries and Dr Joakim Hjelm, Director of the Research Center
Scientific presentations followed by debates on:
Dr Joakim Hjelm: 'Plan Fish' for the Baltic Sea Ecosystem
Dr Mattias Skjöld: Spacial protection of the Kattegat cod stock
Dinner hosted by the Havsfiskelaboratoriet
Wednesday 26 May
Meeting at the Hotel lobby and bus transfer to the Research Center
Boat trip to local fisheries:
Group 1: Nephrops and lobster fishing in the Skagerrak
Group 2: Pandalus fishing in the Gullmaren Fjord
Lunch break at Havets Hus
Boat trip to local fisheries:
Group 2: Nephrops and lobster fishing in the Skagerrak
Group 1: Pandalus fishing in the Gullmaren Fjord
Showing of different fishing gears at the Research Center
Meeting at the Hotel lobby and transfer to dinner hosted by the
Municipality of Lysekil, Mrs. Ulla Olsson, fisheries policy officer.
Thursday 27 May
Meeting at the Hotel lobby
Visit of the Havets Hus and the Lysekil Aquarium with its display
on the Kattegat ecosystem
Departure for Hafstens
Arrival at Hafstens and introduction to the "Eight-Fjord-Project"
by Mr. Ove Andersson, Mayor of Stenungsund municipality
and project manager Mr. Niclas Åberg
Visit of the "Eight-Fjord-Project" by boats
Lunch hosted by Stenungsund Municipality
Departure to Göteborg Landvetter airport
Individual departures
ANNEX 2 - List of participants
Mrs. Isabella LÖVIN (SV - Greens) (hors quota) - responsible for the delegation
Mrs. Ulrike RODUST (DE - S&D)
Mrs. Diane DODDS (UK - NA)
Mrs. Britta REIMERS (DE - ALDE)
Mr. Philippe MUSQUAR, Head of unit, Official Responsible
Mr. Claudio QUARANTA, Administrator
Mr Vasilios MYLONAS (S&D)
Mr Michael EARLE (Greens)
Mrs. Ulrika EKFELDT (Assistant Mrs. Lövin)
Mr. Staffan DANIELSSON (Assistant Mrs. Lövin)
Mr. Alan McCULLA (Assistant Mrs. Dodds)
F. HEINES (Team leader)
ANNEX 3 - Press Reviews
EU:s fiskeutskott med Isabella Lövin i Lysekil
Studerade räk- och kräftfiske i Gullmarn och Brofjorden
EU-parlamentets fiskeutskott, där bland andra Isabella Lövin (MP) ingår, är just nu på studeresa i
Bohuslän. På onsdagen besöktes Havsfiskelaboratoriet i Lysekil och det bjöds även på utflykter
på Gullmarn och Brofjorden, där politikerna fick se hur svenskt fiske efter räka och havskräfta går
Isabella Lövin (MP) i EU-parlamentets fiskeutskott är initiativtagare till utskottets rundresa i
Bohuslän. Här ska man strax lägga ut från kaj för att studera burfiske efter havskräfta i närheten
av Brofjorden. T.v. om Isabella Lövin ses Henrik Wennerberg, som är skeppare på LL 25 Mitina.
Programmet för de fem ledamöterna i fiskeutskottet och deras assistenter, politiska rådgivare och
tolkar inleddes på tisdagen, då man besökte Feskekörkan i Göteborg. Gruppen fick då information
om bland annat lokala fiskeinitiativ och organisationer som fiskar och marknadsför lokalt fiskade
Därefter reste gruppen till Lysekil och fick veta mer om torsken i Kattegatt och ekosystemet i
Östersjön av Havsfiskelaboratoriets chef Joakim Hjelm och forskaren Mattias Sköld.
En glädjande återhämtning har skett av torsken i Östersjön, trots att omvärldsfaktorer som
syrefattigt vatten fortfarande är ett problem i detta innanhav. I Kattegatt är torskbestånden
fortfarande svaga och den omfattande trålningen som pågått under lång tid har medverkat till
dagens situation. I Öresund, där trålförbud rådit sedan 1932, är torsktillgången oerhört mycket
bättre. En forskarrapport, som presenterats av EUparlamentet nyligen, visar att det krävs 100
timmars fiske i Kattegatt för att få upp samma mängd som man får på en timme i Öresund.
Ut på riktigt fiske
På onsdagen fick EU-politikerna stifta riktig bekantskap med svenska kustfiskevatten. Henrik
Wennerberg på LL25 Mitina tog med EU-gruppen ut och visade burfiske efter havs-kräfta i
närheten av Brofjorden. Burfiske är ett skonsamt fiske på ett kräftbestånd som är livs-kraftigt och
hållbart i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Gruppen från fiskeutskottet fick också komma in i Gullmarn och
se hur trålning med rist (artselekterande utrustning) efter Gullmarsräka går till. Detta förevisades
av Royne Robertsson på Gullbris. Man testade också parallellt med Havs-fiskelaboratoriets båt att
tråla efter räka utan rist.
– Skillnaden är stor, man ser tydligt hur artselektiv risten är, säger Havsfiskelaboratoriets chef
Joakim Hjelm. Även inom trålfiske efter havskräfta används rist med stor framgång.
– En svenskkonstruerad rist är godkänd för att selektera ut torsk där maximala vikten av bifångsten
är 1,5 procent av den totala fångsten, säger Joakim Hjelm.
Lövin initiativtagare
Det är Isabella Lövin som föreslagit att EU-parlamentets fiskeutskott ska göra studiebesök i
Sverige. Isabella Lövin blev känd för en bred allmänhet för några år sedan då hennes bok ”Tyst
hav - jakten på den sista matfisken” blev livligt omdebatterad. Nu sitter hon alltså i fiskeutskottet
för Miljöpartiet.
– Det är jättekul att vi kan göra det här studiebesöket i Bohuslän. Här kan politikerna med egna
ögon se problematiken. Vi visar både några goda och några dåliga exempel på kustfisket vid
Västkusten, säger Isabella Lövin. Bland goda exempel finns användandet av artselekterande
redskap, som ger mycket små bifångster av torsk och annan bottenfisk. Bland mindre goda
exempel är problematiken med utfiskning och lokala torskbestånd som på några årtionden
försvunnit från de flesta av Bohusläns fjordar.
Fick information om åtta fjordar
Under torsdagen gör fiskeriutskottet besök på Havets Hus i Lysekil och reser sedan söder-ut till
Hafstens och får information om ”Åtta-fjordar-projektet” av Ove Andersson från Stenungsunds
kommun och av projektledaren Niclas Åberg från Tjörn. Där blir det också en utflykt med båt för att
studera fjordarna kring Stenungsund, Tjörn och Orust.