Whitepaper Authentication as a Service

 NOVA Networks Security As A Service
In de verschillende niveaus van veiligheid is Security as a
Service het hoogst haalbare. Een van de modules die Nova Networks
hierin levert is Authenticatie as a Service.
Nova Networks neemt de volledige operationele
verantwoordelijkheid voor het security management voor zijn
rekening en zet in wat nodig is: mens en/of techniek. Contracten
met (onder)aannemers worden door ons beheerd en gemanaged. De
regie over de uitvoering ligt in één hand, of die uitvoering nu
bij Nova Networks of bij uw eigen (preferred) suppliers ligt.
U profiteert van de Research & Development, de kennis en de
vaktechnische ontwikkeling van Nova Networks; wij zetten die in
om de performance naar het hoogstdenkbare niveau te tillen en
daar te handhaven. Een voorbeeld is onze voortdurende zoektocht
naar de optimale balans tussen inzet van techniek of mens.
Daarmee streven wij naar een zo gunstig mogelijke kostenstructuur
en blijft er ook ruimte voor verfijning in de regie.
Uiteindelijk spelen de wensen en eisen van onze opdrachtgevers
spelen daarbij altijd de belangrijkste rol.
Wie Security as a Service van Nova Networks toepast in zijn
organisatie, besteedt zijn zorg voor continuïteit uit en dat
tegen lagere Total Cost of Ownership.
Nova Networks brengt eventueel benodigde investeringen in
apparatuur of systemen onder in de vaste maandelijkse fee: de
vergoeding voor het gebruik.
Nova Networks biedt u Security as a Service en neemt u zoveel
mogelijk zorgen op verantwoorde wijze uit handen.
Product information: Authentication As A Service
Software as a Service
Many vendors and customers nowadays have migrated to a ‘software
as a service’ business model. Software as a service, or 'SaaS',
is a software application delivery model by which an enterprise
vendor develops a web-based software application, and then hosts
and operates that application over the Internet for use by its
SaaS becomes the business model of choice
The model is very popular. SaaS’ promise of flexible pricing has
made it attractive to companies with limited IT resources or that
need to reduce their IT costs without compromising the
performance of services and applications that are essential to
their business. First, as the software is hosted remotely,
customers do not need to invest in additional hardware. Further,
it eliminates the need for small businesses to have to deal with
installation, set-up, daily upkeep and maintenance. Upfront costs
tend be lower, deployment is faster and cheaper, and SaaS does
not require additional server hardware investments or dedicated
Security of hosted services crucial for success
A vital facet of online services is how vendors keep their data
secure. By default, hosted applications offer simple log-on
procedures using single factor authentication. Users log-on using
a username and static password, such as the name of their
favorite pet. Such passwords however, are very vulnerable as they
are easy to obtain or intercept and don’t provide sufficient
protection against data theft through phishing and key logging
attempts. And what if an employee leaves the company for a job
with a competitor and uses his old password to access the
previous organization’s business critical data? Not to mention
that static passwords can easily be shared between colleagues,
which may result in revenue loss for SaaS-providers.
Authentication as a Service Overview
Cloud-based services adoption is increasing every year and more
and more businesses embrace the benefits that derive from
managing their data and applications in the cloud. In parallel,
users access the organization data and applications from a
growing number of devices, in different locations, opening the
door to new threats. Authentication as a Service
(AaaS) enables organizations to easily apply strong
authentication onto multiple access points.
NOVA Networks/VASCO Authentication Service delivers
automated, highly secure strong authentication with
token options that are tailored to the unique needs
organization, substantially reducing the total cost
of your
of operation.
With no infrastructure required, NOVA Networks/VASCO
Authentication Service enables a quick migration to a multi-tier
and multi-tenant cloud environment, and protects everything, from
cloud-based and on-premise applications, to networks, users and
Automates everything: to reduce overheads and maximize
Protects everything: networks, applications and cloud
services APIs
Protects everyone: and provides choices: tokens, policies
and customization
Easy migration: move from an existing solution whilst
protecting the current investment
Saves money: on infrastructure and resource investments
Benefits of using VASCO strong user authentication
Security: strong authentication, secure access to
applications and data
Reduced cost
Rapid deployment: automated deployment, dynamic user
Centralized management: comprehensive reporting, audit
features, web GUI
High scalability and ease of expansion
License protection: reduces user-ID and password sharing/
Multiple client device types: hardware, software and SMS
Branding and customization options: perpetuate your
Fulfilment services allowing you to focus on your core