Coral Triangle Initiative FAO-GEF Project REBYC II – CTI Strategies

Coral Triangle Initiative
Strategies for Trawl Fisheries
Bycatch Management
Petri Suuronen (FAO)
Coral Triangle Fishers Forum, Indonesia, 15-17 June 2010
Why worry about bycatch?
Why REBYC II is needed?
• Bottom/shrimp trawl fisheries in highbiodiversity ecosystems produces large
quantities of low value fish (bycatch):
 ‘trash fish’
 increasinly juveniles
• Growing concern that trash fish catch is:
 threatening sustainability of fisheries
 affecting livelihoods and opportunities
 decreasing food security
Purpose of REBYC II – CTI project
Improve trawl fisheries management
and practices
minimise the catch of juveniles
minimise discards where such take place
avoid capture of protected species
avoid destructive impact on sensitive
reduce overall footprint of fisheries on
Evaluate costs and benefits
balance between environmental well-being
and human well-being
win-win-win is the goal
How is this achieved?
The project will work directly with:
– fishers (small scale and large scale)
– fishing industry (processors, retailers)
– other stakeholders
The project will engage the private
sector to participate in developing and
adopting best practices
The project will assist and facilitate a
change and seek a regional consensus !
The project spans over:
- Coral Triangle area
- South China Sea
How to reduce overcapacity and excess
effort ?
– a major driver in IUU (Illegal, Unregulated and
Unreported fishing)
Trash fish increasingly important for
– aquaculture development a strong economic
driver (high demand of feed)
– how to create effective incentives for fishers to
reduce trash fish?
– how to increase resilience of coastal livelihoods
(in face of conservation pressures)
The project has a limited budget 
cannot address all problems!
Potential solutions
 cooperation on zonation and closed areas
 self directed fishing effort controls
 collaboration in improving fishing practices
 alternative feeds for aquaculture
 cooperation to improve legislation
 We are all working towards the same
 Strong collaboration with national,
regional and global partners is needed!
Benefits to reduce trash fish and juveniles
• Improvement of productive
potential of fish stocks:
improved yields in the future
larger size of fish
larger economic gains
improved food security
positive public attitude
• Reduction of the operational
improved catch quality and value
less gear drag = reduced fuel cost
reduced sorting time of catch
Thank you!