self care module 9 presentation

Self Care Training
Module 9
Supporting Individuals’ Choices
Module 9 outcomes
On completion of this module learners will:
Describe hazards and risks
Have a working knowledge of their health and
safety responsibilities
Explore making safer choices under the Mental
Health Capacity Act 2005
Understand the risk assessment process
Demonstrate a working knowledge of planning
to reduce risk
Hazards and risks
A hazard is: Anything that may cause
harm to an individual
A risk is: The chance (High/Medium/Low)
that an individual will be injured by
the hazard
Group discussion
List some possible hazards that you could
be at risk from in your everyday life
Our personal risks
It is impossible for any of us to completely avoid hazards in
our everyday lives, so we:
 Still make choices which put us at risk
 We learn to identify if our choices put at us at high,
medium or low risk of being harmed
 We take responsibility for our final decisions
Making new choices – the
We all have the right to make choices
and to take risks, no matter our age or
Making choices can lead to:
• increased confidence
• learning new self care skills
• involvement in the wider community
We should empower people we support to make safe choices so
that hazards and risks do not control their lives.
Can we all make self
We all have the right to make our own choices and decisions unless proven
otherwise under the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005
The five key principles are:
 A presumption of capacity – every adult has the right to make his or her own
decisions and must be assumed to have capacity to do so unless it is proved
 Individuals being supported to make their own decisions – a person must
be given all practicable help before anyone treats them as not being able to
make their own decisions
 Unwise decisions – just because an individual makes what might seem as an
unwise decision, they should not be treated as lacking capacity to make that
 Best interests – an act done or decision made under the Act for or on behalf
of a person who lacks capacity must be done in their best interests
 Least restrictive option – anything done for or on behalf of a person who
lacks capacity should be the least restrictive of their basic rights and freedoms.
Risk awareness at work
We all work in environments that have hazards and risks –
they are impossible to avoid.
We are protected by ‘risk assessments’ – (formal
paperwork) that:
 Identify hazards that may exist in the workplace
 Consider the risk from those hazards
 Set goals to reduce the risks for all employees
Inside a risk assessment
The Environment
Electrical Hazards
Gas Hazards
Fire Hazards
Clinical Waste
Control of
Hazardous to
Moving and
Handling Hazards
Pets and Animals
Personal Safety
Why do we need risk
 Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1999
 Standard 12 of the Domiciliary Care National
Minimum Standards
 To create awareness of hazards and risks in the
 To improve standards and quality of service
 To support individual people’s choices
It’s the law
The Health and Safety at
Work Act 1974
Section 2 outlines employers’
responsibilities to protect employees:
‘as far as is reasonably
Employer responsibilities
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 employers
 Provide and maintain safety equipment and safe systems of work
 Ensure materials used are properly stored, handled, used and
 Provide information, training, instruction and supervision. Ensure
staff are aware of the instructions provided by manufacturers and
suppliers of equipment
 Provide a safe place of employment
 Provide a safe working environment
 Provide a written safety policy and risk assessment
 Look after the health and safety of others, and the public
Employee responsibilities
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 employees
 Co-operate with employers
 Wear protective equipment or clothing if required
 Take care of their own health and safety and that of other
 Must not interfere with anything provided in the interest of
health and safety
 Inform their employer of any unsafe working conditions
 Adhere to safe procedures and practices
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 employers
have a duty to cover regulations in their risk assessments
 Manual Handling Operations Regulations (2002, amended)
 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (2002) [CoSHH]
 The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (1992)
 Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment Regulations (1992)
 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER 1998)
 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER 1998)
 Fire Precautions Workplace Regulations (1997, amended)
 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
Regulations (RIDDOR 1995)
5 steps to safer choices
‘The Health and Safety Executive’ outlines five steps to risk assessment
Step 1: Look for hazards
 Sit with the person you support and talk openly about the hazards and risks
they may face
 Ask your Team Leader or Supervisor what they think
 Write down all potential hazards in the person’s ‘risk log’
Step 2: Decide who may be harmed and how
 Write down who may be harmed by the choices the person has made
 Work with the person to consider if the risks they and others face are high,
medium or low risks
 Write a full description of the potential for harm for each identified risk in the
person’s ‘risk log’
 Plan with the person how to reduce their risks
5 steps to safer choices
Step 3: Evaluate the risks – is enough being done to reduce them?
 Review how all risks have been reduced
 Review how all risks have been isolated – e.g. ‘moved to another area, away
from Mrs X’
 Review how all risks have been controlled – e.g. personal protective equipment
Step 4: Record the findings
 Record how you have planned to reduce the risks to both the person being
supported and the new type of worker
 Refer back to the ‘risk log’ on a regular basis
Step 5: Review and revise if necessary
 Set a date to review the person’s individual ‘risk log’
 Update it if they make a new choice
 Update it if there is a change to how they are going to achieve their choice
 Let your team leader or supervisor review the ‘risk log’
(Source: adapted from the HSE 5 Steps to Risk Assessment)
Your new types of worker
Involve and encourage people you support to make safe choices
Negotiate with each person a course or action to reduce risk
Break the hazard down into low, medium and high risks
Involve the person in thinking how risk should be managed
Involve family or those closest to the person to manage risks
Use people’s individual ‘risk logs’ to support them to manage risk
Communicate with your team leader/supervisor each time you
plan to reduce risk
Always work within your organisational
policy and procedures and the law!
Self Care Training Manual: Implementing the Common Core principles for Self Care
© Skills for Care, 2009. Albion Court, 5 Albion Place, Leeds LS1 6JL.
All rights reserved.
This material may be reproduced for non-commercial distribution in aid of social care workforce
development, provided the copyright notices and acknowledgements are included in each
Requests for commercial publishing rights should be directed to Skills for Care.
Short reference: Skills for Care, 2009
Long reference: Skills for Care, Self Care Training Manual: Implementing the Common Core Principles
for Self Care (Skills for Care, Leeds, 2009)
This material was commissioned from jdee Training and Lancashire County Council by Skills for
Care’s New Types of Worker programme in the north west. It was researched and compiled by Shaun
Douglas Galley and Sarah Johnson.