The Excretory and Reproductive Systems

The Excretory and
Reproductive Systems
Pick up your fill-in-the-blank notes
by the door to take notes on these
The Excretory System – An Overview
• What is excretion?
– Removal of metabolic wastes
• Wastes include: CO2, H2O, salts, urea and uric acid
• All wastes travel through the blood
• Which organs are involved?
1. Lungs - removal of excess CO2
2. Liver - produces urea and uric acid as a byproduct of
the breakdown of proteins
3. Skin - removal of excess water, salt, urea and uric
4. Urinary cSystem - kidneys filter the blood to form
urine, which is excess water, salt, urea and uric acid
Urinary System
• What is Urine?
– The first nitrogenous waste to be formed from
the breakdown of protein is ammonia or NH3
– It is a highly toxic chemical that is quickly
converted by the livercto urea and uric acid.
– These are less toxic than ammonia and are
c the kidneys for
transported in the blood to
excretion in urine.
– Urine consists of excess water, excess salt,
urea and uric acid.
The Urinary System
Right Adrenal Gland
Inferior Vena Cava
Right Kidney
Renal Cortex
Renal Veins
Renal Medulla
Left Adrenal Gland
Left Kidney
Renal Arteries
Renal Pelvis
1. Adrenal Glands are part of the Endocrine system,
and produce the hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline.
2. Kidneys - 2 kidneys composed of millions of nephrons constantly filter
about 170 to 200 liters of blood to produce about 1.5 to 2 liters of urine daily.
In the Fetal Pig
The Reproductive Systems
Female Urogenital Structures
Female Reproductive System
• Ovaries
– Produce eggs
• Fallopian tubes or oviducts
– Egg travels through to uterus
– Fertilization occurs here
• Uterus
– Implantation of fertilized
egg/zygote takes place
– Fetal Development occurs here
• Cervix
– Entrance to uterus for sperm
• Vagina
– Muscular tube allowing entrance
to female reproductive tract
Male Urogenital Structures
Male Reproductive System
• Testis (pl: Testes)
– Sperm formed here
• Epididymis
– Transfers sperm from testis to
vas deferens
• Vas Deferens or
Ductus Deferens
– Long tubes that sperm pass
through on way to urethra and
ejaculatory duct
• Penis
– Final muscular gland of male
reproductive system
– Shared with urinary system
Male Reproductive System
• Penis
• Testis (still in sac)
• Epididymis
Male Reproductive System