The Tropical Rainforest Biome

The Tropical Rainforest Biome
By Gavin Vogt
Tropical Rainforest Facts
• Tropical rainforests are located in warm regions.
• 50-260 inches of rain falls every year.
• 40% of Earth’s oxygen comes from tropical
• Rainforests are now less that 6% of Earth’s
• 70% of the plants in rainforests are trees.
• Rosy periwinkle can heal a person of
lymphocytic leukemia.
Tropical Rainforest Facts
• ¼ of today’s medicines come from the rainforest.
• There are more than 2, 500 types of vines in the
tropical rainforest, some as thick as a human.
• About half of all species of plants and animals
live in the rainforest.
• Bird droppings in the tropical rainforest grow
into trees.
• There have been tropical rainforests since
dinosaurs lived.
Layers of the Rainforest
• There are four main layers of the rainforest.
• The emergent layer has the tallest trees and
animals such as monkeys and eagles live here.
• The most animals live in the canopy layer
because it has fruit in abundance.
• In the understory layer there are few plants
and animals such as frogs and jaguars.
• The forest floor is very dark and almost no
plants grow.
Layers of the Rainforest
• The trees in the emergent
layer are usually evergreens
and can grow to 200 feet high.
• Trees with smooth, oval leaves
live in the canopy layer.
• Trees in the understory layer
have large leaves to reach
sunlight but rarely grow to 12
• Herbs grow on the forest floor.
Tropical Rainforest Pictures
Tropical Rainforest Pictures
Animal Life
• A new species of elephant, a forest elephant,
was discovered in the rainforest.
• Orangutans are the largest tree dwelling apes in
the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia.
• Chimpanzee communities have 15-100 chimps.
• The Bengal tiger prefers to kill young or old
animals because they are not as fast.
• When a King Cobra is born, its venom is as
strong as an adult’s venom.
Animal Life
Animal Life
Plant Life
• Bengal bamboo can grow anywhere, even
without sunlight.
• Bougainvillea can be vines, trees, or shrubs with
sharp thorns.
• Coconut trees grow in hot rainforest areas.
• Strangler figs, or Banyan trees, are very
important to hundreds of animals.
• Banyan trees bear different fruits at different
times during the year.
Rainforest Vegetation
Plant Life
Plant Life
Locations of Tropical Rainforests