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“Datacenter Infrastructure: Standardisation or not?”

By Filip Gosselin (Product Manager IT Rittal)

Server racks and networking racks, end of row switch racks, cooling and security…: are really all data centers unique?

As soon as we look a little further to the infrastructure in and around the data center, certain building blocks are returning. UPS and batteries are housed in a separate room with its own climate control. Power distribution in a rack with redundant A and B feeds.

Is there enough electrical power? What with the required cooling? Has my data center enough redundancy, both electrical and refrigeration? Has my UPS enough power? All questions and concerns that Rittal answers for you in one swoop with RiMatrix S. The standardized data center modules that are fully defined and scaled according to your needs. Scalable from 60 to 450 kW.

Curriculum Vitae of the speaker

Rittal Nv/Sa - Filip Gosselin - Product Manager IT

Filip werkt sinds 2011 bij Rittal als Technical and sales support engineer waar de focus vooral ligt op het uitwerken van projecten, gaande van kleine computerzalen tot grote datacenters.

Tijdens die periode heeft Filip zich gespecialiseerd in het Rittal monitoring platform CMC en RiZone.

Sinds maart 2012 is Filip Product manager bij Rittal voor alle producten binnen het Rittal IT gamma.

Als product manager IT is Filip verantwoordelijk voor:

Nework and server racks

Power distribution and backup power

Datacenter cooling and chillers

Monitoring and DCIM

Security solutions

Datacenter Today Congress

20 March 2014 – Business Faculty (Neder-Over-Hembeek)
