cost models

Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Cost issues related to digital preservation
Kirnn Kaur,
Workshop 8
Sustainability and the APARSEN Network of
Amsterdam, 17th January 2013
Co-ordinated by
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Why and how cost models contribute to sustainability
• Costs are an important area of sustainability, someone has to pay to keep infrastructure up
and running
• Cost models seem to be the accepted way to document these costs, predict them and see
how resources can be used as economically as possible to ensure sustainability for as long
as possible (see point V).
Economic sustainability requires that an organisation provide sufficient funding for on-going digital
preservation objectives:
 Institutional commitment
 Activities may be self-sustaining (recover costs)
 Generate revenue (recover costs or profitable)
Cost data enables economic sustainability
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Work on cost models within APARSEN
The objectives are to evaluate and test cost models for the preservation of digital objects
1. Cost models already published
Cover different elements of costs associated with repositories
2. Cost parameters
Map cost parameters against the ISO for Trusted Repositories (ISO16363)
3. Testing of models
Collect cost information, with appropriate anonymisation, from the consortium members and others
and test published cost models
4. Further cost parameter analysis
Review the cost parameters against the ISO for Trusted Repositories further and identify areas for
investigation and development
Participants – BL, CERN, DANS, DNB, DPC, ESA, STFC
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Overview of existing cost models for the preservation of
digital information
CET – Cost estimation toolkit
 Estimates life cycle costs for scientific data activities, can potentially be applied to long-term
archive systems
 Two excel based tools developed, CET software package is available
 Paper published
 Developed by NASA and SGT
CMDP - Cost Model for Digital Preservation
 Estimates the costs of digital preservation (ingest, preservation planning and migrations, and
archival storage), covers cultural heritage organisations
 Still under development, tool available
 Available on-line
 Developed by the Royal Library of Denmark and the Danish National Archives
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Overview of existing cost models for the preservation of
digital information
DANS cost model
 Calculates the costs of archiving datasets, based on activity based costing and balanced
scorecard, covers research data archives
 Validation to be undertaken
 Paper published on the model
 Developed by DANS, Data Archiving and Network Services, Netherlands
DP4lib - Digital Preservation for libraries
 Calculates costs by a service model for long term preservation services to third parties,
covers any sector
 Validation taking place this year
 Paper published on the model
 Developed by the DNB
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Overview of existing cost models for the preservation of
digital information
ENSURE project
 Estimates costs of digital preservation activities, assumes cloud storage is used, covers
healthcare, clinical trials and financial sector, may be extended to manufacturing sector
 Initial model to be developed further
 Paper published “Towards a cost model for digital preservation”
 Being developed by EC FP7 project, ENSURE (Feb 11 – Jan 14)
ISIS facility model
 Applied specifically to long term preservation costs of data from ISIS facility at STFC (scientific
research data)
 Not applicable to other areas
 Poster published
 Developed as part of Cranfield University MSc project in collaboration with STFC
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Overview of existing cost models for the preservation of
digital information
LIFE3 – Life Cycle Information for E-literature
 Looks at long-term costs of digital preservation for DP repositories
 Third phase of the LIFE Project producing a predictive costing tool (not developed fully), excel
version is available for use
 Published excel tool and papers
 Developed by UCL and BL, project funded by JISC and RIN
Presto PRIME – cost model for digital storage
 Provides cost information and long term forecasting for mass digitisation of AV materials
 Tools available and still under development
 Published report
 Developed within EC FP7 project
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Overview of existing cost models for the preservation of
digital information
We will also be looking at:
• ESA model – internal review of cost parameters
• Cost Model for Small Scale Automated Digital Preservation Archives (Strodl and Rauber)
May be of interest:
KRDS – Keeping research data safe (KRDS + KRDS 2)
Provides lists of benefits and potential metrics for research data, is applicable more widely.
Toolkits - benefits analysis, value and impact - for proposals, evaluation and planning
Published factsheet, user guide
Development of toolkits funded by JISC partners in project include Charles Beagrie Ltd,
OECD – International Standard Cost Model Manual
 Determines administrative costs, provides transparent measures
 Developed by the Standard Cost Model Network
 Published manual
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Analysis of cost models with respect to their contribution to
the sustainability of digital archives
• Digital repositories can be evaluated through the formal standard for trusted repositories
(ISO16363) which can provide a guarantee of ‘trustworthiness’ (see APARSEN TRUST
brochure). Other standards are also available
• By mapping cost parameters by cost models to the trusted repositories standard we
ascertain the concentration of parameters and identify gaps and areas for further
investigation and development
• We initially looked at mapping to the OAIS reference model and then expanded the cost
areas by including organisational infrastructure and risk and security as in the ISO
• We aren't costing certification to the ISO – just the activities which would be audited for an
organisation to be certified as a trusted repository
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Analysis of cost models with respect to their contribution to
the sustainability of digital archives
ISO16363: Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories
Organisational infrastructure:
 Governance and organisational viability
 Organisational structure and staffing
 Procedural accountability and preservation policy framework
 Financial sustainability
 Contracts, licenses and liabilities
Digital Object Management
 Ingest: Acquisition of content
 Ingest: Creation of AIP
 Preservation planning
 AIP preservation
 Information management
 Access management
Infrastructure and security risk management
 Technical infrastructure risk management
 Security risk management
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Analysis of cost models with respect to their contribution to
the sustainability of digital archives
“Very difficult to
apportion costs across
these headings”
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Analysis of cost models with respect to their contribution to
the sustainability of digital archives
Results of the mapping exercise will show us:
1. Similarities between the models
 Are we costing the same thing?
 What do the cost parameters tell us?
 Do we still have differences between the parameter definitions?
2. Gaps provide areas for further investigation and development
 Can we suggest cost parameters for these areas?
 What are we able to cost?
 What should we be costing?
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Statements for discussion
Why do we have so many different cost models?
 One size doesn’t fit all?
 In development phase?
Cost models and their use?
 Have you used a cost model?
 How did you find the exercise?
Does anyone go back and check predictions?
Confidential data issues
What do we gain from this exercise?
What would interest you?
Cost issues related to digital preservation
K Kaur, The British Library
IDCC workshop 8, Amsterdam 17th January 2013
Network of Excellence