What is the HSABPTC

Air-Breathing Propulsion
Technical Committee
Air-Breathing Propulsion
Propulsion & Energy Group
Prepared by Dora Musielak in 2010
Revision July 2014
AIAA High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion (HSABP)
Technical Committee
The HSABP TC brings together experts in high speed air breathing propulsion,
providing the opportunity to exchange research findings, ideas, disseminate
knowledge, and network with colleagues from around the globe.
We leverage the application of mechanical design, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics,
combustion, science and technology of systems that enable supersonic and
hypersonic vehicle propulsion, including: ramjets and scramjets; combined cycle
systems and Unsteady propulsion devices e.g. pulse detonation engines, rotary
detonation engines, and pressure-gain combustion devices.
We work to advance high speed air breathing propulsion technology by: Developing
and sponsoring technical sessions and other conferences of interest; Coordinating
with other AIAA TCs and PCs and other technical societies to organize and promote
joint sessions and activities; Facilitating communications and reviews, and by Offering
professional courses, and giving awards and recognition for special achievements.
We also provide AIAA with authoritative technical opinions and public policy
recommendations on subjects related to high speed propulsion technologies.
AIAA High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion
(HSABP) Technical Committee
Members of the AIAA HSABP Technical Committee
Develop and administer over 20 technical conference sessions each year;
Organize and conduct professional development courses and workshops;
Edit books and publish white papers;
Honor technical leadership through technical and best paper awards;
Serve as reviewers for journal papers and books;
Formulate technology assessment packages for the non-technical public;
Develop and judge undergraduate design competitions;
work with K-12 students and their teachers to promote STEM education;
and Do much more to promote and disseminate air breathing propulsion
Scope - Application of mechanical design, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to
science and technology of systems that enable supersonic and hypersonic air
vehicle propulsion, including:
• Ramjets and Scramjets,
• Combined cycle systems,
• Unsteady propulsion devices e.g. pulse detonation engines, rotary combustion
engines, and pressure-gain combustion devices.
Charter - Advance high speed air breathing propulsion technology by:
• Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at ASM, JPC and other conferences
of interest;
• Working effectively with AIAA TCs and PCs and other technical societies to organize
and promote joint sessions and activities;
• Facilitating technical communications and reviews, educational activities, and
honors & awards;
• Providing AIAA with authoritative technical opinions and public policy
HSABPTC Organization 2014-2016
Dr. Ryan Starkey
Past Chair
Dr. Dora Musielak
Dr. Jeff Dalton
Dr. Dora Musielak (acting)
Dr. Ron Springer
Dr. Venkat Tangirala
Vice Chair
Dr. Rusty Powell
Honors & Awards
Dr. Tim O’Brien
Propulsion and Energy
Jeff Hamstra
Deputy for
Air Breathing
Jimmy Kenyon
Deputy for
Technical Products
David McGrath
Gas Turbine Engines
Deputy for
Rocket, Space &
Advanced Propulsion
Joaquin Castro
Deputy for
Wayne Hurwitz
Deputy for
Mike Piszczor
Hybrid Rockets
Electric Propulsion
Brian Evans
Eric Pencil
Aerospace Power
Dick Shaw
High Speed Air Breathing
Dora E Musielak
Liquid Propulsion
Nuclear & Future Flight
Chris Taylor
Terrestrial Energy
Mark Bryden
Air Breathing Propulsion
Systems Integration
Chris Hughes
Solid Rockets
Propellants &
M.S. Anand
Energetic Components
& Systems
Hobin Lee
John Sordyl
Scott Forde
Mark Langhenry
Green Engineering
Program Committee
J. Slagle / V. Lyons
Pressure Gain Combustion
Program Group
Dan Paxson
New Course Planned for 2015
Main Topics
Dr. Dora Musielak (coordinator)
Dr. Jeff White
Dr. Marty Bradley
Dr. Phil Drummond
Dr. Doug Garrard
Dr. Steve Beckel
Dr. Venkat Tangirala
Mission Requirements
Combined Cycle Propulsion Concepts
Ramjet/Scramjet Inlet Design
Ram/Scramjet Combustion
Structural Design
Fuels and Thermal Management
Engine/Airframe Integration, TBCC integration
Advanced Materials
CFD Modeling and Simulation of High Speed
Reacting Flows
Propulsion Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
High Speed Propulsion Ground Testing
High Speed Flight Testing
AIAA HSABP TC Past Courses
Pulse Detonation Engines
Course presented a comprehensive
overview of air-breathing Pulse
Detonation Engines and other Constant
Volume Combustion (CVC) propulsion
concepts, including detonation
combustion theory, performance
metrics, fuels and initiation systems,
detonation physics research, technical
challenges, and opportunities for
development of PDEs.
CVC approach is recognized as having
the potential to significantly impact
multiple propulsion applications. The
course will address how CVC technology
can be integrated into a turbine engine
through different architectures.
Numerical Propulsion System
Simulation (NPSS): An Introduction
• The objective of this course is to
give attendees a working
knowledge of the Numerical
Propulsion System Simulation
(NPSS) code and allow them to
create and/or modify system
models using this software tool.
• Course was co-sponsored by AIAA
Air Breathing Propulsion Systems
Integration Gas Turbine Engines,
and High Speed Air Breathing
Propulsion Technical Committees
HSABP TC Honors & Awards
Air breathing Propulsion
Best Paper Award
Encourages submittal of high quality
conference papers in ABP and gives
recognition to authors
Gordon C. Oates Graduate Student
Award in Air Breathing Propulsion
Recognizes outstanding graduate students
working in air breathing propulsion research
Air Breathing Propulsion Award
Bestowed on an individual who has made an outstanding
career contribution to this discipline.
Young Engineer’s Recognition Certificates provided to
participants in the Young Engineer’s session at the AIAA
Joint Propulsion Conference (temporarily phased-off)
AB High Speed Propulsion in the USA
 Hyper X – NASA program terminated in 2004
after successful X-43A flight
 HyFly – DARPA/Boeing/Aerojet Mach 6 Scramjet
 X-51 – USAF/DARPA/Boeing/P&W Mach 7
unmanned scramjet demonstration aircraft
 HyStrike
 HyTech
 Scramfire
* Combined Cycle Engine Technology (FaCET)
 Robust Scramjet Program
NASA/USAF Hypersonic Science Centers
NASA and the United States Air Force designated three university and industry partners in
California, Texas and Virginia as national hypersonic science centers.
The new centers will advance research in air-breathing propulsion, materials and structures,
and boundary layer control for aircraft that can travel at Mach 5 and faster.
NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate in Washington and the Air Force
Research Laboratory’s Office of Scientific Research in Arlington, Va., selected the University
of Virginia in Charlottesville, Texas A&M University in College Station and Teledyne Scientific
& Imaging LLC of Thousand Oaks, Calif., from more than 60 respondents to a broad agency
Contact: James Pittman, principal investigator for the Hypersonics Project of NASA’s
Fundamental Aeronautics Program at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA
HSAB Propulsion R&D around the Globe
Click here for a List of Hypersonic Programs
HS AB Propulsion R&D around the Globe
Propulsion Physics
Supersonic Combustion
Vehicle Performance
H2 Scramjet
Propulsion Performance
Vehicle Performance
HC Ramjet
Vehicle Performance
H2/HC Scramjet
Vehicle Performance
H2 Scramjet
Flight Demonstrator
HC Scramjet
Vehicle Performance
HC Dual Combustion Ramjet
Vehicle Performance
Propulsion Demo
Propulsion Demo
Mach 4+ Integrated CVC/TJ
* Terminated in 2004
** Terminated in 2013
USA - X51 Program
• X51b is an unmanned Mach 7, JP-7-fueled
scramjet demonstrator.
• X-51 WaveRider program is a consortium of
US Air Force, DARPA, NASA, Boeing and Pratt
& Whitney Rocketdyne.
• Managed by Propulsion Directorate within
USAF Research Laboratory (AFRL).
• During flight demonstrations, a B-52 carries
vehicle to altitude of ~50,000 feet and then
releases it.
• Initially propelled by an ATACMS solid rocket
booster, X51b scramjet will take over at ~
Mach 4.5, and vehicle will accelerate to a flight
speed near Mach 6.
• Purpose of flight testing is to observe
acceleration between Mach 4 and Mach 6
STATUS (2014)
First Successful Flight Test May 2010
Last Successful Flight Test in 2013
USA – Vulcan Program
• Vulcan is DARPA’s Engine Demonstration
• Effort to design, build and ground-test an
engine capable of accelerating a full-scale
hypersonic vehicle from rest to Mach 4+.
• Vulcan engine is critical to enabling full-scale
hypersonic cruise vehicles for intelligence,
surveillance, reconnaissance, strike or other
critical national missions.
• It can serve as low-speed accelerator for
hypersonic vehicles that use turbine-based
combined-cycle (TBCC) engine or as a standalone engine for Mach 0-4+ strike and
reconnaissance aircraft.
• First phase contractors: ATK, GE, RollsRoyce, United Technologies
Phase II: CVC Module
Development and Demonstration
STATUS (2010)
Second phase awarded and due in 2012
Australian-USA – HiFire
Hypersonic International Flight Research
Experimentation (HIFiRE), is investigating the
fundamental science of hypersonics technology and
its potential for next generation aeronautical
"The research being undertaken by DSTO and AFRL
scientists is aimed at investigating fundamental air
vehicle and propulsion technologies critical to the
realization of sustained hypersonic flight.
STATUS (2010)
In March 2010 HiFire completed a second
hypersonic flight at the Woomera Test Range.
Brazil 14X Program
• 14X is first Brazilian Mach 6 hypersonic
UAV equipped with a H2 scramjet engine.
• Planned to put satellites on orbit.
• Tested in “T3” Brazilian Air Force
hypersonic wind tunnel.
• Constructed in “IEAV- Instituto de Estudos
Avançados” (Advanced studies institute) of
Brazilian Air Force.
STATUS (2010)
In Development (gaseous hydrogen
injection in scramjet engine).
Schedule for operation in 2012.
For additional information: http://www.ieav.cta.br/index.php
China High Speed Propulsion Program
• Jet Propulsion Technology Key Laboratory of
Fundamental Science for National Defense was
set up in July of 2007 with approval by the
Commission of Technology and Industry for
National Defence.
• Laboratory is first of this kind in China,
focusing on new space vehicle propulsion, pulse
detonation engines, scramjet engines, turbinebased combined engine and hypersonic vehicle
airframe / propulsion system integration studies.
6-Tube PDE
For additional information: http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/spe/Research/Laboratory&ResearchCenters/
England High Speed Propulsion Program
• Reaction Engines, Ltd. (REL) is developing SABRE, a hybrid air-breathing / rocket
engine, which represents a huge advance over LACE technology.
• Through a synthesis of elements from rocket and gas turbine technology, SABRE
evolved from liquid-air cycle engines (LACE) which have a single rocket combustion
chamber with associated pumps, pre-burner and nozzle, utilized in air-breathing
and rocket operational modes.
STATUS (2014)
SABRE expected to be ready by 2015
In 2014, AFRL announced work with
REL with goal to adapting SABRE for
military applications.
For additional information: http://www.reactionengines.co.uk/sabre.html#
Nomination of New TC Members
The AIAA HSABP TC invites colleagues involved in
research, development, teaching, and application of
high speed air breathing propulsion to join us.
The nomination period is open on 1 August for terms starting in May of the following year.
However, nominations may be submitted at any time, and are held until 1 August to be
submitted. Nominees should be individual AIAA members, or be ready to join if appointed.
The HSABP TC has between 30 and 35 members. Nearly one-third of the members rotate off
the committees each year, leaving six to ten openings per year.
The TC chairs work diligently to maintain a good balance in (1) appropriate representation to
the field from industry, research, education, and government; (2) the specialties covered in the
specific TC scopes; and (3) geographical distribution relative to the area’s technical activity.
Young professionals, women, and international members are especially encouraged to apply.
For additional information, please contact Betty Guillie at 703/264-7573.
Air-Breathing Propulsion
Technical Committee
Air-Breathing Propulsion
Propulsion & Energy Group
For additional information, please visit us at