Gothic Romanticism-1 / Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97

Friday Sponge: Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, or
(From Edgar Allen Poe)
The breeze – the breath of God – is still.
1. Type of figurative language _________________________
2. How do you know? ________________________________
Death has reared himself a throne
in a strange city lying alone
3. Type of figurative language __________________________
4. How do you know? _________________________________
All that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream
5. Type of figurative language __________________________
6. How do you know? _________________________________
Gothic Romanticism
Tone =
List as many words as you can to describe the
tone of picture:
Gothic Romantic Literature
• Obsessed with
death, premature
burial, mourning,
ghosts, and
• Creates horrific
atmosphere for the
Tone Vocabulary for Gothic
Edgar Allen Poe: A Tragic Life in Words
-Parents died when he was 3
-College dropout
-Tried to make living writing
-Some work was successful, others
-He married his 13 year old cousin,
Virginia, who died two years later
of tuberculosis
-Died at age 40 under mysterious
“The Raven,” by Edgar Allen Poe
Plot: The speaker is sitting
in the living room reading,
when he hears a knock on
the door. He remembers
Lenore, a woman who has
died. Then, a raven flies in.
• raven
• quoth
• chamber
Monday Sponge: Sort the words below
according to the feeling the show.
amused, angry, cheerful, horror, humorous, formal,
frightening, frustrating, gloomy, ironic, joyful,
melancholy, mysterious, optimistic, pessimistic,
romantic, serious, sentimental, sorrowful,
suspenseful, witty
Work Period: “The Raven”
• Paraphrase (put in your own words) “The
Raven,” by Edgar Allen Poe
• Complete the Frame of Reference on your
tone Bubble Maps
1) Words or phrases from the poem that create each
2) Page number / line number
Tuesday Sponge: Use the tone words from
Monday to answer the questions.
Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with her
radiant smile as she told her aunts about her fiancé
and their wedding plans.
Tone: _______________________________
Context Clues: ________________________
She huddled in the corner, shaking and clutching her
tattered blanked as she searched the room for the
unknown dangers that awaited her.
3. Tone: _______________________________
4. Context Clues: ________________________
Wednesday Sponge: Use the tone words from
Monday to answer the questions.
Bursting through the door, the flustered mother screamed
uncontrollably at the innocent teacher who gave her
child an F.
Tone: _______________________________
Context Clues: ________________________
Drawing the attention of his classmates as well as his
teacher, the student dared to experiment with his
professor’s intelligence by interrogating him about the
3. Tone: _______________________________
4. Context Clues: ________________________
Thursday Sponge: Use the tone words from
Monday to answer the questions.
He furtively glanced behind him, for hear of his imagined
pursuers, then hurriedly walked on, jumping at the
slightest sound even of a leaf crackling under his own
Tone: _______________________________
Context Clues: ________________________
Gently smiling, the mother tenderly tucked the covers up
around the child’s neck, and carefully, quietly, left the
room making sure to leave a comforting ray of light
shining through the opened door should the child
3. Tone: _______________________________
4. Context Clues: ________________________
Friday Sponge: Use the tone words from
Monday to answer the questions.
The laughing wind skipped through the village, teasing
trees until they danced with anger and cajoling the grass
into fighting itself, blade slapping blade, as the silly dog
with golfball eyes and flopping, slobbery tongue bounded
across the lawn.
1.Tone: _______________________________
2.Context Clues: ________________________
----------------------------------------------------------------------Write two sentences that show a a tone used by the
Gothic Romantics: