Annual Training Plan Proposal: Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Annual Training Proposal:
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
By Angie Carreon
About The Program: Student Support
SSS Mission
 Assisting in developing learning skills
 Facilitating students’ academic progress
 Addressing social problems that impact academic performance
Training Plan Details
About the
 If approved, this training will
be utilized to compliment the
SSS annual mentor training.
 The training will be performed
by the program coordinator.
 The trainer has experience as a
teacher and a mentor/advisor.
He is approachable yet firm, he
leads by example.
About the Budget
 Meals -600.00FTSP Mentor
 Training Manual -$0.17 per
page - 12 Manuals
printed$132.60FTSP Mentor
 Breakfast food items $50.00FTSP Mentor Training
 SSS & Mentor Lunch$120.00FTSP Mentor Training
 Trainer Salary $479
TOTAL: $1382.6/5 days = $276.52
Instructional Design Model: ADDIE
 Analyze: Per-planning. In this phase, Identify the problem, establish
the learning objectives, perform a TNA (training needs analysis)
 Design: Identify content and strategy; put it in paper
 Develop: Assemble the training
 Implement: Teach
 Evaluate: Review outcomes and feedback (were learning objectives
met? How can the training be improved?)
Mentor Job Description
 Basic Function: Responsible for being a peer mentor for Student
Support Services students during their first year at Siena Heights
University and the Freshman Transition Scholars Program by
providing academic guidance, tutoring, social and personal support
on a continual basis.
 Special Qualifications: Ability and strong willingness to work with
incoming SSS students to assist with their academic and social
orientation to Siena Heights University. Appreciate and adhere to
confidentiality of all information relating to student public.
 Mentor Requirements: Preferred a 2.50 G.P.A. preferred; minimum
sophomore standing; attended as a full time student for one year; a
resident student for one year. Consideration will be given to
commuter mentors as the need arises for commuter mentees.
 Information gathered from:
 Program and job information
 Program Coordinator
 Previous Mentors
 Pervious Mentees
 Areas for improvement:
 Building rapport: Mentor-mentee connection
 Mentors’ role as a leader
TNA- Program Coordinator
 By necessity, a mentor must establish rapport in order to aid student
transition in a relatively short amount of time
 Rapport is not established solely because of one’s tittle, but through a
genuine interest in another
 Even more so as a generation that is being defined by a disability,
where individuals have the inability to interpret emotions and societal
norms, it is imperative to get at the root of what creates a bond
between two individuals
Past Experience (The Gap)
 In the past, mentees were pre-assigned to mentors. However, last year,
mentees were allowed to choose their mentors based on the rapport
built after a few days of interacting as a group.
 The problem was clear when only two of the ten mentors were highly
sought out and a third one was moderately sought out. The rest failed
to establish any connection with the program participants.
 This brought to the forefront the inability of the mentors to establish
an emotional connection, naturally or otherwise, despite of their
personable disposition and outgoing personalities.
 The need for training in this area became even more so clear when
realizing that the majority were returning mentors.
Pervious Mentor and Mentee
 Through feedback received in program evaluations, some mentors
received negative comments from different program participants
(both mentees and other mentors) mainly in the areas of establishing
connections with others.
 Another area for improvement found almost across the board was
acting as leaders and establishing rapport with more than a selected
 Mentors should establish rapport with program participants, make them
feel included and help them transition to a new community, Siena.
Mentor Competencies
A mentor should be:
 Empathetic
 Compassionate
 Patient
 Approachable
 Good listener
 Good communicator
 Good at obtaining rapport and building trusting relationships
 Being an example
 A Leader
Competencies that Require Training
 An effective mentor acts as an active listener and utilizes simple
counseling skills such as reflecting, encouraging and asking questions.
He/she is aware of how their emotions/attitudes can affect their body
language and conversations.
 An effective mentor establishes rapport, obtains and maintains
trusting relationship with program participants, particularly with
their mentees.
 An effective mentor acts as a leader and shows the full meaning of the
word “integrity”
Learning Objectives
After training mentors will:
 Be aware of the impact of their emotions (and attitudes) on their
relationships, especially with their mentees and other program
 Be aware of the importance of EQ and rapport in the building and
managing of relationships; and
 understand that they can consciously utilize this information.
 Be aware of their areas for improvement related to EQ and
understand that improvement is possible
 Have a basic understanding of what it means to lead with integrity
Instructional Strategy
Methodology, Sequencing and
Time Frames
 Handout (read night before
 Lecture with discussion (2530min)
 Self-assessment (15 min)
 Discussion (10min)
 Break (10min)
 Lecture with discussion (2025min)
 Group Role-Play (10min)
 Discussion (10min)
 2nd group Role-Play (10min)
 Discussion (20-25min)
 Break (10min)
 Workshop (30min)
 Evaluation (10min)
 Lunch
Instructional Strategy (Continued)
 Room configuration
 12-15 trainees
 U-shaped to allow attention on
the trainer during lecture,
while encourage discussion
(within the participants and
with the instructor).
 Inspiring quotes about
connection. trust, leadership
and integrity on the walls.
 A handout will be provided to all trainees the night before the
 This handout will include a couple definitions of emotional
intelligence and questions for them to think about/search and answer.
 The questions chosen are intended to get the trainees train of
thought started on the topic and how it may relate to their role as
What does empathy mean to you?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Salovey and Mayer (1990) define emotional intelligence as a form of social or shared
intelligence that includes monitoring feeling and emotions of oneself and others, then using that
information to guide one’s thinking and consequently one’s actions. Durbin (2010) suggests that
emotional intelligence includes understanding their own feelings, demonstrating empathy
towards others, and “regulating one’s emotions to enhance one’s quality of life” (p. 44). It
emphasizes consideration on the “underlying emotional and social components of human talent”
(Boyatzis, 2009, p. 10).
Durbin (2010) explains emotional intelligence as an ability to understand and connect
with others. According to Goleman (1998), Goleman (2002) and Durbin (2010), emotional
intelligence is divided into four dimensions of self-awareness, self-management, social
awareness and relationship management; all of which “add a crucial set of skills for resonant
leadership” (Goleman, 2002, p. 30).
Do you think EQ can be beneficial for you in the role as a mentor? Why or why not?
What is a leader to you? As a mentor, do you think of yourself as a leader?
What does empathy mean?
 The Miriam-Webster Encyclopedia defines empathy as “the action of
understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to and vicariously
experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another” (para.
2). Therefore, it makes sense that the root of the word empathy is the
Greek word empatheia, which translates to passion, and comes from
the word empathēs, where em- + pathos = feelings, emotions.
 Goleman (1995) argues that “failure to register another’s feelings is a
major deficit in emotional intelligence… for all rapport, the root of
caring, stems from emotional attunement, from the capacity of
empathy” (p. 96).
How does it relate to your role as a mentor?
What does connection mean to you?
As defined by the literature
 Connection happens when “a person has a true emotional investment
in the other, and the other person experiences that and it is returned”
(Cloud, 2006, p. 57).
 The key here, Cloud (2006) argues is that connection requires for
character that is able to see beyond oneself and one’s needs in order to
experience and value the next person, and it is done in such way that
the next person can perceive this.
From the business perspective
 “Marketing allows companies to get consumers to pay
premium prices for brands because of the emotional
connection that they instill in their products.” (Garvin,
2012, para 1).
 Marketing goes beyond informing customers about a
product or service, “it is about building an experience
for the customers with such product or service”
(Garvin, 2012, para 2).
Connect the dots…
Graphic retrieved from:
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
In your own words, what does it mean?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
As defined by the literature
 A form of social or shared intelligence that includes monitoring
feeling and emotions of oneself and others, then using that
information to guide one’s thinking and consequently one’s actions
(Salovey and Mayer, 1990) .
 EQ includes understanding their own feelings, demonstrating
empathy towards others, and “regulating one’s emotions to enhance
one’s quality of life” (Durbin 2010, pp. 44).
 It emphasizes consideration on the “underlying emotional and social
components of human talent” (Boyatzis, 2009, pp. 10).
 EQ is an ability to understand and connect with others (Durbin ,
The Four Dimensions of EQ
Social awareness
(Goleman,1998, Goleman, 2002 & Durbin, 2010)
Self- Awareness
Self-awareness involves
knowing and understanding
one’s values, preferences,
strengths and limits, which
are used to set goals and find
purpose. It also involves
recognizing one’s emotions
and their impact on our
attitudes and behaviors
(Goleman et al., 2002).
Self-management, also
known as self-regulation,
implies an ability to keep
moods and emotions from
becoming disruptive,
acting with transparency
and being adaptable. It
also implies “maintaining
standards of honesty and
integrity” (Goleman, 1998,
p. 26).
Social Awareness
Social awareness includes
aspect of empathy or being
aware of the emotions of
others and taking an interest
in them. It also includes
organizational awareness,
which implies “accurately
sizing up political forces”
(Durbin, 2010, p. 45).
Relationship Management
implies the ability to
communicate effectively and
convincingly, motivating and
inspiring others, sharing a
vision, promoting
collaboration, encouraging
and solving conflict in a
healthy manner and creating
bonds. It includes developing
others, guiding them to
strengthen their abilities
through coaching and
mentoring (Goleman et al.,
Do you think EQ can be beneficial to you
as a mentor? Why or why not?
Self Assessment
Results and Discussion
 What do the results mean?
 Did the results match what you anticipated? Why do you think
that is?
 Do you think it would be beneficial to expand your knowledge
on any mentioned areas?
 Do you think it is possible to improve upon the gap(s)?
Nature vs. Nurture
 According to Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee (2002), there is a
“genetic component to EQ, but nurture plays a major role as
well” (p. 97). Therefore, assessment and improvement of
emotional competencies and the utilization of emotional
intelligence skills open room for areas of performance and
competitiveness to be upgraded (Goleman, 1998). It could be
argued that EQ is a life-long learning process, which can be
(and should be) continually developed and improved upon.
Goleman et al. (2002) suggests that “emotional intelligence
competencies are not only innate talents, but learned abilities,
each of which has a unique contribution to making leaders
more resonant, and therefore, more effective” (p. 38).
If life is 10% what happens to us
and 90% how we respond, then
we hold the power to create the
lives we want!
 How important is charisma in leadership?
 Is it the only trait needed?
 What leaders from history do you think of when you hear
 Who do you admire as a leader (from history or your
personal/professional life/experience)
 ? What traits, motives, personal characteristics do/did they
Have you ever experienced dissonant
leadership? Identify motives, personal
characteristics in which that person might be
Integrity: Character that meets the
demands of reality
Having integrity means to:
 Be able to connect with others and build trust
 Be oriented toward reality
 Perform well
 Embrace the negative
 Be oriented towards growth
 Have an understanding of the transcendent (things that are
bigger than me)
“The task of leadership is not to
put greatness into humanity, but
to elicit it, for the greatness is
already there.” ~John Buchan
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
In order to become an emotionally intelligent leader, according to
Goleman et al. (2002), leaders must follow self-directed learning
and its five discoveries of:
 the ideal self, or who we want to be;
 the real self or who we truly are at the present time, which
includes strengths and weaknesses or opportunities for
 the learning agenda or how we plan to close gaps while
building on current strengths;
 the experiment, practicing the new behaviors until control is
obtained; and
 the development of trusting relationships that support us and
our process of growth.
EQ & Leadership
 Things don’t always go according to plan. Thus, leaders must
learn how to fall gracefully and get back on their feet.
Furthermore, they need to help those around them do the same.
To achieve such goals then, one must be aware of his/her own
emotions and control them. Additionally, connect with others
and understand (even if not agree with) how they feel. This can
be a difficult task. Therefore, perseverance may prove be
another key to success. Similarly, optimism can make a
significant difference in individual and team morale.
EQ & Leadership
 Goleman (1998) warns us that emotional intelligence merely
determined our potential to learn the skills. Consequently,
knowledge is only the first step. From here on, it is about using
that knowledge to learn the skills and put them into action.
Furthermore, we must keep in mind that our ideal self will
continue to evolve as we do. Therefore, it is likely that we will
go through the self-directed learning cycle uncountable times.
“New challenges demand new talents”
(Goleman, 1998, p. 10). Therefore, it is ever
more important for leaders and their traits to
adapt accordingly in order to excel
(Goleman, 1998).
Please read, discuss situation/scenario
provided by the instructor and:
1) identify the issue(s);
2) come up with possible solutions; and
3) decide on a plan of action
 Please analyze your group performance. Do you
think there was something unusual?
 Person with the angry scenario - please reveal your
 Discuss others’ reactions
 Crowd contagion: someone’s emotions can affect
 What strategies can you think of that may help tackle a
similar situation before a snowball effect is experienced
Please read and discuss 2nd situation/scenario
provided by the instructor.
*Now that you are aware of the hidden purpose of this
activity, repeat activity while making sure crowd
contagion does not reduce the performance of their
meeting. Remember, you still need to:
1) identify the issue(s);
2) come up with possible solutions; and
3) decide on a plan of action
 What did you think of this exercise?
 How much better was your second debate in comparison with
the first?
 Was being aware of crowd contagion helpful?
 How easy was it to spot who was becoming emotional?
 What strategy was most effective in handling the emotional
situation and preventing the group in become too emotional
while going through the debate?
Values, Goals, Purpose
 What do you value in life?
 What goals do you have?
 Create your “ism”
I get the full value of a smile by giving it away and sharing it with
others. I encourage those around me to explore their full potential
to achieve fulfillment, harmony and happiness.
Components of a Mission Statement
 What?
 What goals do we actually want
to accomplish?
 What overall image do we wish
to protect and support?
 What distinguishes us from
 How?
 How do we accomplish our
overall goals?
 Why?
 Why are we trying to accomplish
these overall goals?
 Results?
 In what ways will the people
 The Mission Statement
 Convert your answers into
powerful statements you can
weave together into one
compelling mission statement;
ultimately, no longer than one
clear, meaningful sentence.
My mission …
1. Become genuinely
interested in other
2. Smile 
3. Remember that a
person’s name is to
that person the
sweetest and most
important sound in
any language.
From Dale Carnegie’s How to Win
Friends and Influence People
4. Be A Good Listener.
Encourage others to talk
about themselves.
5. Talk in terms of the
other person’s interest.
6. Make the other person
feel important-and do it
 Feedback: Trainer is interested on whether the information was useful;
methods of training were helpful/easy to understand/able to transfer;
enough time given/time allowed for questions
 Decreased negative comments on mentor ability to connect
 Increasing number of mentor able to establish rapport
Training evaluation questions includes, but is not limited to:
 What areas of the training were helpful and/or important? Was
enough time/information provided?
 Please provide some examples as to why they were
 What areas of the training were not helpful and/or important?
 Please provide some examples as to why they were not
would you like to see in the Mentoring Program and/or Training?
 As a mentor, what academic, social, and/or behavioral problems
did you observe/experience that could assist future mentors in
ROI (Return on Investment)
ROI is related to:
 Success of participants (academic and social areas), which leads to
program success
 Student involvement and retention
 Personal growth
Allan, G., Good, J. (n.d.). Demonstrating empathy in learning mentor agent. University of Susezz, Falmer, UK.
Retrieved from
Boyatzis, R. (2009). Competencies as a behavioral approach to emotional intelligence. The Journal of Management
Development. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Boyatzis, R., McKee, A. (2005). Resonant leadership: Renewing yourself and connecting with others through
mindfulness, hope, and compassion. Boston,, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
Cloud, H. (2006).Integrity: The courage to meet the demands of reality. NY: Harper Collins Publishers.
Durbin, A. (2010). Leadership: Research, findings, practice and skills. Manson, OH: Cengage Learning.
Gavin, J. (2012). For entrepreneurs: Marketing strategies and tactics. Retrieved from
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York, NY: Bantam.
Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.
Goleman, D. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School Publishing.
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence.
Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Miriam-Webster Encyclopedia (2011). Definition of empathy. Retrieved from
Questions? Comments?
Suggestions always welcome 