11.95 million tons disposed in MSW landfills

2011 Changes to Solid
Waste Management Act
Solid Waste Stats (FY10)
• 11.95 million tons disposed in MSW landfills
▪ 16.5% of waste disposed in MSWs is imported
▪ Tonnage disposed has declined over the past two
• 2.2 million tons disposed in C&D landfills
compared to 4 million tons disposed in FY07
• 29 years of remaining capacity in MSW landfills
• 47 years of remaining capacity in C&D landfills
HB 274: Tire Fee/Yard Trimmings/C&D
• Yard Trimmings
▪ Allows yard trimmings to be disposed in lined municipal solid waste
landfills that have operating landfill gas collection systems directed
to beneficial uses of landfill gas that promote renewable energy goals
• Reauthorized Tire Fee until 2014
• C&D Recycling Credit
▪ Provides credit of 75¢ per ton of C&D material recycled
▪ Applies to only to facilities permitted exclusively for the disposal of
construction or demolition waste that conducts recycling activities for
construction or demolition materials
Compost Operations in Georgia
HB 274 – Yard Trimmings
• Prohibition on mixing yard trimmings with
municipal solid waste, other than at qualified
landfills, is now state law
• Work group will develop procedures for
qualifying lined landfills:
▪ Documenting removal of local restrictions
▪ Disposal procedures for yard trimmings
▪ Proximity of gas capture to landfill working face
HB 274 Inert Waste Landfills
• Proposed restrictions removed from bill
▪ Financial assurance, explosive gas control,
and 200 ft buffer zones by 2013
▪ Permit from EPD by 2014
▪ Annual reporting to EPD
• Possible rulemaking in 2012?
SB 157: Solid Waste Planning
Eliminates or reduces the
following requirements
▪ That local governments
submit plans to DCA for
▪ That local governments
report annually (now
▪ Planning elements
No change
▪ Reporting requirements to
EPD of landfill operators
Adds the following requirements
▪ Landfill owners/operators submit
amount of waste collected,
processed and disposed at landfill
to DCA (in addition to EPD)
▪ Landfill owners/operators submit
remaining permit capacity to DCA
(in addition to EPD)
▪ Landfill owners/operators submit
recycling and composting
ACTIVITIES in existence at
landfills to DCA
▪ Landfill owners/operators submit
any other pertinent info to DCA
SB 86: Comprehensive Planning
• Original version
▪ Provided that comprehensive planning by local
governments shall be optional
▪ Repealed “qualified local government” definition
• As passed
▪ Changed definition of “qualified local government”
• County or municipality which has adopted a
basic local plan
▪ Established “Georgia Certified Retirement
Community Program”
• Vetoed by Governor
SB 211: EPA Federal Lead-Based Paint
Renovation Program
• In the 2010 General Assembly, SB 78 provided
regulatory authority to promulgate renovation rules
• Georgia adopted the federal renovation rules,
effective December 9, 2010
• 2011 General Assembly passed SB 211 to return
Section 31-41-6, which was mistakenly removed
during 2010 SB 78
▪ Section 31-41-6 was required to become a delegated
EPA state program
EPA Federal Lead-Based Paint (LBP)
Renovation Program
• Applies to residences and child-occupied facilities that
were built in or before 1978
• Regulates contractors and not homeowners working on
their owner-occupied residence
• Regulates work that disturbs more than six square feet
interior or 20 square feet exterior of lead-based paint
• LBP debris from residences can be disposed in MSW landfill
• Lead-based painted components may be disposed in C&D
• LBP waste from demolition activities at commercial or
industrial sites must have a TCLP analysis to determine
appropriate waste disposal site
Scrap Tire
Dump Discovery and
Mapping Project
Franklin County: 2,000 tires
Got a Site?
Let us know at
Mapping Project
• Provide easy-to-access, searchable map of solid
waste and recycling infrastructure
▪ MSW Landfills (55)
▪ C&D Landfills (49)
▪ Industrial Landfills
▪ Processors (130)
▪ Transfer Stations (~300)
▪ End Markets (~42-50)
▪ Material Recovery Facilities (8)
▪ Hubs (4)
▪ Compost Facilities (39)
▪ Inert Landfills (2500+)
▪ Scrap Tire Piles
Map Layers Will Include Facility
Permitted Capacity
Remaining Capacity
Annual Tonnage
Total Tonnage
Contact Information
Material Type
How Can the Layers Be Used?
• Economic Development Offices
▪ Provide quick access to Georgia’s solid waste and
recycling data
• Emergency Management Officials
▪ Ability to locate alternate facilities after an emergency or
natural disaster
• Government Agencies (Planners and Solid Waste Staff
▪ Update solid waste management plans
• Businesses/Entrepreneurs
▪ Provide business data to potential businesses looking to
locate in Georgia
• A/E Firms/LEED professionals
▪ Locate recyclers for materials (meet requirements for
diversion of C&D material)
Contact Information
Mark Smith
mark.smith@dnr.state.ga.us or 404-362-2537
Mapping Project
Stephanie Busch
stephanie.busch@dnr.state.ga.us or 404-362-2539
Scrap Tire Project
Winthrop Brown
winthrop.brown@dnr.state.ga.us or 404-675-6014