Powerpoint File

Ethical Considerations in Ibogaine Therapy
Sandra Karpetas
Iboga Therapy House
Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance (GITA)
2nd International Ibogaine Therapy Provider Conference
Barcelona, Spain 2010
Why do we need ethical
Ethical insensitivity can contribute to:
Health and safety problems
Dissatisfied clients/patients
Public relations problems
Financial problems
Legal problems
Organizational challenges
How can ethics in therapy be
Ethical Standards:
Increase the quality of care and services provided
Increase transparency and accountability
Help to protect clients and therapists from undue harm
Foster greater recognition from the public domain
Create conditions for maximizing therapeutic potential
Ethical Guidelines
Internationally Recognized Ethics in Therapy and
Beneficence: Promotion of well-being
Non-malfeasance: Avoid potential harms
Dignity: Respect for the person
Informed Consent: The person's right to information, to ask
questions and to weigh the risks/benefits before making a
Transparency: Open communication about policies/procedures,
disclosure of key information for client decision making
Confidentiality: Respect for privacy
Feedback: The right to provide feedback, whether positive
Beneficence: Promotion of wellIbogaine therapists should promote health in all aspects of their
programming, procedures and policies.
This includes key concepts such as health promotion, harm
and physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing
Foster knowledge, skills, attitudinal changes and supports
needed to help people engage in safer and healthier lifestyles
Avoid deficit thinking, build on strengths and support positive
Non-malfeasance: avoid potential
There is an urgent ethical responsibility to decide whether
the risk is too great for some participants, and thus to act
to reduce or eliminate the risk even if that means stopping
or modifying the therapy.
Therapists also have a responsibility to continuously
educate themselves and remain up to date on ibogaine
safety related information. Neglect of this responsibility can
be considered negligence and/or misconduct and may
contribute to adverse events and/or death.
Dignity: Respect for the person
Respect autonomy and support informed decision-making
Accept and work with individual differences in client
characteristics in both preventing and responding to
potential challenges. These include unique risks
associated with gender, age, sexual orientation,
cultural/religious identity, etc...
Recognize that the realities of poverty, class, racism, social
isolation, past trauma, discrimination, labels, stigma and
other social inequalities affect both people's vulnerability to
and capacity for effectively dealing with self care.
The client has a right to information, to ask questions and to
weigh the risks and benefits before making a decision to
undergo therapy
Minimal Risk
If potential subjects can reasonably be expected to regard the
probability and magnitude of possible harms implied by
participation in the research to be no greater than those
encountered by the subject in those aspects of his/her everyday
life that relate to the research, then the research can be regarded
as within the range of minimal risk.
-Tri Council Policy Statement 1998
What does an ethical consent form
of? form should include:
proper consent
Introduction/Background Information about ibogaine
Ibogaine's Legal Status in the country where therapy takes
Therapeutic and Other Procedures from start to finish - in
detail (include search, source of ibogaine, dosing,
monitoring protocols, complementary/additional therapies,
Ibogaine's Potential Effects, Side Effects and Risks
Emergency Protocols (including specifics of what you
would do in case of an adverse event, injury or death)
What does an ethical consent form
consist of?
Potential Benefits (including a disclosure regarding no
guarantee that it will help)
Quitting or Withdrawing from Participation in the Therapy including your procedures and risks should someone
decide to leave the site of therapy whilst under your care
Data Collection, Publication and Communication of Results
- disclose any plans to share information with others/public
Confidentiality - handling and storage of personal info,
files, medical info etc... plus staff/team confidentiality
What does an ethical consent form
consist of?
Alternative Sources of Therapy – ibogaine therapy is not
the only option and not necessarily the easiest/safest
Incentives– disclose any vested interests including
Client Rights and Responsibilities - include DWF Bill of
Rights, outline client responsibilities, the right to file
incident or grievance reports and how to do so
Who to contact for more information – include contact info
The actual Informed Consent statement page to be signed
of abeconsent
Each page should
numbered and
have a space at the
bottom for initials acknowledging the following statement:
I have read the contents of this page. I have had the
opportunity to ask questions about it, and I understand what it
The form should be written in an easy to understand
manner (8th grade reading level). Complicated terms
should be defined in an easy to understand way
The actual informed consent statement page – include a
statement regarding minimal risk
Space for date, signature of client and witness
Note: A copy should be available for client without extra
Respect for privacy before, during and after care
Handling and storage of sensitive information:
- keep all files/personal/medical info secure and locked
- consider using a secure server w/ SSL certificate
- do not use publicly-accessible computers
Ask client how they prefer to be contacted and when
Omit personally identifying info in
Each staff member should sign a confidentiality agreement
Every client (regardless of whether they paid for the services
or not) has the right to provide feedback, whether positive
and/or negative and to file a grievance or incident report if
they deem necessary.
It is the responsibility of the therapy provider to provide
information on how to do so.
Ibogaine Incident or Grievance Report Form:
A few other considerations:
Compassion, empathy, strong interpersonal, listening,
counseling and facilitation skills are of utmost importance.
Individuals on the staff/team should possess the following:
Recognition of and respect for diversity
Awareness of one’s own learning process
Ability to be attentive/good listening skills
Trust in one’s way of working
Ability to work with authority
Willingness to do one’s own inner work
Also: Have a fair and just conflict resolution policy in place
Sandra Karpetas
+ 1 604 785 0924
Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance