EDS2 Grading presentation - Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

Equality Delivery System (EDS2)
How to give us a rating
Equality and Diversity Team
EDS2 – Background
Equality Act 2010
• Sets out when it is unlawful to
discriminate, harass or victimise
a person
• The Act protects people from
discrimination on the grounds
called ‘protected characteristics’.
Protected Characteristics
Gender re-assignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Race including national
identity and ethnicity
• Religion or belief
• Sex
• Sexual orientation
EqA 2010 - The Public Sector Equality Duty
1. Eliminate discrimination,
harassment, victimisation
2. Advance equality of
II. Publish information
3. Foster good relations
Publish equality
The Equality Delivery System (EDS2)
It is a plan to support NHS organisations to produce better results for people
who use and work for NHS services. By meeting their individual needs we
aim to have:
Better health results for all
Improved patient access and experience
A representative and supported workforce
Inclusive leadership
EDS2 - Who it covers
In addition to the service users and staff from protected groups, the
following are also covered under EDS2:
People who are homeless
People who live in poverty
People who are long-term unemployed
People in stigmatised occupations
People who misuse drugs
People with limited family or social networks
People who are geographically isolated
EDS2 Implementation Process
Select EDS2
Grading Event
Analyse Data
Collect Data
Grading Event - what will you do on the day
Information will be presented in an easy to follow format about:
Different groups of people, such as disabled people, older people and
people from different cultures or religion.
Working with others, you will help us to decide or grade:
• How we meet the needs of people
• How safely, effectively and fairly we treat people
• Can everyone have a say in their care?
Level of Grading
We are doing very well - people from all protected groups fare as well
as people overall
We are doing well - people from most protected groups fare as well as
people overall
We are doing OK - People from only some protected groups fare as well
as people overall
We are doing badly - people from all protected groups fare poorly
compared with people overall
Evidence on the 5 outcomes will be presented
1. Services are designed and delivered to meet the health needs of
local communities
2. Individual people’s health needs are assessed and met in
appropriate and effective ways
3. Transitions from one service to another, for people on care
pathways, are made smoothly with everyone well-informed
4. When people use NHS services their safety is prioritised and they
are free from mistakes, mistreatment and abuse
5. Screening, vaccination and other health promotion services reach
and benefit all local communities
Thank You