6.1 Linking analysis with results (short)

Linking Analysis with Results
Session 6
Session objectives
• To introduce the concepts of RBM and to
show how HRBA brings depth and legitimacy
to our practice of RBM
• To formulate results and indicators that
responds to the analysis we conducted in
session 5
What is a Result ?
A describable or measurable
change resulting from a cause and
effect relationship
- UNDG agreed RBM terminology
What is results based
A management strategy aimed at ensuring
that activities achieve desired results
Performance monitoring is a critical element
• How well are results being achieved
• What measures are needed to improve the
In plain language…
RBM helps us to connect what we do to what we want to achieve
RBM also tells us how we’ll know if we’ve achieved it
Elements of RBM (1)
• Problem analysis to understand causes
 Linkage
RBM does not tell us the right questions to ask
A HRBA does…
HRBA and Problem
Assessment & Analysis
A HRBA helps the UN and partners to answer 4
critical questions:
Who has been left behind
Why? Which rights are at stake?
 Who has to do something about it?
 What do they need, to take action?
Process and outcome are equally important
Elements of RBM (2)
• Structuring of programmes around a chain of
SMART results – responding to analysis
• Causality in the chain of results (if… then logic)
• Use of ‘change language’ (future conditional)
 Linkage
RBM does not tell us what kinds of changes we should
be aiming for
A HRBA does…
HRBA and Change
Process is guided by human rights principles
… performance (behaviours of duty
bearers and/or right holders and
their institutions)
Output: change in …
…the capacity of duty bearers and right
Conclusions and recommendations from UPR, Treaty Bodies, and
Special Procedures help to identify
specific behaviours and capacities
Capacity Gap
Outcome: change in…
…quality of life (the realization of
human rights)
Impact: change in…
Elements of RBM (3)
• Indicators to measure performance
• Costing of results (RBB) rather than isolated activity
• Monitoring and reporting on progress against planned
 Linkage
RBM does not tell us how to monitor and report on
A HRBA does…
HRBA and performance
monitoring & measurement
Human rights principles and standards
•Selection of indicators
•Mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on
development processes with stakeholders
• Improved focus on results instead of activities
• Improved transparency
• Improved accountability
• Improved measurement of programme achievements
(performance rather than utilization)
• Enhanced strategic focus
• No choice, it is an industry standard
• To get more funds!!
• Difficult to apply causal logic
• Difficult to learn
• Difficult to integrate
• Difficult to revise (... or reluctance to revise? )
• Difficult to measure
• Difficult to ‘attribute’
(at outcome level, the UN is accountable but not wholly responsible)
Go to typology
In sum…
A HRBA brings depth and credibility to our
practice of RBM by telling us…
•the right questions to ask
•the kinds of changes we should be aiming for
•how to measure, monitor, and report on
change with stakeholders.
Results Matrix
Group Activity
Using the set of cards provided, develop
Results Framework Template
a results framework…
National priority/ goal
Reduce the level of poverty and income inequality
New businesses and jobs are created in
targeted, poor rural and urban areas
Market-based vocational training
programmes are developed
Disadvantaged groups including youth and
PLWHA have access to improved
employment services and preferential credits
for business development.
Local business development funds piloted in
selected areas
Private public partnerships (PPP)s are
created in poor rural and urban areas for
infrastructure development and service
Local public administrations
operate in a more effective and
transparent manner
Decentralization framework is
strengthened, emphasising (1)
delegation of authority, (2)
decentralization of services, (3)
costing of local services and budget
needs of LPAs
Administrative procedures and
systems are simplified and
streamlined to provide better
Targeted departments of LPAs plan,
implement, and monitor in a
participatory manner
Typical pitfalls
• Wordy (..and no change language)
To promote equitable economic development and
democratic governance in accordance with international
norms by strengthening national capacities at all levels
and empowering citizens and increasing their
participation in decision-making processes
• Too ambitious
Strengthened rule of law, equal access to justice and the
promotion of rights
• Containing multiple results
The state improves its delivery of services and its
protection of rights—with the involvement of civil
society and in compliance with its international
Typical pitfalls
• Wishy-washy (ie. Support provided to improve..)
Support to institutional capacity building for improved
• So general, it could mean anything
To promote sustainable development and increase capacity
at municipal level
• Overlapping with National goals/ MDGs (impacts)
Substantially reduce the level of poverty and income
inequality in accordance with the MDGs and PRSP
• Confusing means and ends
Strengthen the protection of natural resources through the
creation of an enabling environment that promotes sound
resources management
Country Examples
Note to facilitation team:
•Insert 1-3 slides with results chains from current UNDAF
•With their new knowledge, ask participants to reflect on the
‘SMART’ness of their results
•Examples from Lao PDR follow…
Good example
By 2013, women of reproductive age in Benguela province
enjoy high quality maternal health care
- % pregnant women completing 4 ANC visits
- % births supervised by trained attendant
- No. District Health Centres staffed and equipped to provide EMOC services
- % women/ families reporting they are satisfied with obstetric care services (in-service
survey completed in all health centres)
It meets a standard related to the right to health
It reflects recommendations from CEDAW, CRC, and CESCR
It embodies the principle of equality and non-discrimination
It contains a subject and a clear description of change
(a “who” and a “what”)
 It is understandable by most readers
 It reflects a clear choice about policy or strategy
 It is specific, measurable, and time-bound
• Is it achievable?
• Is it relevant to National development priorities?
• Is it a good bet?
These are contextual factors
Group Work
In groups…
• Reflect on the 3-step analysis
• Develop…
– 1 outcome
A change in the performance of the rights holder or duty bearer…What are
they doing differently?
May involve legal, policy, and institutional reforms
Combine the RH or DB and the claim for a more ambitious outcome
Combine the DB and the obligation or RH and higher level capacity gaps
(behaviours) for a less ambitious outcome
– 2 contributing outputs
New capacities that contribute to increased performance
Hint: Look to the key capacity gaps of the DBs and RHs – particularly those
related to skills, abilities, products and services
Group Work (con’t)
Build a results framework on the wall…