Desktop virtualization

 What Is Desktop Virtualization?
 How Does Application Virtualization Help?
 How does V3 Systems help?
 Getting Started
Evolution of End-user Computing
Another Way to Put It:
The Age Old IT Problem
Traditional Desktop Model
•Asset maintenance and support
•Deployment and configuration
of hardware
The Solution
Virtual Desktop Model
•New desktop – and new or
upgraded application stacks –
delivered by updating central
Virtual Desktop Model
•Management of app and OS
•Eliminates need to individually
deploy or configure new
desktop hardware
Info-Tech Research Group
What can we do?
Otherwise known as:
Centralize, Virtualize, and Deliver on Demand
Separate Applications
and Operating
Local Users
Move applications and
data from individual
machines to the data
Maintain and test in one
secure place (Security)
Deliver instantly and ondemand to any device,
(Mobility / BYOD)
Mobile Worker
Data Center
Data Center
IT as Asset Management to IT as a Service
Traditional Distributed Computing
Virtualized Desktops
IT Focus
The focus is on acquisition,
configuration, and deployment
of distributed hardware assets.
The focus is on delivery of a
centrally hosted desktop
computing experience to end
Ongoing support involves
configuration and deployment of
applications, and OSs across
distributed assets.
Quality of service is dependent on
hosting servers, network,
connection brokering, and
endpoint access devices.
Desktop PC is the focal point
between user needs and IT’s
ability to deliver service. PC
support is critical to service
The desktop access device is no
longer the focal point. Drive
endpoint maintenance and
support toward zero while
maintaining or improving
End User
From Info-Tech Research Group
Desktop Virtualization Solution
Virtual Desktop
virtual delivery
Data Center
On-demand Assembly
Single master
image of each
assembled at
Delivered with
best user
Application Virtualization:
Four Simple Steps
First: Centralize Applications
Centrally configure, store, and maintain a
single (or a few) application image(s) in the
datacenter, either on multi-user terminal
servers or centralized virtual machines
Enable seamless delivery from any operating
Application Virtualization
Second: Configure Access
System intelligence and configurable access
controls automatically determine the optimal
method for delivering each application based
on the user scenario, device capabilities,
network performance, connection location, and
security profile
Granular access depending on who you are
and where you are connected from
Example: Connection from gov’t issued device
gets all access, while same user connected
from mobile device cannot download or print
Application Virtualization
Third: Enable Self-Service
(If Desired)
Users can subscribe to the applications they
need from a simple enterprise app storefront
and gain instant access from whichever device
is most convenient–PC, Mac, netbook, tablet,
or smartphone
Think of ITunes app store
In addition, users can use self-service to
perform routine help desk functions (password
resets, etc.)
Application Virtualization
Then: Deliver Apps on Demand
XenApp delivers applications via a high speed
delivery protocol for use while connected:
Streamed vs Hosted mode
Copied to the device for use when offline
(Offline Mode)
Application Virtualization
And It’s Enterprise Ready
Enable as few as two servers or scale on
demand to support multiple datacenters, more
than 100,000 concurrent users, and even
multiple sites throughout the world
IT can ensure rapid response to business and
user needs with built-in comprehensive
management capabilities that enable rapid
provisioning, centralized control, workflow
automation, and system-wide performance
The 21st Century!
The 21st Century!
Let’s Review the Desktop
Virtualization Benefits for IT
• Reduce desktop support costs by up to 40% through
centralized desktop & app deployment and management, and
improved desktop reliability.
• Boost productivity and flexibility by providing users with
anywhere and any-device access to their work.
• Bolster security of user data and simplify DR by separating
desktop processing & storage from desktop hardware.
• Lower operational expenses by extending the life of desktop
Source: Info-Tech Research Group
V3 Overview
V3 delivers the fastest end-user
computing experience in the world today
 V3 Systems revolutionizes the speed, ease, deployment and even the
size of the infrastructure required for Virtual Desktops. V3 Systems
achieves this level of speed through patent-pending technologies and
innovative software features that manage and enable the V3 purposebuilt appliance to provide the best end-user experience in the industry
Confidential and Proprietary
Copyright © 2013 V3 systems,
“Speed’s a funny a thing. You never know you need it until
you experience it; then you can’t live without it.”
Peter Bookman
Founder V3
V3’s Computing Solution vs. a high performance PC
Confidential and Proprietary
Copyright © 2013 V3 systems,
Focus the Pilot on Delivering Quick Wins
and Short-term Savings
Consider the following scenarios of “low-hanging fruit”
Secure Home Access
Provide remote users access to virtual desktops from their
own access devices at home instead of deploying laptops
Why it works…
Laptops are often used to provide work-at-home users with
access to a secure desktop providing a DR option
Implementers have saved by providing remote access to
secured virtual desktops instead without sacrificing user
Source: Info-Tech Research Group
Focus the Pilot on Delivering Quick Wins
and Short-term Savings
New PC Candidates
Pilot with users ready for a new PC to secure participation
and user buy-in
Why it works…
Users will be more willing participants given degraded
performance on their old PC, and often see a performance
boost on the virtual desktop
It may also be possible to provide them with a performance
and software upgrade without upgrading their hardware
Source: Info-Tech Research Group
Focus the Pilot on Delivering Quick Wins
and Short-term Savings
Virtual Test Lab
Create a test lab of server hosted virtual PCs to test a new app or
OS upgrade
Why it works…
This will eliminate the need to build out separate hardware for a
pilot group to try out a new OS and software (such as Windows
7) because they can access upgraded hosted VMs from current
The virtual test lab is cheaper and less disruptive for testers
From Info-Tech Research Group
Desktop Virtualization is powerful for IT and flexible for
the user
Application virtualization adds strength to the offering or
stands alone to deliver applications to users
There are many configurations possible:
•find the low-hanging fruit in your organization,
•GET STARTED with a Proof of Concept