Microsoft Outlook

Mikael Wiberg
Gabriel Smith <>
den 8 februari 2011 16:50
Mikael Wiberg
RE: Your LEADTOOLS Evaluation
Hello Mikael: Thank you for the additional clarification. MPEG‐2 Transport support is only included in the LEADTOOLS MPEG‐2 Transport module which adds on to the Multimedia SDK. Based on this new information, here are the costs involved: Development Licenses: LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK ‐ $595 LEADTOOLS MPEG‐2 Transport Module ‐ $1995 Annual Maintenance: Annual maintenance is optional. If you opt to subscribe to annual maintenance, you will receive free updates to LEADTOOLS during the term. Annual maintenance for one development license of the above: $1038 Runtime Licenses: 11 Desktop MPEG‐2 Transport Deployment licenses: $375 ea or $4125 total. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you Gabriel Smith Technical Sales Account Manager LEAD Technologies, Inc. My Direct: +1‐704‐227‐2658 Main Sales: +1‐704‐332‐5532 Fax: +1‐704‐372‐8161 Web Chat: From: Mikael Wiberg []
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 1:33 AM
To: Gabriel Smith
Subject: SV: Your LEADTOOLS Evaluation
Hello Gabriel My proof of concept project is not yet finished but to get more time to develop I need to present a cost estimate to my boss. In an earlier mail you mentioned that the cost depends on witch modules I need to use. I will try to explain witch components I intend to use and hopefully you can give some cost figures. Short description of the program: We are going to use a capturecard that captures video from our lecture hall. The program will take the video, compress it using H264 and AAC to two different bit‐versions, saving them as two different files (mp4 file) on the 1
computer running the program and simultaneously write two UDP‐streams to our streaming server using Mpeg2Transport. Leadtools references used in the project is: Interop.LMAACEncoderLib Interop.LMH264EncoderLib Leadtools.Multimedia Classes used: CaptureCtrl ConvertCtrl MultiStreamTarget MultiStreamSource MediaType MediaSample LMH264Encoder LMAACEncoder The program will be running on one computer in each lecture hall, today we have 11 lecture halls with this equipment. The program will be controlled (by network) from a second “control”‐computer in the lecture hall. We need one developing license. If you need any more information to be able to give me an accurate price please let me know. Mikael Wiberg System developer Dalarna University Sweden Från: Gabriel Smith []
Skickat: den 19 januari 2011 16:29
Till: Mikael Wiberg
Ämne: RE: Your LEADTOOLS Evaluation
Hello Mikael: It is good to hear from you again, and I hope that you are not being over worked! You can download an evaluation extender to extend the evaluation for another 60 days. After 60 days, the evaluation will expire and cannot be extended again. Run the EXE in this ZIP file: Because the evaluation can only be extended one time, be sure to wait to extend until you have the time to do the evaluation. If there is anything we can do to help you in your evaluation, please let me know. Thank you. Gabriel Smith Technical Sales Account Manager LEAD Technologies, Inc. Web Chat: My Direct: +1‐704‐227‐2658 2
Main Sales: +1‐704‐332‐5532 Fax: +1‐704‐372‐8161 From: Mikael Wiberg []
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 10:08 AM
To: Gabriel Smith
Subject: SV: Your LEADTOOLS Evaluation
Hi My evaluation has expired. Due to a high a workload I have not had the time to finish my evaluation. I would appreciate an extended evaluation period. Regards Mikael Från: []
Skickat: den 19 januari 2011 16:03
Till: Mikael Wiberg
Ämne: Your LEADTOOLS Evaluation
Has your LEADTOOLS SDK evaluation expired? If you have not completed your evaluation, we
may be able to extend the evaluation period. To request an extension, please contact me by
replying to this email.
Thank you again for your interest in LEADTOOLS toolkits.
Gabriel Smith
Technical Sales Account Manager
LEAD Technologies, Inc.
Phone: 704-227-2658
Fax: 704-372-8116
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