Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014

Yoga Moves Campus & Training
Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014
We are so happy you are planning to join us in the adventure and wonder of exploring yoga,
yourself and the possibilities that open up when you are able to give back yoga to others! We
look forward to this coming year and growing together!
Please follow these requests to complete your application
Personal Requirements to prepare:
 The Yoga Teacher Training program includes vigorous two/three hour asana practices
combined with long training days and weekends. We strongly recommend that applicants have
at least 18 months of consistent yoga asana practice.
 We expect you have had significant exposure to dynamic yoga or vinyasa based practices and
that you have a regular practice in classes and at home.
 Please consider taking our GOING DEEPER COURSE (which would be perfect as a warm up for
teacher training) if you have less experience or want to first see if this training is for you so please
stop by for class and talk to the teacher training staff.
 Proficiency in English, listening and reading is very essential.
Be sure to complete the following steps to enroll in the teacher training:
1. APPLICATION FORM – Please fill out the application form and attach a photo.
2. RECOMMENDATION FORM - The recommendation form can be approved by either a teacher
you are currently studying with, or by a Yoga Moves Faculty instructor. (If you are a regular
student at Yoga Moves, a verbal OK from a teacher from our TEACHER TRAINING program is also
fine). Hilary, Marlene, Claas and/or Hiske will love to see you in their classes first to meet.
3. FINANCIAL AGREEMENT FORM - To reserve your place in the training you must sign the financial
agreement form and read the general terms of delivery (algemene voorwaarden).
Please include this in your application.
4. DELIVERY – Post, e-mail or bring all the necessary forms to:
YOGA MOVES BV, Teacher Training Department
St Janshovenstraat 1, 3572 RA Utrecht, The Netherlands.
5. ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION - Within 10 working days of receiving your application you will
receive an e-mail from Yoga Moves if you are accepted in the program.
6. DEPOSIT - After this confirmation please make your initial DEPOSIT within 10 working days. This is
the ONLY way you can hold your spot.
This page is a checklist included to help you with the application process and
DOES NOT need to be submitted along with your application. Thank you!
Yoga Moves, Utrecht - Teacher Training Application
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Yoga Moves Campus & Training
Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014
(Please write clearly and attach a photograph to this form)
Yoga Moves, BV
St Janshovenstraat
3572 RA Utrecht
030-267 9478,
Date/ Datum
M (man) / F (vrouw)
Date of birth/ Geboortedatum
Postal Code/Postcode
Marital Status/Burgerlijke staat
The program will be conducted primarily in English. Do you read and understand English?
(if no – please speak to us, you can write and communicate in Dutch too)
Some written materials are available in Dutch: Do you prefer your materials in Dutch?
Do you teach yoga?
If so, how long, how many classes a week?
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
How long have you been practicing Vinyasa Based Yoga?
In your life now, how often do you practice yoga (classes and by yourself?)
Name(s) of your primary yoga teacher(s):
What other Hatha Yoga styles or other disciplines in the area of body/mind practices? If so specify.
Did or do you follow training program(s) in these areas? If so specify:
MEDICAL ISSUES Do you have any specific complaints or conditions? If so, specify. Are you being treated medically?
MOTIVATION Tell us why you want to follow this program?
GENERAL How did you know about us and the teacher training program? Anything else?
Please use the back of this form if you need to write more!
Yoga Moves, Utrecht - Teacher Training Application
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Yoga Moves Campus & Training
Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014
Please fill out all pages completely and sign
I hereby enroll & agree to pay the course fee by (choose one of the following options):
To hold your spot in the training pay the minimum of €500 within 10 working days after acceptance.
The rest has to be paid before 1 Nov 2013
To hold your spot in the training pay the minimum of €500 within 10 working days after acceptance.
The remaining amount has to be paid before the 10 Dec 2013.
Late payment and/or enrollment (after 10 Dec. will be an extra €50.)
I agree to pay an initial deposit of €1395 by 10 Dec 2013
and 8 monthly installments via automatic withdrawal (automatische incasso) of €200 for a total payment of
To hold your spot in the training pay the minimum of €500 within 10 working days after acceptance.
I agree to a monthly auto-withdrawal (incasso) of €200 per month for the months February – September
Bank account number is:
Name bank account holder:
Signature account holders name:
Course fee includes: course dates, evaluations, exams, assisting, and a 15-class card for Yoga Moves Classes.
The course fee does NOT include: Study materials (+-€250), travel, additional costs of retreat (=/-€165).
I have read and understand the cancellation and refund conditions below.
If you choose to cancel your participation in the course, you need to send a letter by post or email to inform us of this. If you
cancel before 6 weeks of the start date, you may have 50% of the total course fee returned to you. Within 6 weeks of the start
date, there are no refunds of money and there are no refunds for stopping the training once the course begins regardless of
circumstances. If you have not yet paid the full amount of the course and you cancel your participation during the course, you
are still responsible for the full payments agreed upon. Payments are non-transferable to other courses or people. Payments must
be on time or a 10% fee over the outstanding amount owed will be billed to you. Yoga Moves reserves the right to ask you to
leave the program if your behavior is inappropriate, unethical or violates the Yoga Alliance ethical guidelines. Under such
circumstances you will not be refunded your tuition.
Cancellation by Yoga Moves
Yoga Moves has the right to cancel the teacher training in case of not enough applicants or personal or business circumstances.
Yoga Moves will refund the paid course fees within 10 working days after cancellation.
General Conditions
I understand that all Yoga Moves Teacher Training materials are under copyright protection and cannot be reproduced by me
without the permission of the author. Failure to comply may result in legal action.
I have read and understand the conditions of this course, the financial agreements & the full list of general agreements
(algemene voorwaarden in full are found on and understand and agree to them.
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Yoga Moves Campus & Training
Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014
Nederlands versie
Vul aub het gehele formulier (alle paginas) in en lever deze getekend in.
Hierbij schrijft ik me in en kies voor onderstaande betalingsmogelijkheid:
Om jouw plek te reserveren, dien je een minimum aanbetaling van €500 binnen 10 werkdagen na jouw
bevestigde inschrijving over te maken. Het resterende bedrag moet dan betaald worden voor 1 Nov 2013.
Om jouw plek te reserveren, dien je een minimum van €500 binnen 10 werkdagen na jouw bevestigde
inschrijving over te maken. Het resterende bedrag dien je voor 10 Dec 2013 betaald te hebben.
Bij late betaling en/of inschrijving (na 10 Dec 2013) zijn de bijkomende kosten €50.
TERMIJNEN (€1395 + 8 TERMIJNEN van €200)
Ik verklaar een aanbetaling te doen van €1395 en 8 maandelijke termijnen van €200 te voldoen met
automatisch incasso van voor de totale betaling van €2995.
Om jouw plek te reserveren, dien je een minimum van €500 binnen 10 werkdagen na jouw bevestigde
inschrijving over te maken. De overige €895 dien je voor 10/Dec/2013 betaald te hebben.
Ik ga akkoord met 8 maandelijkse incasso’s (Februari-September 2014) van €200 per maand.
Naam rekeninghouder:
Handtekening rekeninghouder:
In het lesgeld is al het onderwijs op de aangegeven cursusdata alsmede evaluaties, examens, assisteren en een 15-lessenkaart
van Yoga Moves inbegrepen. Studiemateriaal (+-€250), reiskosten en een bijdrage voor retreat (=/- €165) zijn niet in het lesgeld
Ik heb onderstaande annulerings- en betalingsvoorwaarden gelezen en ben hiermee akkoord.
Als je jouw deelname wil annuleren, dien je ons hiervan schriftelijk op de hoogte te stellen. Minimaal 6 weken voor de start van de
opleiding wordt bij annulering 50% van het lesgeld in rekening gebracht. Binnen 6 weken voor de start van de cursus wordt het
gehele lesgeld in rekening gebracht, onafhankelijk van de omstandigheden van annulering. Als je ten tijde van de annulering
nog niet aan alle betalingen hebt voldaan, ben je nog steeds verantwoordelijk om deze te doen zoals overeengekomen. Het
betaalde cursusgeld is niet overdraagbaar naar een andere persoon of cursus. Betalingen dienen tijdig te worden gedaan, bij te
late betalingen wordt 10% van het openstaande bedrag in rekening gebracht. Yoga Moves heeft het recht je te vragen het
programma te verlaten als jouw gedrag onacceptabel, onethisch is of de ethische richtlijnen van de Yoga Alliance schendt (zie
studiegids). In dat geval krijg je je lesgeld niet gecrediteerd.
Annulering door Yoga Moves
Yoga Moves behoudt het recht om de docentenopleiding bij onvoldoende aanmeldingen of bijzondere persoonlijke of zakelijke
omstandigheden te annuleren. Yoga Moves zal in dat geval binnen 10 werkdagen het cursusgeld terugstorten.
Algemene Voorwaarden
Ik begrijp dat alle Yoga Moves Docentenopleiding materialen beschermd worden door copyrights en niet zonder de
toestemming van de auteur gekopieerd mogen worden. Wanneer u hier niet aan voldoet, kunnen er juridische stappen worden
Ik heb de algemene voorwaarden & bovenstaande overeenkomst gelezen en ga hiermee akkoord met de betalingswijze en
voorwaarden (algemene voorwaarden vindt u op
Yoga Moves, Utrecht - Teacher Training Application
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Yoga Moves Campus & Training
Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014
Yoga Moves, BV
St Janshovenstraat
3572 RA Utrecht
030-267 9478,
Please fill out the Applicant Section and submit form to a teacher with whom
you have studied and who can attest to your experience practicing yoga.
You can also have this form signed off by a Yoga Moves Teacher Trainer at our
Program applicant is applying for: Yoga Moves Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Program Training.
To the recommending Teacher: The candidate above is applying for the Yoga Moves Teacher Training
program which includes vigorous two-three hour asana practices.
Please complete the attached form and return to student or to Yoga Moves, address above:
Applicant’s Name
Recommending Teacher’s Name
Teacher’s Phone Number
Teacher’s Email
Recommending Teachers Yoga Credentials (in-short)
Briefly describe how long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
Briefly describe if you would recommend this applicant for Yoga Moves Teacher Training program?
Why or why not?
Please indicate your overall endorsement of the applicant and why.
□ Highly recommend
□ Recommend
□ Recommend with reservations
□ Not recommend
Recommending Teacher’s Signature:
Thank you for your input!
Yoga Moves, Utrecht - Teacher Training Application
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Yoga Moves Campus & Training
Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (300) 2014
Yoga Moves, Utrecht - Teacher Training Application
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