Symposium Overview: Why are We Here Today?

Why are we here today?
Daniel Kirschen, UW
Anjan Bose, WSU
 Demand pull:
Integration of renewables
Electric vehicles
Aging assets
Large blackouts
 Technology push:
Wireless communications
Sensors (PMUs, Smart meters)
Controls (FACTS, SIPS)
Ubiquitous computing
Smart Grid
 Very appealing concept
 Many interesting ideas
 Lots of activity around the world
 But needs for more definition
 How do we put it all together to get more
efficiency, more reliability, less carbon?
What does it mean for WA State?
 Challenge
 Our power system is stressed
 Need to develop a comprehensive solution
 Continue providing cheap, reliable and green electricity
 Opportunity
Use our competitive advantages
Work together
Move fast
Sell our solutions to the world
Electric utilities
 Tradition of innovation
 Technology
 Integration of renewables
 Energy efficiency and conservation
 Cooperative planning process
 Building more heavy infrastructure is not
always the answer
 Combine with more IT infrastructure for better
monitoring, control and decision-making
Technology companies
 Power sector
 Schweitzer, Alstom, Itron, …
 Information technology
 Microsoft, Boeing, …
 Energy sector startups
 Demand Energy, PowerIT Solutions, Optimum
Energy, Distributed Energy Management, Grid
Mobility, enerG2, FlyBack Energy, PCS
UtiliData, Clarian Power, Demand Energy,
IncSys, …
 Pacific Northwest National Lab
 Very active in various aspects of smart grids
 Washington State University and
University of Washington
 Established programs in electrical energy and
power systems
 Substantial investment in new faculty
 Joint initiative of UW and WSU
 Steering committee of representatives
from industry and government
 Help develop a regional strategy for smart
 Build on the expertise in system issues
from the two institutions
 Provide a forum for non-commercial discussions
 Provide neutral expertise on the issues
 Bring expertise from other fields into the
 Help bridge the gap between energy and IT
 Lead research projects involving regional
 Provide a suitably educated engineering work
Existing activities (1): DOE Smart Grid
Workforce training grant
Develop a set of undergrad/grad courses
 Suitable for training/retraining in the
technologies for the 21st century grid
 Suitable for working engineers
 Asynchronous on-line courses
 Leads to Certificates or Professional MS
Existing activities (1): DOE Smart Grid
Workforce training grant
 WSU main contractor
 WSU and UW main developer of courses
 With BPA, PNNL, Alstom, IncSys
 Industry Advisory Board
Providing more than advice
Matching cost-share
First students and feedback for courses
Continuity after end of 3-year project
Existing activities (2):
$178M DOE grant led by Battelle, involving
BPA and 12 regional utilities
5 vendors
WSU and UW
Existing activities (2):Pacific Northwest
Smart Grid Demonstration Project
 UW participation:
 Deployment of advanced metering on campus
 Load and generation response to signals from PNNL
 WSU participation: partner in Avista Smart
Pullman project
WSU campus as smart microgrid
Smart house on campus
Analysis of 15000 smart meter data
Efficiency/reliability metrics for automation
Agenda (1)
 Keynote
 Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for the
Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy
Reliability, DOE
 Perspective from the other Washington
 How will Federal policy affect the Pacific
Agenda (2)
 Vision
 Steve Klein, Snohomish PUD
 Utility perspective
 Mike Atkinson, Alstom Grid
 Technology provider perspective
 How can we leverage the utility and
technology expertise that exists in WA State?
Agenda (3)
 Research
 Carl Imhoff, PNNL
 Daniel Kirschen, UW
 Research agendas of universities and PNNL
 Are we addressing the right questions?
Agenda (4)
 Commercialization
 Ed Schweitzer, SEL
 Rogers Weed, WA Commerce Department
 Translating research into economic benefits
Agenda (5)
 Wrap-up
 Any further suggestions on what WACEES
should do and how it should do it?