BUSINESS COMMUNICATION – Unit 5 – Rules of good

Unit 5
Rules of good writing
Modern business communication
Five key rules of good writing
Jargon or gobbledegook
Effective proofreading
Composing letters - key points to remember
Business communications can be written in a
much more relaxed style than they were decades
Aim to put across message naturally, in a friendly,
informal style.
Use plain language as if you are having a
Come straight to the point
Do not write long-winded documents.
Be direct and to the point – but at the same time
2. Remember the KISS principle
Keep It Short and Simple – short sentences and
simple words.
Don’t try to impress reader with big words.
E.g: “at the present moment in time”
- change it to “now”
3. Use active not passive voice
Voice refers to the relationship of a verb to its
Active voice – subject does the action in the
E.g: The marketing director completed the
Passive voice – subject receives the action
E.g: The study was completed by the marketing
In these occasions:
 It may be better to make a particularly
important noun the subject of the sentence,
giving it extra emphasis.
E.g: Our restaurant has been recommended by
all the leading hotels in Singapore.
 When you want to place the focus on the
E.g: The noise was heard all over the island.
4. Use the right tone
Written communications may be worded so
that they sound polite, friendly, firm, bossy,
sarcastic, condescending, even rude. Wrong
tone could cause offense to your reader.
Even if you feel angry or frustrated, try not to
vent your emotions in writing.
5. Use modern language
The main rule of writing today is to write as you
speak. If you find yourself writing something
that you would not say to the person if you were
having a conversation, then you should not be
writing it either.
Jargon – technical words or expressions used by a
particular profession or group of people and
difficult for others to understand –
banking/computer/legal jargon
Includes abbreviations – eg: MOHE
Reader will either get bored and stop reading, or
will spend a great deal of time trying to figure out
Before – If there are any points on which you
require explanation or further particulars we
shall be glad to furnish such additional details
as may be required by telephone.
After - If you have any questions please call.
Tips for effective proofreading
1. Avoid disturbances
2. Read the work out loud
3. Concentrate on one word at a time
4. Be methodical
5. Take a break occasionally
6. Look for inconsistencies
7. Print out hard copy for final proofreading
Use short sentences
2. Choose simple words
3. Avoid wordiness
4. Use an appropriate tone
5. Be precise
6. Ensure accuracy
7. Check consistency
8. Use your initiative
9. Use active not passive voice
10. Write as you would speak
Dear Mr Johnson
Thank you for your e-mail of even date.
For the audit of Turner Communications Pte Ltd, kindly furnish
us a copy of the company’s Balance Sheet, Expenses statements
and all the invoices/bills (incorporation and legal fees, etc.) paid by
the holding company to our office at the earliest.
We will revert to you on the treatment of the Intangible Asset and
the financials of Turner Communications Inc. as soon as possible.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
Bernard Williams
Dear Mr Johnson
Thank you for your e-mail today.
For the audit of Turner Communications Pte Ltd, we will need a copy
of the company’s Balance Sheet, Expenses statements and all the
invoices/bills (incorporation and legal fees, etc.) paid by the holding
company. Please send these to me as soon as possible.
I will be in touch with you on the treatment of the Intangible Asset
and the financials of Turner Communications Inc.
Please give me a call on 032222222 if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely
Bernard Williams