Take out your “Ouch!” open-ended response
and place it on your desk. Make sure you
have your heading on it. Place it on the
corner of your desk to be collected.
Take this time to make sure your binder is
organized for the open-binder quiz.
When your quiz is collected, turn to a new page in
your writing section. Answer the following
questions in complete sentences.
Who do you learn lessons from?
What do you think is the meaning of the quote “Experience
is the best teacher.”
Have you ever learned something from an experience?
What was the experience? What did you learn? Do you have
any other experiences that you learned a similar lesson, or a
different lesson from?
Were you ever the teacher? What was the experience you
had when you taught someone else? What lesson did you
teach them?
Do you know of anyone who may have learned a lesson
from experiencing something? Who? What happened? What
did they learn?
What is binocular writing?
Use binocular writing to make the statement
below more descriptive.
My living room was noisy on New Years
*Remember, you want to show the reader how it was noisy.
The sentence simply tells the reader it was noisy.
Show, Don’t Tell Strategies
(also known as binocular or
descriptive writing)
Show Through Dialogue*
Show Through Character’s Actions
Show Through the Five Senses (Imagery)*
Show Through Figurative Language*
* These things are considered Compositional
Risks and are part of the 5 & 6 score on the rubric.
Show, Don’t Tell Strategies
• Tami was angry when she got her test back and saw that
she had gotten an F.
• Show Through Dialogue
“I can’t believe it! I studied all night for this test. Ms. Sun, that’s not fair!”
“Now there’s no need to get upset, Tami,” Ms. Sun said calmly, “We can go
over what you missed, then you can do the extra credit to bring up your grade.”
• Show Through Character’s Actions
Ms. Sun placed Tami’s test upside down on her desk. Tami picked it up and her
eyes opened wide. Her ears turned bright red. She scowled and crumpled up the
• Show Through the Five Senses
Tami felt her face flush, and her ears go red hot when she saw the grade at the
top of her paper. Her hands curled around the paper, and it crackled as she
crumpled it into a ball. Through gritted teeth, and with a hiss, she asked Ms. Sun
about her test score.
• Show Through Figurative Language
Tami couldn’t believe what she saw – the F screaming at her from the top of her
test. It was like spending an hour at the grocery store, checking everything off
your list as you added it to the cart, getting to the cashier, and realizing you’d left
your wallet at home. All that time and effort studying for the test wasted!
Figurative Language
• Simile
– compare 2 things by using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.
• Metaphor
– compare 2 unlike things by saying one is the other.
• Personification
– Giving an inanimate object human qualities.
• Onomatopoeia
– a word that resembles the sound it represents.
• Alliteration
– repeat the same consonant sound at the beginning
of neighboring words.
• Idiom
- an expression that does not mean what the words
literally (actually) say. Ex: Cat got your tongue?
• Hyperbole
- An exaggeration. Ex: The building can touch the clouds.
1. The sea licked the grass at the edge of the shore.
• personification
2. You're just throwing money down the drain.
• idiom
3. These walls have ears.
• idiom
4. His room was a junk pile.
• metaphor
5. The train was an angry animal roaring down the tracks.
• metaphor
6. The baby's skin was like a rose petal.
• simile
7. His pen flew across the page, frantically trying to catch up to what
the teacher was saying.
• personification
What does the word EXPLAIN
To Inform
Give details
To make clear; clarify
Put into plain words
Give an explanation with details,
examples, and reasoning
• To enlighten (tell or inform)
An explanatory piece of writing
explains something in order to
inform an audience.
In several paragraphs, writers
explain ideas in a logical
For the NJASK:
•An explanatory writing task will provide an essay task
based on a quotation or adage (saying or proverb), or based
on a topic accessible to all students. Each is a springboard
for the student to write an essay that informs the reader.
•In responding to the topic or quotation presented, students
will be asked to explain their point of view and to create an
original work. Explanatory writing may be based on the
writer’s personal knowledge and experience, or on
information presented to the writer. Explanatory writing is
used to share knowledge and to convey ideas.
Bell Work
What are transitions?
The word transition means “moving from
one condition or place to another one.”
Good writers use transition words to help
move the reader from one thought to
another, from one idea to another.
Using the same transition word over and
over is not an effective technique.
Let’s look for some examples
in exemplary writing models.
• State a belief …then explain why you believe it.
The school cafeteria should offer pepperoni pizza every day.
• Use a single word …then provide more information.
Pickles! Pickles! Pickles! There were pickles every where!
• Share an interesting fact …then tell more about it.
The bumble bee bat is the smallest mammal on Earth.
• Capture a moment in time …then elaborate.
We were right at the top of the rickety roller coarster and then
started down over the hill.
• Describe a sound … then tell where it came from.
Snap! Crackle! Crunch! Something heavy is lurking in the woods.
• Ask an interesting question … then provide an answer.
Have you ever wondered how many dogs you can walk at once?
Clinchers/Punch Lines
Do Now
* (Journal Section)
What is the difference between
revising & editing your writing?
What is done when you are revising?
What is done when editing?
* Note: A change has been made in the name of the work students are to begin at the
start of Ms. Cianci’s class. Originally it was called Bell Work. However, it has been
observed that many students are not starting it when they enter the classroom. Perhaps
they are confused because a bell does not sound? So, the phrase Do Now has been
chosen to take the title of this classroom routine. That should be clear enough, right? Do
[this assignment right] Now. The word Now is underlined to emphasis that you should
be doing it at that moment (when you come inside the classroom). It is hopeful that this
change will be successful in producing a desirable outcome for Ms. Cianci.
Revise First
*Use Green Pen When Revising.
To make your writing clear and understandable for
your reader you may have to:
• Change (move details, sentences, and/or paragraphs
around. Also, to vary your sentences, use interesting and
different transitions, use statements, questions, and
exclamations, avoid repeating the same words/phrases
many times, and use different sentence lengths to add
• Add (descriptive words and phrases, such as strong
verbs, interesting nouns, adverbs, vivid adjectives, and
descriptive phrases that show (paint a picture) for the
• Remove (unnecessary words and/phrases)
• Elaborate (add interesting and important details, like
examples or explanations)
Edit Second
*Use Red Pen When Editing.
To edit your writing means to make your
writing correct, and to clean things up so
your writing is ready to hand in.
• Check the capitalization, usage,
punctuation, and spelling.
• Check paragraphs for correct structure.
• Also, make sure the handwriting is neat.
(Yes, this really is part of editing!)
Capitalization Checklist
•Capitalize the word I.
•Capitalize the first letter in a sentence.
•Capitalize a person’s name.
•Capitalize days of the week and months of the year.
•Capitalize a title before a person’s name.
•Capitalize the names of specific places.
•Capitalize the names of holidays.
•Capitalize the name, street, city, & state in an
•Capitalize the greeting and closing of a letter.
•Capitalize the important words in a book, movie, or
TV show title.
Punctuation Checklist
Use: end of telling sentences, abbreviations, and letters and numbers in
an outline.
-question end of asking sentences or asking words.
-exclamation end of telling sentences or words that display strong
emotion. separate introductory words, words in a series, & in dates,
addresses, & quotations.
-quotation show what someone is saying. show possession.
-hyphens...when writing number words and in compound describing words.
-parentheses...around information that does not fit into the flow of the
sentence but that you want to include.
-colons...before writing a list. separate
Revise or Edit?
Often times it’s hard to know,
When to revise or edit.
But I have learned the difference now,
So you can give me credit!
Revising means to make it better,
With details, description, and voice.
Editing means to correct mistakes,
Like spelling and punctuation choice.
Revision first to make it clear,
Paint pictures for the reader.
Then edit each and every line,
And be a writing leader!