PowerPoint Slides - King`s College Construction Law Association

KCCLA and Sweet & Maxwell Fifteenth Annual Lecture
Construction joint ventures – anomaly or breakthrough?
Dr David
to be) Professor of Law and Director of
April 2013
the Centre of Construction Law at King’s College, London, and
Consultant to Trowers & Hamlins LLP
What is a JV?
● JV - “A contractual arrangement in which resources are
combined – be they equipment, expertise or finance – by two
or more participants with a view to carrying out a common
purpose” (Vivien Ramsey - Construction Law Handbook)
● Construction JV – “a number of firms collaborating on a
project, or a number of projects, with a view to sharing the
profits, each firm being paid on the basis of its agreed
contributions in kind or in financial terms” (Stephen
Gruneberg and Will Hughes - Understanding Construction
Consortia: theory, practice and opinions)
Construction JVs – a model for collaboration on
construction projects?
● A means to tackle “deeply rooted structural reasons” that lead the
UK construction industry to focus on “short-termism” and sustain
“adversarial attitudes” (J Bennett: Construction – The Third Way)
● A means of reconciling “tribal” behaviour among different disciplines
of consultants and contractors (NJ Smith – Engineering Project
● A basis for creating “bilateral power” in team relationships rather
than “unilateral power” driven by “coercion” (I.MacNeil – Economic
Analysis of Contractual Relations)
● A means to clarify the “motivation” necessary to ensure that
participants “willingly do their parts in the whole undertaking”
(Milgrom & Roberts – Economics Organisation and Management)
JV - anomaly or breakthrough?
● Worth digging deeper in terms of common/divergent interests
and systems governing JV control, reward and liability
● Anomaly if a construction JV distorts or blurs the roles/duties
of JV members or fails to deal with divergent commercial
● Breakthrough if a construction JV establishes a commercially
viable model for greater efficiency and integrated working
among construction project team members
● Need to review carefully whether harmonising of interests
through a JV is vulnerable to “antagonistic sub-goal pursuits”
(OE Williamson – Transaction – Cost Economics)
Construction JVs – anomaly or breakthrough?
● Is it true that people need to be “coerced to perform using a strict
contract applied in an arms length manner” and that collaboration is
“not only impossible to achieve but an inappropriate way of doing
business”? (Cox & Townsend – Strategic Procurement in
● What about the risk of the “free rider” making a minimum
contribution to a JV and undermining its success? (Milgrom &
Roberts – Economics Organisation and Management)
● And why do 31% of construction JVs end in dispute? (EC Harris
research figures for 2010)
JVs in the UK and international construction
● Horizontal JVs – between group of clients or group of
consultants or group of contractors in order to strengthen
market position –response to particular market sector or
individual project/programme of work
● Linear JVs – between consultants and/or capital project
contractors/ specialists and/or repairs and
maintenance/facilities management contractors/ specialists in
order to present a comprehensive solution over the life cycle
of a project/programme of work
● Vertical JVs - between (one or more) clients and (one or
more) contractors or between (one or more) contractors and
(one or more) subcontractors or suppliers
What drives the vertical JV?
● Clients seeking greater transparency in their dealings with
contractors and subcontractors/suppliers
● Clients seeking a part of the profit generated by contractors
and subcontractors/suppliers in relation to their own
project/programme of work or third party business
● Contractors responding to the above opportunities
● Contractors recognising the fundamental role of a
subcontractor/supplier in relation to a particular market or
project/programme of work
JV governance options
● JV company limits liability (or would do if clients did not insist
on joint and several liability) and creates financial flexibility in
terms of control and financial/ tax planning
● Limited liability partnership JV as above, plus greater tax
flexibility for members with different tax treatments
● Contractual JV with a separate JV entity lacks corporate
governance but offers simpler exit arrangements
● And a director of a JV company owes a duty of good faith (Re
Smith & Fawcett Ltd (1942))
JV case studies
● Client/contractor JV (UK) – North of England local
government Limited Liability Partnership for repairs and
maintenance services
● Main contractor/M&E subcontractor JV (UK) – Midlands
contractual JV for prisons project
● Funder/Service Provider JV (Bahrain) – Contractual and
corporate JV for utilities and energy management
Client / contractor JV
● Limited Liability Partnership JV
● £65m per annum repair and maintenance services
● Client transferred workforce/work stream and delegated
responsibilities in return for capital receipt, long-term
commitment and added value (e.g. employment and training)
● Arguably the sheer scale and potential overcame potential
conflicts of interest
● Open-book pricing with profit share
● Efficiency governed by performance measurement and risk of
losing exclusivity
Client/contractor JV
(TPC2005 contract provision of works
and services, payment and
performance measurement)
Transfer to JVCo for capital receipt
● Turnover or profit? – Contractor share of savings and value of
potential contract extensions needed to exceed attraction of
increased profit on rising turnover
● Business stability or reduced workload? - Minimum turnover
guarantee so that savings and efficiencies were balanced by
award of additional work
● Motivation or complacency? – Staged capital payment to
client and performance-based contract extension provisions
secured ongoing JV members’ commitment
Main contractor and M&E subcontractor JV
● Contractual JV
● £200m capital project under prisons alliance
● Early design input by main contractor and M&E contractor in
collaboration with client design team
● Single project JV driven by need for close main contractor/
M&E subcontractor relationship
● M&E design innovations
● M&E critical deadlines
Main contractor/M&E subcontractor JV – sensitivities
● Primary liability of main contractor to client, exposure of M&E
subcontractor limited to M&E part of project
● Sense of JV joint endeavour limited by ultimate ability of main
contractor to issue instructions to subcontractor in line with
client instructions to main contractor
● M&E subcontractor right of objection/consultation could not
prejudice contractual demands of client build programme
● Performance of main contractor influenced client perception
of M&E subcontractor, addressed through membership of
contractual Core Group and Design Team
● Joint working on design and risk management subject to strict
contractual deadlines for notification of prospective change
and risk issues
Funder/Service Provider JV
● JVs a strong tradition in the Middle East linked to requirements for
local equity shares in consultants/contractors as well as client and
funder investments as owner/developer
● Corporate JV between Funder and Service Provider for provision of
utilities and energy management services
● Utilities - Chilled water system, reverse osmosis plant, waste water
treatment plant and associated infrastructure to provide services to
● Developer comprised separate corporate JV of Funder and Land
● Grant of Concession Agreement by Developer to Funder/Service
Provider JV covering design and construction of facilities and
provision of utilities and services
Developer and Funder/Service Provider JV
Land Owner
Service Provider
Provider JV
Concession Agreement
(Financing/design/construction of facilities and provision
of utilities and energy management services)
Award of Contracts for
finance/development of
network transmissions lines
Other contractors
Agreements and
Agreements for
provision of utilities
Funder/Service Provider JV - sensitivities
● Funding of distribution network and transmission lines by
Developer (including Funder) and funding of other Utilities
facilities by Service Provider JV (including Funder)
● Alignment of Utilities development with completion of other
development projects and uptake by customers of Utilities
● Reconciliation of interests of Funder as JV partner of
Services Operator and of Developer
● Interface between distribution network/transmission lines and
remaining Utilities facilities and customer facilities
● Impact of remedies for failure to meet capacity or failure to
provide facilities
IBM and three local authorities – client/contractor
joint venture: “South West One”
Reported only in press so facts not verified
Corporate JV
£585m 10 year shared services project
IBM 75%, Somerset County Council 11.75%, Avon and
Somerset Police Authority 8.15%, Taunton Deane Borough
Council 5%
● Dispute over payment, KPI, performance, changes to
contract, shortfall in expected savings
South West One - sensitivities
● Client JV partner reverting to traditional client role
● Financial dependence of JV on IBM finance and support of
IBM parent
● JV loss (2011) of £6.8m and accumulated net liabilities (2011)
of £43.2m
● “Partnership” attitude and culture at an end?
So what goes wrong and why?
● JVs often hastily created to close a deal or support a bid
● Is there a need for a JV? – Clients can obtain transparency,
control and even profit share through construction contracts
without investing in JVs
● Client and contractor directors will have conflicting loyalties to
their own companies and the JV
● Even with clear corporate governance, there is no guarantee
of consensus – “When there is a divergence of interests,
even moderate sized groups often find it impossible in
practice to reach a unanimously acceptable decision”
(Milgrom & Roberts – Economics Organisation and
Construction JVs and emerging trends
● Multi-party alliance or consortium –horizontal JV with
company/LLP/contractual governance issues and related
liability questions
● Project partnering –multi-party, horizontal, linear (and
vertical?) structure analogous to JV with its own contractual
governance and incentivisation systems – at what point does
project partnering translate into a construction JV, does it
need to and does this dilute other contractual rights and
● New asset management structures – potential for long-term
client/contractor repairs and maintenance JVs(with or without
the LLP structures) e.g. client provision of workforce to JV to
maintain stability and increase VAT efficiency
So what future for construction JVs?
● JVs are attractive business models for joint working
● Complex JV governance and potential conflicts of interest
should lead to alternative non-JV solutions more often than
they do
● Breakthroughs where JVs create efficient construction teams
through combined skills and common purpose
● Anomalies where JV purpose or members’ roles are not clear
or where members’ objectives may conflict
● Anomalies can be overcome where potential conflicts and
tensions are recognised and worked through in JV
governance and project delivery contracts