Means of Egress Subpart E

Means of Egress
Exit Routes
Subpart E
‫مسالك الهروب‬
29 CFR 1910.35
29 CFR 1910.38
• This Subpart is about
‫• للتأكد من وجود وسائل هروب آمنة‬
ensuring that when people ‫و مخارج للطوارىء كافية إلخراج‬
need to have a safe and
‫شاغلى المبنى فى حاالت الطوارىء‬
efficient means of leaving a
:‫• المرجع لهذه المواصفات هو‬
building or facility under
‫ وهى المواصفات‬NFPA 101
emergency situations, that
‫الخاصة بإنقاذ األرواح‬
means will be there and
they will have minimal
problems finding it and
using it.
• The entire Subpart E is
promulgated from NFPA
101 Life Safety Code.
29 CFR 1910.35
• Means of Egress:
It is a continuous and
unobstructed way of
exit travel from any
point in a building or
structure to a public
way, and consists of
three separate and
distinct parts:
1- The way of exit access
2- The Exit,
3- The exit discharge.
:‫• مسالك الهروب‬
‫• هى مسارات اإلنتقال التى‬
‫يسلكها شاغلو المبنى وال يوجد‬
‫بها أية عوائق من أية نقطة‬
‫بالمبنى إلى الطريق العام‬
:‫وتتكون من ثالثة أجزاء‬
‫ مسار الوصول إلى المخرج‬.1
‫ المخرج‬.2
‫ منفذ صرف المخرج‬.3
‫مسار الوصول إلى المخرج‬
‫منفذ صرف المخرج‬
Exit Access ‫مسار الوصول للمخرج‬
Is that portion of a means of egress which
leads to an entrance to an exit
Access to Exits
 Mirrors must not be placed on or near exit doors
‫ عدم تركيب مرايات بالقرب من مخارج الطوارىء‬
 Routes of exit access must never be toward a high
hazard location, unless effectively shielded
‫ الطريق إلى المخرج يجب أال يكون من خالل أماكن عالية الخطورة ما‬
.‫لم تكن هذه األماكن قد تم عزلها‬
 Minimum width of any way of exit access is 28
)‫ سم‬70( ‫ بوصة‬28 ‫ الطريق إلى المخرج يجب أال يقل عرضه عن‬
‫‪Exterior Routes of Exit Access‬‬
‫‪ Permanent, reasonably straight route of travel‬‬
‫‪ ‬يجب أن تكون مسارات الحركة للوصول للمخرج مسارات دائمة ويفضل أن‬
‫تكون مسارات مستقيمة‬
‫‪ No obstructions of exterior access route‬‬
‫‪ ‬يجب أال توجد أية عوائق فى مسارات الحركة للوصول للمخرج‬
‫‪ No dead ends longer than 20 feet‬‬
‫‪ ‬المسافة بين النهاية المسدودة ومسار الوصول إلى المخرج أو مدخل‬
‫المخرج القريب تسمى مسافة النهاية الميتة والتى يجب أال تزيد عن ‪ 20‬قدم‬
‫(‪ 6‬متر)‬
Unobstructed Access
– Maintain exit routes
free of obstructions
– Exit route cannot require
travel to a dead end
– Exit route cannot go
through a room that
might be locked
Exit Route Capacity
and Dimensions
• Must support the maximum permitted
occupant load for each floor served
• Capacity must not decrease in the direction of
exit route travel to the exit discharge
• Ceiling must be at least 7-½ ft. high with no
projection reaching a point less than 6 ft.-8
in. from floor
• An exit access must be at least 28 in. wide at
all points
Exit routes must have adequate
capacity & size
• Exit routes must be at least:
– 6 feet, 8 inches high
– 28 inches wide
Exit Route Capacity and Dimensions
7-½ ft.
• Ceiling must be at
least 7-½ ft. high
with no projection
reaching a point
less than 6 ft.- 8 in.
from floor
• An exit access
must be at least 28
in. wide at all
1910.36 (g)(1) and (2)
6 ft.- 8 in.
Is that portion of a means of egress which is separated
from all other spaces of the building or structure by
construction or equipment to provide a protected way of
travel to the exit discharge
Means of Egress, General
29 CFR 1910.37
• Protective Enclosure of Exits:
When an exit is protected by separation from
Other parts of the building, the separating
Construction shall meet the following:
1- Three Stories or less – 1hr. Fire resistance
2- Four or more stories – 2hrs. Fire resistance
Exit Routes:
Basic Requirements
An exit must
by fire
Exit enclosure
Two - hour fire
resistance –
rating for four or
more stories.
One - hour fire
resistance - rating:
three or fewer stories
Three Stories or Less
Four Stories or More
Positive Pressure - Stairs
‫منفذ صرف المخرج‬Exit Discharge
Is that portion of a means of egress between the
termination of an exit and a public way.
Exit discharge
. . . must lead directly outside or to a street,
walkway, refuge area, public way, or open
space with access to the outside . . .(This area)
must be large enough . . .
Exit access
Fabricating shop
1910.36 (c)(1) and (2)
29 CFR – 1910.36
General Requirements
Requirements that apply to all
1. Shall have exits sufficient for prompt
and convenient escape of occupants in
2. Building structure shall not cause
danger to occupants during period
necessary for escape.
3-There shall be no locks or devices to prevent
emergency egress except in specialized facilities.
4-Means of egress shall be clearly visible and
understandable to occupants who are physically
and mentally capable to know the direction of
5-Minimum ceiling height of 7 feet, 6 inches
6- Projections from the ceiling (lights, etc.) must
be at least 6 feet, 8 inches from the floor
Emergency exit locked
7- Any doorway or passageway not constituting an
exit or way to occupants to reach an exit, shall be
clearly marked
“Not an Exit”.
8- Adequate and reliable illumination shall be
provided for all exit facilities in every building or
9- Signs clearly visible with the word “EXIT” in plain
letters at least 6 inches high and at least a ¾”
stroke width
Exit Marking
• Each exit must be clearly
visible and marked with
an “Exit” sign
• Each exit route door must
be free of decorations or
signs that obscure the
visibility of the door
Exit routes must be marked
• Each exit must be clearly visible and
marked with a sign that says:
Not an Exit
Exit Markings
 Illuminated by a light source at least 5 footcandles on the illuminated surface
 Exit signs are not to be obscured by furnishings,
decorations, etc.
Requirements for alarm systems
• Workplaces must have operable employee
alarm systems
• Alarms must
have distinctive
signals to warn
employees of fire
or other
• Maintenance is important to
prevent protective device failures
or impeded travel during an
• Every required exit, way of
approach thereto, and way of
travel from the exit into the street
or open space shall be
continuously maintained free of all
obstructions or impediments to
full instant use in the case of fire
or other emergency.
• Every automatic
sprinkler system, fire
detection and alarm
system, exit lighting, fire
door, and other item or
equipment, where
provided, shall be
continuously in proper
operating condition.
Maintenance requirements
• Keep the following in proper working order:
sprinkler systems
alarm systems
fire doors
exit lighting
other safeguards to
protect employees
Width and capacity of means of egress
Level egress components: 100
persons/unit (Including Class A
Inclined egress components: 60
persons/unit (Including Class B
Exit Routes Width and Capacity
Capacity is a measure of persons per exit
width. To understand capacity, it is
important to understand the term exit
Means of egress shall be measured in exit
width units of 22 inches.
Fractions of an exit width unit shall be
counted as:
– Zero if the fractional unit is less than
12 inches
– One-half if the fraction is greater
than 12 inches and less than 22
Egress Capacity and Occupant
‫حمل اإلشغال‬Load
• When capacity has been determined for
each means of egress, the projected
occupant load for the means of egress must
be calculated.
• Capacity of means of egress shall be
sufficient for occupant load of any space
• Occupant Load is the maximum number of
persons that may be in a space at any time.
• The occupant load in any building thereof
shall not be assumed to be less than the
number determined by dividing the floor
area assigned to that use by the occupant
load factor for individual occupancies.
• Capacity of the exits at a floor can be based on
individual floor occupant loads (not additive).
• Some important occupant load factors:
- Classroom area
20 Ft2
1.9 m2
- Research Labs
50 Ft2
4.6 m2
- Offices
100 Ft2
9.3 m2
- General and High
- Hazard industrial 100 Ft2
9.3 m2
Number of Means of Egress
• The minimum number of means of egress
from any story or portion thereof shall be
Two. (Remote from each other)
• The minimum number of means of egress:
• Occupant Load more than 500 but less than
1000: 3
• Occupant Load more than 1000:
Number of Means of Egress
The number of
exit routes must
be adequate.
Normally two or
more depending on
•the size of the
•its occupancy, or
•the arrangement
of the workplace
located to
provide options
for evacuation
Travel Distance to Exits
• Distance to exits shall be measured from the
most remote point subject to occupancy.
• Travel distance to at least one exit shall not
exceed 200 Ft. (60 m) in buildings not
sprinklered or exceed 250 Ft. (76 m) in
buildings protected through – out by
approved supervised Sprinkler System.
Travel Distance
Emergency Plans
(b) Written and oral emergency action
An emergency action plan must be in
writing, kept in the workplace,
and available to employees for
However, an
employer with 10
or fewer employees may
communicate the plan orally to
(c) Minimum elements of an emergency action
An emergency action
plan must include at
a minimum:
Procedures for
reporting a fire or
other emergency;
(c) Minimum elements of an emergency
action plan.
(2) Procedures for
including type of
evacuation and
exit route
(c) Minimum elements of an emergency
action plan.
(3) Procedures to be
followed by
employees who
remain to
operate critical
before they
(c) Minimum elements of an
emergency action plan.
(4) Procedures to
account for all
employees after
Verify that
are safe.
(c) Minimum elements of an
emergency action plan.
(5) Procedures to be
followed by
rescue or
medical duties;
(c) Minimum elements of an emergency
action plan.
(6) The name or job title
of every employee
who may be
contacted by
employees who need
more information
about the plan or an
explanation of their
duties under the plan.
What do I
We do
(d) Employee alarm system.
An employer
must have and
maintain an
alarm system.
(d) Employee alarm system.
. . .The employee alarm
system must use a
signal for each
purpose and
comply with
the requirements in §
(e) Training.
An employer must
designate and train
employees to
assist in a safe and
evacuation of
other employees.
(f) Review of emergency action plan.
An employer must review the . .
. EAP. . . with each employee
covered by the plan:
(1) When the plan is
developed or the employee is
assigned initially to a job;
(2) When the employee's
responsibilities under the
plan change; and
(3) When the plan is
Emergency Action Plan
Know what to do BEFORE
an emergency occurs!
Know where YOU are
supposed to
go if an evacuation occurs.