Christian Sanchez
MIS 304
Willow Garage
• Research lab in Menlo Park, California
• Develop hardware and open source software (for
personal robotics applications)
• In 2009, Willow Garage created a robot that can
open doors, locate power outlets, and plug itself.
The PR2
• It’s a two-armed wheeled robot of size similar to
a human.
• They plan to released to the public for academic
and industrial robotics research.
• The PR2 is a spinoff of PR1, a robotics platform
being created at Stanford.
• It uses ROM (robot operating system) and the
OpenCV computer vision library.
PR2 Specifications
• Has two 7-DOF arms with a payload of 1.8kg.
• Sensors include a 5 megapixel camera, a tilting laser
range finder, and an inertial measurement unit.
• The “texture projector” projects a pattern on the
environment to create 3D information for capture by
cameras, “texture light”.
• The head-mounted laser scanner measures distance
by time-of light.
• The two computers located on the base of the robot
are 8-core servers with 24 Gigabytes of RAM for a
total of 48 GB.
• The battery system consists of 16 laptop batteries.
New accomplishments
Video 2
So how long before it can
distinguish between good and
bad beer?