Dutch Literature in the Fields of Public and Private

Dutch Literature in the Fields of Public and Private International Law,
European Community Law and Related Matters, 2013
I.L. Kost and R. Steenhard
Peace Palace Library, The Hague
This bibliographic survey is intended to provide information for international lawyers and law students, both in the
Netherlands and abroad, on materials concerning public and private international law, European community law and
related matters published in and outside the Netherlands by Dutch authors or about Dutch issues. 'International law' has
been interpreted widely, so as to include related matters, if the work in question deals with international law
considerations. Fiscal law, polemology and specific regulations under European law are generally not included. The survey
is exclusively based on materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague. It includes books, articles, book-items,
inaugural lectures, dissertations and reports published in 2013.The index of headings below corresponds with the New
Titles Index of the Peace Palace Library. Items are listed only once, under their most appropriate heading.
Public International Law
01. Reference Works; In General
02. History; Principles
03. Sources; Law on Treaties; Codification
04. Subjects of International Law
05. Responsibility and Liability
06. Territory and Jurisdiction
07. Sea
08. Air and Space
09. Polar Regions
10. Organs of the States for their International Relations
11. Economic and Financial Relations
12. Communications; Transport
13. Food; Health
14. Culture; Education; Sports
15. Environmental Protection
16. International Organizations
17. United Nations; League of Nations
18. Regional Organizations
19. European Union; European Communities
20. Human Rights; Individuals and Groups
21. Indigenous Peoples; Minorities; Self-Determination
22. Refugees; Asylum; Migration
23. International Criminal Law
24. Transnational Crime
25. Mutual Cooperation in Criminal Matters
26. Terrorism
27. Peace and Security; Intervention; Use of Force
28. Settlement of International Disputes
29. War, Armed Conflict and Neutrality
Private International Law
30. In General
31. Law of Persons; Family Law and Related Matters
32. Commercial Law, incl. Contracts and Corporations
33. Torts
34. Law of Procedure
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands
T +31, (0),70 302 28 70
Public International Law
01. Reference Works; In General
Elementair internationaal recht 2013 = Elementary international law 2013, Den Haag,
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2013.
Haljan, D., Separating Powers: International Law before National Courts, The Hague,
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2013.
Klabbers, J., “Of Round Pegs and Square Holes: International Law and the Private
Sector”, in Regulatory Hybridization in the Transnational Sphere, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013,
pp. 29-48.
Klabbers, J., S. Trommer, “Peaceful Coexistence: Normative Pluralism in International
Law”, in Normative Pluralism and International Law: Exploring Global Governance, New
York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 67-93.
Klabbers, J., T. Piiparinen, “Normative Pluralism: an Exploration”, Normative Pluralism
and International Law: Exploring Global Governance, New York, NY, Cambridge
University Press, 2013, pp. 13-34.
Klabbers, J., T. Piiparinen, (eds.), Normative Pluralism and International Law: Exploring
Global Governance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Mak, E., “Globalisation of the National Judiciary and the Dutch Constitution”, 9 Utrecht
Law Review, (2012), No. 2, p. 36-51.
Nollkaemper, A., “Inside or out: two Types of International Legal Pluralism”, in
Normative Pluralism and International Law: Exploring Global Governance, New York, NY,
Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 94-139.
Nijman, J.E., “In Memoriam: Pieter Hendrik Kooijmans, (1933-2013),”, 26 Leiden Journal
of International Law, (2013), No. 2, pp. 239-241.
Vos, J.A., The Function of Public International Law, The Hague, Asser, 2013.
02. History; Principles
Onnekink, D., R. de Bruin, De Vrede van Utrecht, (1713), Hilversum, Verloren, 2013.
03. Sources; Law on Treaties; Codification
04. Subjects of International Law
05. Responsibility and Liability
Nollkaemper, A., “Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in International
Adjudication: Introduction”, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 4 (2013), No. 2,
pp. 277-294.
Schrijver, N.J., “Srebrenica voorbij: de volkenrechtelijke immuniteit van de Verenigde
Naties”, 143 Handelingen der Nederlandsche Juristen-Vereeniging, (2013), No. 1, pp. 211273.
Sliedregt, E. van, “Immuniteit van de Staat: de houdbaarheid voorbij?”, 143 Handelingen
der Nederlandsche Juristen-Vereeniging, (2013), No. 1, ppn. 143-209.
06. Territory and Jurisdiction
Bekker, P., The World Court Awards Sovereignty over Several Iislands in the Caribbean Sea
to Colombia and Fixes a Single Maritime Boundary between Colombia and Nicaragua,
Washington, DC, American Society of International Law, 2013. Insights ; vol. 17, issue 3.
Oostindie, G., “Postcolonial Sovereignty Games with Europe in the Margins: the
Netherlands, the Antilles, and Europe”, in European Integration and Postcolonial
Sovereignty Games: the EU Overseas Countries and Territories, London, Routledge, 2013,
pp. 203-216.
07. Sea
Franckx, E., K.Van den Bossche, “Regional Issues and Ocean Law: the African Region”,
in Regions, Institutions, and Law of the Sea: Studies in Ocean Governance, Leiden, Nijhoff,
2013, pp. 411-436.
König, D., S. tho Pesch, “Der Festlandsockelvertrag von 1964 und seine Auswirkungen
auf die deutsch-niederländische Küstenmeergrenze”, 73 Zeitschrift für ausländisches
öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, (2013), No. 3, pp. 483-508.
Kwiatkowska, B., “Submissions to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental
Shelf: the Practice of Developing States in Cases of Disputed and Unresolved Maritime
Boundary Delimitations or Other Land or Maritime Disputes: Part Two”, 28 International
Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, (2013), No. 4, pp. 563-614.
Oude Elferink, A.G., The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Denmark,
Germany and the Netherlands: Arguing Law, Practicing Politics?, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2013.
Spijkers, O. and N. Jevglevskaja, “Sustainable Development and High Seas Fisheries”,
Utrecht Law Review, 9 (2013), No. 1, pp. 24-37.
08. Air and Space
Crans, B., “How Many Engines on a Boeing 737? An Analysis of Accession Rules in
Relation to Aircraft Engines”, 38 Air and Space Law, (2013), No. 3, pp. 229-247.
Dunk, F.G. von der, “Mixing US and Dutch Approaches: Towards Curaçao's Legislation
on Private Commercial Spaceflight”, 62 Zeitschrift fur Luft und Weltraumrecht, (2013),
No. 4, pp. 740-756.
Haanappel, P.P.C., “Compensation for Denied Boarding, Flight Delays and Cancellations
Revisited”, Zeitschrift fur Luft und Weltraumrecht, 62 (2013), No. 1, pp. 38-54.
Honnebier, B.P., “Collecting EUROCONTROL Air Navigation Charges by Precautionary
Arresting the Aviation Fuel of Aircraft in the European Netherlands”, 12 Journaal luchtrecht,
(2013), No. 2-3, pp. 33-56.
Koning, I., “Final Boarding Call voor de luchtvaartmaatschappijen: Nelson en TUI”, 88
Nederlands juristenblad, (2013), No. 9, pp. 532-541.
Mendes de Leon, P., “The Legal Force of ICAO SARPs in a Multilevel Jurisdictional Context:
varietas delectate”, 12 Journaal luchtrecht, (2013), Nos. 2-3, pp. 11-17.
Schnitker, R. and D. van het Kaar, Safety Assessmentof Foreign Aircraft Programme: a
European Approach to Enhance Global Aviation Safety, 's-Gravenhage, Eleven, 2013.
09. Polar Regions
Elzinga, A., “Rallying around a Flag?: on the Persistent Gap in Scientific Internationalism
between Word and Deed”, in The Emerging Politics of Antarctica, London, Routledge,
2013, pp. 193-219.
Lefeber, R., “Marine Scientific Research in the Antarctic Treaty System”, in The Law of
the Sea and the Polar Regions: Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes, Leiden,
Nijhoff, 2013, pp. 323-341.
Molenaar, E.J., “Arctic Fisheries Management”, in The Law of the Sea and the Polar
Regions: Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013, pp.
Molenaar, E.J., A.G. Oude Elferink, D.R. Rothwell, (eds.), The law of the sea and the polar
regions: interactions between global and regional regimes, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013.
Oude Elferink, A.G., “The Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf in the Polar Regions”, in
The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions: Interactions between Global and Regional
Regimes, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013, pp. 61-84.
Oude Elferink, A.G., E.J. Molenaar, D. R. Rothwell, “The Regional Implementation of the
Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions”, in The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions:
Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013, pp. 1-16.
Trouwborst, A., “Migratory Species Conservation in Warming Polar Oceans, with
Particular Reference to Seabirds”, in The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions:
Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013, pp. 163-191.
10. Organs of the States for their International Relations
Sliedregt, E. van, “Immuniteit van de Staat: de houdbaarheid voorbij?”, 143 Handelingen
der Nederlandsche Juristen-Vereeniging, (2013), No. 1, ppn. 143-209.
11. Economic and Financial Relations
Baetens, F. (ed.), Investment Law within International Law: Integrationist Perspectives,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Broek, N. van den, “Protection of Investors in International Trade and Investment
Regimes: a Practical Comparison”, in WTO Litigation, Investment Arbitration, and
Commercial Arbitration, Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2013, pp. 15-43.
Drongelen, J. van, en A.D.M. van Rijs (red.), Implementatie van het Maritiem
Arbeidsverdrag in de Nederlandse wetgeving: nadere regelgeving, Zutphen, Uitgeverij
Paris, 2013.
Hey, E., “The World Bank Inspection Panel and the Development of International Law”,
in International Courts and the Development of International Law: Essays in Honour of
Tullio Treves, The Hague, Asser Press, 2013, pp. 727-738.
Kuijper, P.J. and F. Hoffmeister, “WTO Influence on EU Law: Too Close for Comfort?”, in
Between Autonomy and Dependence: the EU Legal Order under the Influence of
International Organisations, The Hague, Asser Press, 2013, pp. 131-158.
Ten Cate, I.M., “The Costs of Consistency: Precedent in Investment Treaty Arbitration”,
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 51 (2013), No. 2, pp. 418-478.
Wouters, J., S. Duquet, N. Hachez, “International Investment Law: the Perpetual Search
for Consensus”, in Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development: the Law and
Economics of International Investment Agreements, London, Routledge, 2013, pp. 25-69.
Wouters, J. and S. van Kerckhoven, “The International Monetary Fund”, in Routledge
Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy,
Power, London, Routledge, 2013, pp. 221-233.
12. Communications; Transport
Dunk, F.G. von der, “Crossing a Rubycon?: the International Legal Framework for ISOs before and after Privatisation”, in The Transformation of Intergovernmental Satellite
Organisations: Policy and Legal Perspectives, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013, pp.223-280.
Hoeks, M., “Liability, Jurisdiction and Enforcement Issues in International Road
Carriage: CMR Carrier Liability in the Netherlands and Germany and the Influence of the
EU”, in Carriage of Goods by Sea, Land and Air: Unimodal and Multimodel Transport in the
21st Century, Abingdon, Informa Law, 2013, pp. 45-64.
13. Food; Health
Vos, E., “Promoting Food Safety through Legal Measures in Developing Countries:
Experiences from EU Food Safety Regulation”, in Regulating Disasters, Climate Change
and Environmental Harm: Lessons from the Indonesian Experience, Cheltenham, Elgar,
2013, pp. 38-55.
14. Culture; Education; Sports
Beurden, J. van, “Dutch Heritage Institutions, Return-Practice and Return-Potential”, 10
Transnational Dispute Management, (2013), No. 5, pp. [8].
Gaalen, J. van, “Fair Play? Footballers, The Victims of Clubs who Struggle Financially”,
African Sports Law and Business Journal, 1 (2013), No. 1, pp. 17-23.
Maarleveld, T.J. “Propre and Appropriate, Property and Approbriation”, in Realising
Cultural Heritage Law: Festschrift for Patrick O'Keefe, Crickadarn, Institute of Art and
Law, 2013, pp. 63-72.
Van Rompuy, B., “Cunning as a Fox: Dutch Competition Authority clears Long-Term
Acquisition of Dutch Football Broadcasting Rights”, 34 European Competition Law
Review, (2013), No. 4, pp. 223-225.
15. Environmental Protection
Bastmeijer, K., A. Trouwborst, “Welkom terug?: de relevantie van het Europese
gebiedsbeschermingsrecht voor de wolf en andere terugkomers”, 40 Milieu en recht,
(2013), No. 2, pp. 80-91.
Boekhout van Solinge, T. and K.Kuijpers, “The Amazon Rainforest: a Green
Criminological Perspective”, in Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology,
London, Routledge, 2013, pp. 199-213.
Jans, J.H., “The Netherlands”, in National Courts and EU Environmental Law, Groningen,
Europa Law Publishing, 2013, pp. 323-345.
Kuik, O., “REDD Policies, Global Food, Fibre and Timber Markets, and "Leakage", in
Climate Change, Forests and REDD: Lessons for Institutional Design, London, Routledge,
2013, pp. 207-228.
Verschuuren, J., “Legal Aspects of Climate Change Adaption”, in Climate Change and the
Law, Dordrecht, Springer, 2013, pp. 257-285.
Vries, B. de, M. Herold, “The Science of Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV),”, in Law,
Tropical Forests and Carbon: the Case of REDD+, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013,
pp. 151-183.
Westra, L., P. Taylor and A. Michelot (eds.), Confronting Ecological and Economic
Collapse: Ecological Integrity for Law, Policy and Human Rights, London, Earthscan, 2013.
16. International Organizations
Blockmans, S. and R.A. Wessel, “The Influence of International Organisations on the EU
and its Legal Order: Between Autonomy and Dependence”, in Between Autonomy and
Dependence: the EU Legal Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The
Hague, Asser Press, 2013, pp. 297-312.
Wessel, R.A. and S. Blockmans (eds.), Between Autonomy and Dependence: the EU Legal
Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The Hague, Asser Press, 2013.
Wouters, J. and J.Odermatt, “Are All International Organizations Created Equal?”,
International Organizations Law Review, 9 (2013), No. 1, pp. 7-14.
Wouters, J. and J.Odermatt, “Norms Emanating from International Bodies and Their
Role in the Legal Order of the European Union”, in Between Autonomy and Dependence:
the EU Legal Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The Hague, Asser
Press, 2013, pp. 47-68.
17. United Nations; League of Nations
Schrijver, N.J., “Srebrenica voorbij : de volkenrechtelijke immuniteit van de Verenigde
Naties”, 143 Handelingen der Nederlandsche Juristen-Vereeniging, (2013), No. 1, pp. 211273.
18. Regional Organizations
19. European Union; European Communities
Amtenbrink, F., “What Role for the European Union in Shaping Global Financial
Governance?, in The EU's Role in Global Governance: the Legal Dimension, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 243-258.
Amtenbrink, F. en H.H.B. Vedder, Recht van de Europese Unie, Den Haag, Boom
Juridische uitgevers, 2013.
Ankersmit, L., “What if Cassis de Dijon were Cassis de Quebec? The Assimilation of
Goods of Third Country Origin in the Internal Market”, 50 Common Market Law Review,
(2013), No. 5, pp. 1387-1410.
Bastmeijer, K., A. Trouwborst, “Welkom terug?: de relevantie van het Europese
gebiedsbeschermingsrecht voor de wolf en andere terugkomers”, 40 Milieu en recht,
(2013), No. 2, pp. 80-91.
Bergkamp, L., (ed.), The European Union REACH Regulation for Chemicals: Law and
Practice, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Bergkamp, L., D.Y. Park, “The Organizational and Administrative Structures”, in The
European Union REACH Regulation for Chemicals: Law and Practice, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2013, pp. 23-39.
Bergkamp, L., N. Herbatschek, “Key Concepts and Scope”, in The European Union
REACH Regulation for Chemicals: Law and Practice, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
2013, pp. 40-81.
Blockmans, S., “EU Global Peace Diplomacy: Instruments to Support Status Processes,
in The EU's Role in Global Governance: the Legal Dimension, Oxford, Oxford University
Press, 2013, pp. 110-125.
Blockmans, S., “The Influence of NATO on the Development of the EU's Common
Security and Defence Policy”, in Between Autonomy and Dependence: the EU Legal Order
under the Influence of International Organisations, The Hague, Asser Press, 2013, pp. 243267.
Blockmans, S. and C. Hillion (eds.), EEAS 2.0: A Legal Commentary on Council Decicion
2010/427/EU establishing the Organisation and Functioning of the European External
Action Service, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Institute, 2013.
Blockmans, S. and R.A. Wessel, “The Influence of International Organisations on the EU
and its Legal Order: Between Autonomy and Dependence”, in Between Autonomy and
Dependence: the EU Legal Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The
Hague, Asser Press, 2013, pp. 297-312.
Boeles, P., “Strafbaarstellingen van illegaal verblijf en het Unierecht”, Asiel &
migrantenrecht, 4 (2013), No. 2, pp. 64-68.
Boer, M. den, “Human Rights and Police Co-operation in the European Union: Recent
Developments in Accountability and Oversight”, in Mensenrechten en politie,
Antwerpen, Maklu, 2013, pp. 29-45.
Boer, N.J. de, “Fundamental Rights and the EU Internal Market: Just how Fundamental
are the EU Treaty Freedoms? A Normative Enquiry Based on John Rawls’ Political
Philosophy”, Utrecht Law Review, 9 (2013), No. 1, pp. 148-168.
Boymans, P., and M. Eliantonio, “Europeanization of Legal Principles?: the Influence of
the CJEU's Case Law on the Principle of Legitimate Expectations in the Netherlands and
the United Kingdom”, 19 European Public Law, (2013), No. 4, pp. 715-738.
Brouwer, E., “Mutual Trust and the Dublin Regulation: Protection of Fundamental
Rights in the EU and the Burden of Proof”, Utrecht Law Review, 9 (2013), No. 1, pp. 135147.
Dam, C. van, European Tort Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Erp, S. van, “From Euratom Property Law to European Union Property Law: a Concise
Overview of the Development towards a European Property Law”, in The Making of
European Private Law: Why, How, What, Who, Munich, Sellier European Law Publishers,
2013, pp. 149-159.
Erp, S. van, and B. Akkermans, “Public or Private Harmonisation of the EU Mortgage
Market?”, Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht, 21 (2013), No. 1, pp. 43-59.
Eijken, H. van, M.J.M. Verhoeven, (red.), Europocket 2013-2014, Deventer, Kluwer, 2013.
Fennis, R., “Van geval naar gebied: gebiedsgericht grondwaterbeheer in het Europees
milieurecht”, 27 Tijdschrift gezondheidsschade, milieuschade en aansprakelijkheidsrecht,
(2013), No. 1, pp. 12-20.
Harten, H. van, “Wat doet de Nederlandse rechter met het Europees recht?”, Trema:
tijdschrift voor de rechterlijke macht, 36 (2013), No. 4, pp. 121-127.
Hollander, J., Constitutionalising Europe: Dutch Reactions to an Incoming Tide, (19482005), Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2013.
Hout, W., “EU Statebuilding through Good Governance”, in Routledge Handbook of
International Statebuilding, London, Routledge, 2013.
Gennart, M., Le contrôle parlementaire du principe de subsidiarité: droit belge, néerlandais
et luxembourgeois, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2013.
Giesen, I., “Towards a "Ius commune 3.0?!", 20 Maastricht Journal of European and
Comparative Law, (2013), No. 2, pp. 159-167.
Graaf, K.J. de, A.T. Marseille, F.J. Jansen, “Accelerating Court Proceedings with the
Dutch Crisis and Recovery Act: Direct and Indirect Effects of Procedural Provisions”, 10
Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, (2013), No. 3, pp. 276-294.
Harten, H. van, “Wat doet de Nederlandse rechter met het Europees recht?”, 36 Trema:
tijdschrift voor de rechterlijke macht, (2013), No. 4, pp. 121-127.
Hesselink, M. W., “How many Systems of Private Law are there in Europe?: on Plural
Legal Sources, Multiple Identities and the Unity of Law”, in Pluralism and European
Private Law, Oxford, Hart, 2013, pp. 199-247.
Heijningen, L.R. van, H.B. Krans, R.R.M. de Moor en H.G. Sevenster, Doorwerking van
Europees recht in het nationaal procesrecht, Den Haag, Boom Juridische uitgevers, 2013.
Hesselink, M.W., “The General Principles of Civil Law: Their Nature, Roles and
Legitimacy”, in The Involvement of EU Law in Private Law Relationships, Oxford, Hart,
2013, pp. 131-180.
Jans, J.H., The Netherlands, in National Courts and EU Environmental Law, Groningen,
Europa Law Publishing, 2013, pp. 323-345.
Jansen, N., “Legal Pluralism in Europe: National Laws, European Legislation, and Nonlegislative Codifications”, in Pluralism and European Private Law, Oxford, Hart, 2013, pp.
Jong, S. de, J. Wouters and S. Sterkx, “The EU in Multilateral Security Governance: the
Case of the 2009 Russian-Ukrainian Gas Dispute”, in The EU and Multilateral Security
Governance, London, Routledge, 2013, pp. 140-164.
Koops, J.A., “Inter-Organisational Approaches”, in Routledge Handbook on the European
Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power, London, Routledge,
2013, pp. 71-85.
Kuijer, M., “The Impact of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights on the
Political Debate in the Netherlands concerning the Court”, in Fundamental Rights and
Principles: Liber Amicorum Pieter van Dijk, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2013, pp. 99-114.
Luchtman, M., (ed.), Choice of Forum in Cooperation against EU Financial Crime: Freedom,
Security and Justice and the Protection of Specific EU-Interests, The Hague, Eleven
International Publishing, 2013.
Mak, V., “The ‘Average Consumer’ of EU Law in Domestic and European Litigation”, in
The Involvement of EU Law in Private Law Relationships, Oxford, Hart, 2013, pp. 333-356.
Oostindie, G., “Postcolonial Sovereignty Games with Europe in the Margins: the
Netherlands, the Antilles, and Europe”, in European Integration and Postcolonial
Sovereignty Games: the EU Overseas Countries and Territories, London, Routledge, 2013,
pp. 203-216.
Pennings, F., “Non-Discrimination on the Ground of Nationality in Social Security: What
are the Consequences of the Accession of the EU to the ECHR?”, Utrecht Law Review, 9
(2013), No. 1, pp. 118-134.
Rossem, J.W. van, “The Autonomy of EU Law: More is Less?”, in Between Autonomy and
Dependence: the EU Legal Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The
Hague, Asser Press, 2013, pp. 13-46.
Schaik, L. van and B. ter Haar, Why the EU is not Promoting Effective multilateralism: on a
fundamental flaw in the European Security Strategy, The Hague, Clingendael Institute,
Schout, A., J. Rood, (eds.), The Netherlands as an EU Member: awkward or loyal partner?,
The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2013.
Slot, P.J., “Does the Pfleiderer Judgment make the Fight against International Cartels
More Difficult?”, European Competition Law Review, 34 (2013), No. 4, pp. 197-206.
Steenbergen, J., “Constitutionalisme en de zoektocht naar meer Unie in de crisis”, SEW:
tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 61 (2013), No. 3, pp. 96-102.
Uilenreef, A.D., “Reporting and Representation: Intra-EU Diplomacy and Dutch Bilateral
Embassies”, 8 The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, (2013), No. 2, pp. 115-137.
Veltman, A., “The Protection of the Fundamental Right to Strike within the Context of
the European Internal Market: Implications of the Forthcoming Accession of the EU to
the ECHR”, Utrecht Law Review, 9 (2013), No. 1, pp. 104-117.
Verheyen, W., “The DPD-Case: a Case for a Parcel-Specific Liability Regime?”, European
Transport Law, 48 (2013), No. 1, pp. 3-12.
Visser, M. de, en A.P.van der Mei, (eds.), The Treaty on European Union, 1993-2013:
Reflections from Maastricht, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2013.
Visser, R.K., “Naissance d'une agence le cas EASO”, Revue du droit de l'Union
européenne, (2013), No. 3, pp. 441-454.
Vooren, B. van, “The Proposed Financial Transaction Tax Directive: the Quest to Create
Momentum at the G20 through Internal Legislation”, in The EU's Role in Global
Governance: the Legal Dimension, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 272-286.
Vooren, B. van, S.Blockmans and J. Wouters, (eds.), The EU's Role in Global Governance:
the Legal Dimension, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Vos, M. de, “Internal Market and Euro Crisis: Labour Law under the Gun of the European
Union?”, 14 ERA Forum: scripta iuris Europaei, (2013), No. 3, pp. 335-361.
Vries, S.A. de, “Balancing Fundamental Rights with Economic Freedoms According to
the European Court of Justice”, Utrecht Law Review, 9 (2013), No. 1, pp. 169-192.
Vijver, T. van der, “Benighted we Stand: Justifications of Prima Facie Dominance Abuses
in EU Member States”, 9 European Competition Journal, (2013), No. 2, pp. 465-495.
Wendt, I.E., EU Competition Law and Liberal Professions: an Uneasy Relationship?,
Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013.
Wessel, R.A. and S. Blockmans (eds.), Between Autonomy and Dependence: the EU Legal
Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The Hague, Asser Press, 2013.
Willigen, N. van and Y.Kleistra, “Evaluating Diplomacy”, in Routledge Handbook on the
European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power, London,
Routledge, 2013, pp. 102-112.
Witte, F. de, “Union Citizenship and Constrained Democracy”, in The Treaty on European
Union, 1993-2013: Reflections from Maastricht, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2013, pp. 357-381.
Woude, M. van der, “Het Gerecht van de Europese Unie: een bestuursrechter onder
druk”, Nederlands juristenblad, 88 (2023), No. 14, pp. 874-881.
Wouters, J. and H. Cuyckens, "Festina lente": CFSP from Maastricht to Lisbon and
beyond”, in The Treaty on European Union, 1993-2013: Reflections from Maastricht,
Cambridge, Intersentia, 2013, pp. 223-242.
Wouters, J. and J.Odermatt, “Norms Emanating from International Bodies and Their
Role in the Legal Order of the European Union”, in Between Autonomy and Dependence:
the EU Legal Order under the Influence of International Organisations, The Hague, Asser
Press, 2013, pp. 47-68.
Wouters, J., S. Bijlmakers and K. Meuwissen, “The EU as a Multilateral Security Actor
after Lisbon: Constitutional and Institutional Aspects”, in The EU and Multilateral
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Struycken, A.V.M., “Reconnaissance et Homage”, in A Commitment to Private
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Wolde, M.H. ten, “The Relativity of Legal Positions in Cross-Border Situations: the Foundations
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Commitment to Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Hans van Loon, Cambridge,
Intersentia, 2013, pp. 569-581.
Wolde, M.H. ten, und M. C.A. Kant, “Niederlande: Neues Internationales Privatrecht”,
66 Standesamt, (2013), No. 5, pp. 155-166.
31. Law of Persons; Family Law and Related Matters
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Duintjer Tebbens, H., “Divorce - A Fundamental Right?”, in A Commitment to Private
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Iterson, D. Van, “Toegang tot de rechter en het recht in internationale
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32. Commercial Law, incl. Contracts and Corporations
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Bekker, P., A.Ogawa, “The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaty, (BIT), Proliferation on
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Engelen, D. van, “Grensoverschrijdend procederen in IE-zaken: Back to the Future?”, 62
Ars aequi, (2013), No. 4, pp. 271-279.
Enneking, L., “Zorgplichten van multinationals in Nederland: "Second Best" zo slecht
nog niet?”, Nederlands juristenblad, 88 (2013), No. 12, pp. 744-750.
Erp, S. van, “Can European Property Law be codified?: towards the Development of
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