Integrating Effective Tutors within a Math Emporium

Integrating Effective Tutors
within a Math Emporium
Michael Pemberton
Maysville Community & Technical College
2014 KYMATYC Meeting
February 28, 2014
• This presentation is a result of a completed practicum in
Spring 2013 titled “Implementation of an Effective
Training Program for Math Tutors within a Modified
Emporium at MCTC” for the Kellogg Institute.
Background of Math Tutors at Maysville
Need for a Tutor Training Program
Review of the Literature
Goals and Objectives
Math Tutor Handbook
Orientation and Sessions
Conclusions and Recommendations
• Prior to 2011, peer tutors were assigned at MCTC to a
drop-in tutoring lab to assist students in their math
courses on a one-on-one basis.
• Tutors lacked a formal training program that provided
them with effective tutoring strategies.
• Meetings were typically conducted on a monthly basis
and focused on procedures, building student rapport,
and tutor record-keeping.
• In summer of 2011, MCTC redesigned its course delivery
in each developmental math course using a modified
emporium using MyMathLab as instructional software.
• The Office of Academic Support Services reassigned
math tutors to the Math Computer Lab, which provided
two benefits for developmental math students.
• During our first year using the emporium model on the
Maysville campus, each math emporium class was
staffed by an instructor, tutor, and the Math
Instructional Assistant.
• Tutors were accustomed to helping students for
extended periods of class time, doing problems for the
students, and not being active and circulating the room.
• Thus, a formal training program was needed to provide
peer tutors with the necessary training to adapt to their
new roles and responsibilities within a math emporium.
Literature Review
• Researchers have noted the importance of providing a
training component within tutoring programs.
• Well-trained tutors, as opposed to receiving marginal
training, results in the difference between successful and
mediocre tutoring programs.
• Although a nearly 85% of community colleges offer
tutoring services, only 54.5% provide organized training
for their tutors.
Boylan, H. R., Bonham, B. S., Bliss, L. B., & Saxon, D. P. (1995). What we know about
tutoring: Findings from the National Study of Developmental Education. Research in
Developmental Education, 12(3).
Literature Review
• Successful tutoring programs typically include an
intensive series of professional development activities,
including an orientation and on-going workshops.
• Some of the topics usually covered in successful
programs include the tutoring cycle, learning theory,
motivation, counseling, and interviewing.
• Sessions should use a variety of strategies and that tutors
should have the opportunity to demonstrate their
understanding through discussion and activities.
Boylan, H. R. (2002). What works: Research-based best practices in developmental education.
Boone, NC: Continuous Quality Improvement Network/National Center for Developmental
• There were several questions that guided the
development of such a tutor-training program:
– What topics and resources should be selected or developed for
implementation in a training program for tutors within a math
– How will the topics contribute to tutors’ increased effectiveness
and quality in a math emporium?
• The purpose was to develop a training program:
– For tutors to understand their new roles and responsibilities.
– Improve upon tutoring quality and focus on effectiveness to
develop independent learners in a math emporium.
• From a population of eight peer tutors at Maysville, six
were selected to participate in the study.
– Tutors must have completed or be currently taking
MAT 150 – College Algebra with a “B” or better.
– Recommendation from a full-time math faculty member.
– Two tutors were previous developmental math students.
• There were several limitations to the tutor training
program including the following:
– Small sample size, totaling six math tutors.
– Availability based on student work and course schedules.
– Orientation was not required to serve as a tutor in the Math Lab.
Math Tutor Handbook
• Throughout the preparation process,
materials and resources were developed,
selected, and/or reviewed for inclusion
in the creation of a tutor handbook.
• Each new and returning tutor received
a math tutor handbook to be utilized
throughout the tutor training program.
• The handbook provided a basis for
discussion and activities during each
meeting, as well as provided reading
and homework assignments for tutors.
• An orientation session is held the Friday before the first
day of the fall and spring semesters.
– 3 Hour Session
– New and Returning Tutors
– Math Faculty, Instructional Assistant, Math Success Coach
• Several topics are covered that focus on tutors gaining
familiarity with courses in the Math Computer Lab.
Mission and Overview of Courses
Layout of the Math Computer Lab
Math Tutoring Tips
Tutor Roles, Responsibilities, Ethics
Utilization of MyMathLab
Student Employee Requirements
Tutor Role Play Scenarios
Session One
• The first training session addressed each step in
Dr. Ross B. MacDonald’s “Tutoring Cycle” for
conducting a meaningful, independent learner-centered
tutoring session.
• The objective was to discuss
and provide examples for
each step in the process.
• Prior to the session, tutors
were required to read the
provided materials on each
of the twelve step tutoring cycle.
The Tutor Cycle
• Tutoring examples were provided and we discussed
each beginning, task, and closing steps of the cycle.
• We also had a group activity were tutors were asked to
place the twelve steps of the tutoring cycle in the proper
order and place examples on the back of each notecard.
• After the session, tutors were asked to complete the
Tutoring Cycle Worksheet in their handbooks.
– Internalize the Tutoring Cycle
– Purpose of Each Step in the Cycle
– Provide Their Own Step Examples
Session Two
• The second session discussed and examined the
importance of learning styles instruction within tutoring.
• Discussed effective tutoring strategies for each of the
four learning styles from Neil Fleming’s VARK model
• Tutors were introduced to their dominant learning style
using the online version of the VARK and its importance
in their tutoring.
Learning Styles
• Tutors were divided into dominant
learning style groups and completed
the Learning Styles Worksheet.
– Groups listed five tutoring strategies for
based upon their dominant learning style.
– Afterwards, groups reported their
strategies to the other learning styles.
– Each tutor provided three tutoring strategies for each of the four
learning styles.
Session Three
• The next session conducted was to improve tutors’
communication skills. Communication skills were
divided into six main areas:
Active Listening Techniques
Verbal Communication Cues
Nonverbal Communication Cues
Strategies for Student Motivation
• The objective was for tutors to understand the types,
purposes, and examples of active listening, variety of
communication and body language cues, and develop
the ability to motivate, encourage, and be empathetic.
Communication Skills
• Tutors explored specific listening
techniques, importance of silence,
and guidelines for better listening.
• Examples of common verbal and
nonverbal communication cues
from students.
• Learned motivational strategies, how
to praise students, and strategies for
empathy towards students.
Session Four
• At one time or another, all tutors will find themselves
faced with difficult tutoring situations.
• The goal of this session was for tutors to understand and
address different types of difficult personalities; know
the referral process at MCTC.
• Examined actions, characteristics, and common
approaches to address students exhibiting a hostile,
expert, passive aggressive, victim, negative, agreeable,
and/or unresponsive difficult personalities.
• Importance of assertive behavior was discussed with
tutors and 13 scenarios were provided as sample
tutoring situations.
• Tutors completed the Student Code of Conduct
Worksheet on how well they know what is considered a
student code of conduction violation.
• The referral process outlined
the steps tutors must follow
for dealing with inappropriate
behavior from students.
• Upon completion of the training program, tutors
appeared to be better prepared to impart effective
tutoring within a math emporium.
– Tutors learned of the tutoring cycle that promoted independence
in student learning.
– The identification of learning styles instruction facilitated tutor
insights into the learning process and personalized instruction.
– Discussion of communication skills provided tutors with a
student perception of motivation, encouragement, and empathy.
– Assertive behavior was discussed concerning difficult student
personality types and disruptive students.
• Further recommendations in program expansion,
evaluation, and certification will help sustain and
improve the tutor training program in the coming years.
• Program Expansion
– Look into improving and expanding topics for new and
returning tutors.
– Train other full-time faculty, staff, and returning part-time tutors
to conduct tutor-training sessions on each campus.
– Look into developing a similar tutor training program that can
be implemented to support the college’s Literacy Center to
provide student support in developmental reading and writing.
• Program Evaluation
– Establish assessment and evaluation to determine efficacy of the
training program and areas for improvement.
– Collect qualitative and quantitative data using the existing math
tutor evaluation form and end-of-semester evaluations
completed by students.
• Program Certification
– Regular or Level I Certification should be sought through the
College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA)’s International
Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC).
Thank You
• Let me know if you have any questions about the
development or implementation of our math tutor
training program at MCTC.
Michael Pemberton
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Maysville Community & Technical College
Maysville, KY 41056
(606) 759-7141 ext. 66266