Sentence Structure

Sentence Structure
Sentence Structure
English and Spanish differ entirely in their structure of sentences.
Therefore, it is important that you disregard your typical grammatical
procedures until now and learn to recognize the rules and patterns of
the Spanish language. Remember: They are DIFFERENT so avoid
attempting to write sentences in English and translating literally. It
almost always fails!
Sentence Structure
The basic composition of Spanish Sentences is
generally described in the following way:
Subject + Verb + Object
Sentence Structure
What does that look like in a practical example?
Example: Yo manejo un carro rojo
(I drive a red car)
Sentence Structure
What do you notice in that example as you translate the
Yo manejo un carro rojo
(I drive a car red)
Sentence Structure
Another basic and essential rule for structuring sentences in
Spanish deals with the order of the adjective.
In the Spanish Language the adjective
generally goes after the noun!
For example: La casa fea La: The
Casa: House
Fea: Ugly
Sentence Structure
This simple yet unfamiliar way of speaking tends to
cause much confusion amongst new Spanish speakers.
Remember to properly identify the structure of your
sentence and place the components in the adequate
Sentence Structure
Consider more of the following examples:
•La niña de rizos dorados
•Mi hermanito fastidioso
•Su restaurante favorito
*Remember that in English the adjective goes before the noun!