Super Soil for Super Roses PowerPoint

Kidz N’ Roses: Super Soil for
Super Roses
Creating Super Soil for
Growing Super Roses!
What We Will Learn Today
• We will learn the difference between Compost and
• We will learn about Micro Organisms and Macro
• We will learn how to make a compost bin from a
trash can.
• We will learn how to make Super Soil.
SOIL…It’s Not Just Dirt!
Healthy Soil is home to living
Scientific Definition:
An organism is a creature such
as a plant, animal or a
single-celled life form.
Organisms That Help the
Soil Come Alive
• Earthworms
• Ants
• Nematodes (tiny
• Bacteria
• Fungi
• Springtails
Each Organism has a Job
• They break down dead leaves and other
plant debris.
• They burrow in the soil making small
tunnels that increase aeration (air flow) and
water movement.
• They protect plant roots from harmful
Definition: Life forms so small it takes a microscope to see them!
Bacteria is the most numerous and effective of all the microorganisms found in compost and is usually the best at using
nitrogen. However it needs the proper amount of water and lots of
oxygen to do its job. You know it’s hard at work when the pile of
compost heats up!
When I eat at the
I really heat things up!
This micro-organism usually decomposes compost material more
slowly than bacteria. However, fungi can work with less water.
Fungi are always hungry and looking for something to eat and they have
strange sounding names like the Aspergillus fumigatus pictured here.
This is one of many different types of fungi
Definition: Any organism that can be seen with your eyes
Making Compost takes Team Work!`
After the micro-organisms have started to decompose a compost pile, and the
temperature decreases, they get new neighbors moving in
with them to help complete the job:
Nematodes, Earthworms, Ants, Fermentation Mites, Springtails and a host of
other Macro-Organisms (that feed on fungi) begin to live in the compost pile.
How Do You Help Soil Organisms
Thrive and Multiply?
• Feed the organisms in your soil a regular supply of
organic material (COMPOST).
Did you know that 75% of soil organisms are found in the
top 2 inches of the soil?
• Protect the soil from erosion by covering it with a thick
layer of (MULCH).
• DO NOT USE chemical pesticides and chemical
Compost and Mulch
the two main ingredients for Super Soil and Healthy Roses!
What is Compost?
What is Mulch?
Is a combination of decayed
leaves, manure, and
vegetative scraps to be mixed
into the ground for improving
and fertilizing soil.
Compost is rich in nutrients and
full of life. Using compost is the
foundation for building healthy
A loose material such as
straw, leaves, manure, grass,
wood bark, etc. that is spread
on the ground around roses,
trees or plants to protect the
roots from cold or heat.
Mulch helps to prevent
moisture loss and weed
growth. It enriches the soil
through decay.
Involves a wide variety of organisms
which are naturally
present in our environment that
work as decomposers.
Together they turn garden materials and
vegetative food scraps
into a dark, crumbly and earthy smelling material
called compost.
What Finished
Compost Looks
Things That Make Up Compost
Beneficial Bugs (if you build it, they will
What is Carbon?
Scientific Definition:
A very common
non-metallic element
which occurs in
combination with
other elements
in all plants and animals.
Carbon material is the
Brown Stuff in Compost.
What is Brown Stuff? (Carbon)
Dry Leaves
Junk mail
Paper and news paper
Paper towels
Dryer lint
Cardboard egg cartons
Cereal boxes
What is Nitrogen?
Scientific Definition:
A colorless, odorless,
tasteless, gaseous
element that forms much
of our atmosphere and is
a necessary part of all
animal and vegetable
Nitrogen material is the
Green Stuff in compost.
What is Green Stuff? (Nitrogen)
Kitchen Waste
Grass clippings
Green Plants
Coffee Grounds
Creating SUPER SOIL is
Good Science (Biology)
A Compost Bin is Like a
Backyard Science Lab
• You can measure the heat of the compost bin
to determine its activity and make any
necessary additions.
• You can observe macro-organisms at work.
• You can observe and investigate the
decomposition of the Brown and Green
• You can record data on materials used and
the time it takes to make completed compost.
Determine Where the Water for Your
Compost Bin Will Come From
• What source of
water will be
available for your
compost pile?
• Rain?
• Lake/Pond or
• City Water
(garden hose)
How to Make a Trash Can into a
Simple Compost Bin
A simple compost
bin can be made by
using an old
plastic trash can
that has a lid.
We’ll show you
Find a Flat Place on Dirt to Place the Bin-Preferably Away From the House
Have a Parent Help You Measure
and Cut Off The Bottom of the Can
TOPSEY-TURVEY! The Can’s Original Top Will Become The Bottom
With an Adult’s Help Drill Holes
for Aeration
The Holes Will Allow More Air in the Bin and it Will Speed Up Decomposition
Use the Right Ratio
A ratio of TWO PARTS “green stuff” to ONE
PART “brown stuff” is what will make your
compost pile work the best.
That means for each
(1) cup of brown waste (carbon)
you will have to add
2 cups of green waste (Nitrogen)
Remember 2 Parts Green Stuff
to 1 Part Brown Stuff !
When the Bin is Full-Add Water
Replace the LidAdd Bricks to Keep the Lid On
Give the Micro-Organisms and the Macro- Organisms Time To Do Their Work
What Should the
Moisture Level Be ?
The compost
should feel as
moist as a
sponge, but yield
no liquid when
Speed up the Composting
Junk mail and paper can be torn into pieces
or run through a paper shredder
Kitchen Scraps can be run through the
blender or food processor
The smaller the pieces, the faster it decomposes
Turn Up the Heat
The cooler the compost pile
the slower the
decomposition. You may
need to add nitrogen (green
stuff) to increase heat.
The air/water balance is
critical to maintaining high
A thermometer inserted into
the center of the bin should
read 120°-160° Fahrenheit.
Follow the Compost Formula
Lots of air (oxygen)=
Lots of Organisms=
Rapid Decay=
Super Soil
Compost should be
turned when the core
temperature begins to
drop below 120
Turn the compost
material to aerate it
(give it more oxygen).
The oxygen will help to
heat it up again.
Turning the Compost Bin
• Lift the bin and move it
to a new position.
• This will leave your
compost in a heap on
the ground.
• Now use a garden fork
to refill the bin from the
• You have just aerated
your compost and
helped to speed up the
• Check on your compost
bin on a regular basis
to make sure it stays
warm and moist
enough to Create
Be a Compost Detective
• Sour smell – too much water – add brown stuff
• Ammonia smell – too much nitrogen – add brown stuff
• Sweet smell/cool pile- too small/not enough nitrogen – add green
• Animals in pile – meat, fat, dairy and bones in pile –remove them!
• Gnats and flies – food scraps on top of pile – bury them!
Beautiful Roses Can Begin in
Your Own Kitchen
Use kitchen scraps
To enrich your
garden soil
Roses Love Banana
How to Make a Healthy Drink for
Roses from Kitchen Scraps
• Place 3-4 overly ripe
whole bananas in a
• Add 3-4 egg shells
• Add 16 ounces of water
• Blend on high speed until
well mixed
• Pour 1 cup of this Banana
Smoothie around the
base of each rose
This smoothie
provides your roses
with calcium and
potassium for
Strong growth and
green leaves
Here’s a Sample of Beautiful Roses
Grown in Compost and Mulch
Mulch helps to block weed growth and
looks attractive in your rose garden
Roses Come in
Many Shapes and Colors
Look How Many Petals are in the Center of this Rose Named “Collette”
Some Even Have Stripes
Like this great climbing rose called “Fourth of July”
Would You Like to Grow
Roses this Pretty?
How About Roses that have Beautiful Fragrance?
What If You Can’t Make a Compost
Bin to Create Super Soil?
• While it is fun and rewarding to make your
own Super Soil, you may live where that is
not possible.
• Both Compost and Mulch can be purchased
in bags from local nurseries and home
improvement stores.
• Your roses will grow better and stronger if
you use Compost and Mulch…they won’t
care where it comes from!
Compost and Mulch
are Your Rose’s Best Friends
Whether you grow roses in containers or
in gardens, just remember the 4 R’s…
Recycle-Reuse-Raise Roses!
You Can Help Make the World More Beautiful
Kidz N’ Roses Wishes to Thank
the Following Sources:
Kathy Swanson, Master Gardener- ppt “How to build the soil to bring on the blooms”
Riverside Waste Resource Management District’s Master Composter Program
Dr. C. Forrest Mc Dowell and Tricia Clark Mc Dowell
BSA Troop 8 Riverside, California-Photos
Ginger Dwyer, High School Science Teacher
American Rose Society member, Dr. Sam Jones- photo
Juliana Stevens- photos
Candace Stevens- photos
Raincross Rose Society Riverside, California –photo
Joetta Prince, Elementary School Teacher
Terry Keiser, Teacher
Rose Brooks, Elementary School Teacher